Metro Awakening Review – A Spine-Chilling Train Ride Into Hell | MP1st

Metro Awakening Review - A Spine-Chilling Train Ride Into Hell | MP1st
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TOTSUKO35m ago

Trust me I was in your shoes. Here’s a pro tip advice that got me my VR legs.

1) as soon as you start to feel nauseous stop and wait even until the next day. Put it on again and repeat until your brain gets accustomed to it. Trust me I couldn’t last 10 minutes at first until I slowly built it up. Took me a week. May take you longer but it’s worth it.

2) stick to blink/ snap turning. I still use snap turning the continuous camera turning still makes me sick. I don’t think I want to adapt out of it.

3) a fan to your front side helped me tremendously

Once you first get your vr legs you pretty much keep it. There are times I haven’t played vr in months and get back to it and I don’t get sick anymore. Just gotta slowly train your brain.

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