Key Takeaways
- Final Fantasy 14 players are once again calling for the removal of glamour restrictions, as they feel limited in customizing their characters’ appearance.
- Patch 7.1’s new PvP gear has ignited the calls once again, with many claiming that the game’s level of immersion is already being affected by other glams.
Final Fantasy 14 has plenty of draws, whether it be the game’s great story, exciting raid content, or the chill gathering and crafting jobs, but there’s one thing that almost every player in the game cares a great deal about, and that’s our drip. Glamours are an extremely important part of Final Fantasy 14, as players constantly tweak and obsess over their looks to get them just right.
If you’re a player yourself, you’ll have more than likely seen a piece of armor or clothing that you really like, but felt disappointed that you’re not allowed to use it with your main job, as certain jobs only allow you to use specific armor. The removal of glamour restrictions has been a very popular request for quite a while, but director Yoshi-P recently claimed during Dawntrail’s media tour that it would “feel awkward” if players were to see someone playing a black mage decked out in huge armor.

Final Fantasy 14 fans have never really been satisfied with that argument, especially since you can often enter dungeons with other players wearing nothing but underwear and chocobo masks, and calls for the removal of glamour restrictions have once again started up after the reveal of Patch 7.1’s PvP gear, which was shown off in an update on the Crossroads promotional website.
Final Fantasy 14 Fans Call For Glam Restriction Removal After New PvP Gear Reveal
The armor in question is yet another fairly modern set, as players will be able to grab a black baseball jacket, blue baseball cap, and some trendy trousers and shoes to go with them. A Final Fantasy 14 player on Reddit called Faze_NoSkills recently took issue with this particular set of threads, pointing to it and asking people to “make an argument for immersion in this game“, calling Yoshi-P’s media tour comments “hypocritical.
The post itself has picked up quite a lot of traction among the Final Fantasy 14 community, with many sharing examples of daft glamour combinations they’ve seen in raids, such as naked Rogadyns and players in chicken costumes. Another player called Rueichiha says that if Square Enix wants to make some armor job-specific, it should just be artifact gear, and that “everything else should be fair game.
There are also a lot of claims that this is either Square Enix hiding the fact that it doesn’t know how to unrestrict glamour this deep into the game, or that the developer isn’t giving Yoshi-P’s team enough resources to properly integrate such a massive change. Either way, it’s a pretty major request that fans clearly want to see happen, and Yoshi-P’s immersion comments will keep aging horribly as more and more weird glamours are added.

Square Enix’s popular MMO, Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn, has players step into the role of the Warrior of Light in the world of Eorzea. There, they find themselves testing their mettle against Primals, the Garlean Empire, the Ascians, and plenty of other threats.
This award-winning MMO now has multiple expansions to its name, with the most recent Endwalker expansion bringing the Hydaelyn/Zodiark arc to a close. Director and producer Yoshi-P has promised lots of plans for future content and the game has regular updates to keep players occupied.
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