Guild Wars 2 players looking to accumulate this essential ingredient for every weapon and armor crafting profession will know the frustration of having the comb an entire jungle or desert for flax nodes. It takes fifteen flax seeds to create a vial of linseed oil, and multiple vials of these are needed for an armor or weapon component.

Guild Wars 2: Best Ways To Farm Gold
Guild Wars 2 players can amass a lot of gold by implementing some of these techniques.
However, even some veteran players are unaware that there are several locations found across Tyria (specifically places added in the “Heart of Thorns” expansion and Living World Season 3) with an abundance of flax nodes that can be harvested daily (and by multiple alts). For this farm, having access to Guild Wars 2’s Mounts, especially the skyscale, is recommended.
Below Jaka Itzel – Verdant Brink
A Quick Leap Below The Village Waypoint
- Required: Heart of Thorns
- Travel time: under 10 seconds
- Waypoint: Jaka Itzel Waypoint
This patch of flax nodes is by far the easiest to find as it is just a short jaunt away from the first “Heart of Thorns” map. From Jaka Itzel Waypoint in Verdant brink, head northeast and jump off the village platform. Just be careful not to make the rookie mistake of hitting the rocky ledge below the bamboo platforms. Falling straight down, past branches and an updraft, there is a group of NPC Itzel walking around, as well as a few corrupted minions of Mordemoth.
The enemies can be avoided and ignored, and conveniently, all the flax nodes are in the same place, at the base of the massive tree. Be sure to use a glider right before hitting the ground and pick up the flax seeds. It is possible to get lost in this area, but it isn’t uncommon to see plenty of other players doing their daily harvest here, so those who fall at the wrong end should watch out for them to find their way.
The Great Tree By Ogre Camp – Tangled Depths
A Long Climb Or A Short Flight Up
- Required: Heart of Thorns
- Travel time: 30 seconds (skyscale), two minutes (springer), or considerably longer (without mounts)
- Waypoint: Ogre Camp Waypoint
With a skyscale mount or even just a springer, this flax seed spot is easy to reach. Without the game-breaking traversal abilities of mounts, players will simply have to fight their way up from the base of the tree. From the Ogre Camp Waypoint, head up the rocky arch where the tropical birds are nesting. Use the skyscale to fly to the bent palm, and from there, fly up to the massive tree’s opening.

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MMORPGs are traditionally multiplayer-only experiences, but these MMOs are designed to cater specifically to solo players as well.
Players with springers will need to climb the rock face to the tree’s right and use the ledge to jump to the opening in the bark. For those without mounts, this path can be a grueling test, and worse, the way up contains a tricky jumping puzzle before more Mordrem minions. Alternatively, players can glide over to the top of the Great Tree from Arboreal Overlook, which can be reached by using updrafts from the Whisperers Campt Waypoint.
The Fragmented Wastes Above Ground Zero – Bloodstone Fen
Climbing Ledges And Crossing Fragmented Islands
- Required: Living World Season 3 (Episode 1)
- Travel time: two minutes (skyscale or griffin) or five to ten minutes (without mounts)
- Waypoint: Ground Zero Waypoint or Soulkeeper’s Airship Waypoint
Given the aerial nature of this map, flying mounts are highly recommended, but a character with a glider and leyline mastery can get by well enough. From Ground Zero Waypoint, use leylines and updrafts to get as high as possible. This is considerably faster for those players without a griffin and skyscale. It’s also as viable to come in from Soulkeeper’s Airship Waypoint and fly east from there.
Gain ground with jumping mushrooms, updrafts, or leylines, and head to the Fragmented Wastes at the center of the map. One of the larger islands has five flax nodes, three at the very top and two on a side ledge. Eastward from here is a chain of smaller floating islands. Use an updraft to fly to the second, which has two nodes, and another updraft to get to the fifth island, which has the sixth.
Druid’s Grotto, Beneath Heathen’s Hold – Draconis Mons
A Short Drop Down To The Druid’s Circle
- Required: Living World Season 3 (Episode 5)
- Travel time: three minutes
- Waypoint: Heathen’s Hold Waypoint
This map is one of the easiest places to farm flax in Guild Wars 2. Starting from Heathen’s Hold, head northwest and towards the center of the volcano. Three Unbound Magic bubbles mark the way down. Follow them, and while falling, watch out for a wide opening in the cliff face with a mithril ore and a sapling harvesting node above.

9 Best MMO Expansions Ever, Ranked
Expansions can solidify an MMO’s lifespan for years to come, provided it has quality. These expansions did just that for their respective games.
Head east away from the volcano and through the small opening to Druid’s Grotto. While there are no druids to be found here, the area contains, among other harvesting resources, a ring of flax seeds waiting to be collected right at the furthest west corner. This is a very popular spot, so it should be easy to find other players here doing their daily run around the ring. Just watch out for the Grub Gobbler champion as it rolls around the area.
The Jungle Anomaly – Jahai Bluffs
An Anomalous Return To The Jungle From Jahai
- Required: Living World Season 4 (Episode 5)
- Travel time: five minutes
- Waypoint: Yatendi Village Waypoint
Thanks to a mist anomaly, a part of the Maguuma Jungle makes an appearance in this post- “Path of Fire” Living World Season 4 map, and with it, a bounty of flax. The green area is not hard to miss and can be found westward of Crescent’s Prosperity. Starting from Yatendi Village Waypoint, travel to the Jungle Anomaly, which is found near the center of the map.
The eastern entrance is the easiest way in. Eight flax nodes are scattered around the area, but all can be found within the mini-map range. Use mushrooms or a springer to get up and down each level and avoid or kill any Chakk that gets in the way. Perhaps because the flax nodes are more spread out or because of the distance from a waypoint, this area is usually visited by intrepid explorer GW2 players rather than farmers and is the least visited of all flax-dense zones.

7 Best MMO Games For Co-Op, Ranked
Cooperative play is often encouraged in MMO games. Here are the best ones to try out for those looking for the best co-op experiences available.
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