Helium Heights Walkthrough (All VIP Bots)

Helium Heights Walkthrough (All VIP Bots)

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Helium Heights is the fourth DLC stage for Astro Bot and one of the most enjoyable ones to date. Those who enjoy challenging speedrunning stages should love what’s on offer here, as too should those hoping to rescue a few more Astro Bot Cameo Bots based on iconic PlayStation characters.

Astro Bot DLC Release Schedule

Astro Bot fans will gain access to five free DLC stages over the coming months, with new stages dropping weekly between October 17 and November 14.

Much like in the other DLC stages for Astro Bot, there are two VIP Bots available in Helium Heights. To unlock them both, players will need to make it to the finish line before the two colored birds, which at first glance may seem like a task that’s a lot easier said than done.

How to Complete Helium Heights


The Helium Heights stage sees players using Astro’s Puffer Fish power-up. Rather than using it right away though, they should jump and hover forward and to their right before triggering the power-up, as this will allow them to skip the first few platforms and drop down straight onto the spinning blue bounce pad.


The next two platforms require quick activation and deactivation of the power-up. As soon as players reach the required height they should release the air so that they can relaunch as quickly as possible. They should then aim to skip the first yellow beam and pass by the rest without using the power-up again until the wind tunnel at the end of the section.


The intended strategy for this next section is to land on one of the pinning leaves and then launch again from there, but if players jump from the base of the plant and move out wide, they should have just enough height to get straight onto the top of the plant. The next section is more of the same, up until the point where players see a blue inflatable whale to their left.


If possible, they’ll want to try and land on the whale and then launch again right away, although it’s possible to use the wind coming out of the back of it to get onto the green leaf of the plant to their right. Either way, the aim here is to get onto the final yellow flower and then be blown to the finish line, where two more Astro Bot Cameo Bots are waiting for them.

Helium Heights Cameo Bots

In order to unlock both of the Helium Heights VIP Bots, players will need to make it to the end of the stage before the red and blue birds. Beating the blue bird’s time (60 seconds) will unlock a Cameo Bot based on Nariko from Heavenly Sword, while beating the red bird’s time (45 seconds) will reward players with another Helldivers 2 Cameo Bot. As with some of the VIP Bots found in other Astro Bot DLC stages, players will be able to obtain special items for these Bots at the Gatcha Lab. Nariko gets the Deity’s Blades, while the Helldiver gets the Beacon of Liberty.

Astro Bot Tag Page Cover Art

Team Asobi

Sony Interactive Entertainment

September 6, 2024

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