Dragon Age: The Veilguard – Rivain Coast Brazier Puzzle (Clifftops)

Dragon Age: The Veilguard - Rivain Coast Brazier Puzzle (Clifftops)

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As players explore the Rivain Coast in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, they may encounter several braziers in the Clifftops area. These braziers are at the center of an optional puzzle, and players who solve it will gain access to two chests. Fortunately for fans who want to open those chests, the Rivain Coast brazier puzzle in Dragon Age: The Veilguard is not particularly difficult, and its solution is fully detailed in this guide.

This brazier puzzle is not the only optional
puzzle in
Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s
Rivain Coast

. Indeed, the map is also home to puzzles that center around other objects, like torches and statues. Again, it is not mandatory that players solve all these puzzles, though fans who are interested in finding every Rivain Coast chest should be on the lookout for them.

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard – Rivain Coast Clifftops Brazier Puzzle

As is the case with many puzzles in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, the Rivain Coast brazier puzzle is all about performing actions in a certain order. More specifically, players must light the braziers in the correct order, and there are three of them in total. To light a brazier, action RPG fans should simply approach the object, press the input that appears on top of it, and select “Ignite” at the top of the ability menu, and the following map and images depict the correct order.

With respect to how this order is determined, a brazier that is ignited at the correct time will remain illuminated, while a brazier that is ignited at the incorrect time will not. For example, if a player was to light the second brazier before the first, they would find that its flame fades away quite quickly. By contrast, the second brazier will continue to burn if it is ignited after the first, giving fans of fantasy games ample opportunity to light the third brazier and complete the puzzle.

After the three braziers have been ignited in the correct order, players will find that an opening has appeared in the wall next to the third and final brazier. There is a large and a small chest in the alcove beyond that opening, and fans should make sure to open both of them. Indeed, there are valuables, currency, materials, and gear in both chests, and those items will undoubtedly come in handy as players continue to work through quests in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Dragon Age The Veilguard Tag Page Cover Art

Dragon Age

October 31, 2024

Electronic Arts

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