Key Takeaways
- Dead by Daylight’s new chapter, Doomed Course, introduces unique killer and survivor characters with deep lore.
- The Houndmaster killer commands an AI-controlled animal companion, Snug, while survivor Taurie Cain brings deep connections to the Entity.
- Both characters in the Doomed Course chapter introduce three unique perks each, adding new gameplay elements to the game.
Dead by Daylight has officially revealed the next chapter, Doomed Course, coming to the game later this November. This chapter will bring a new killer and survivor, while also diving deeper into the lore within Dead by Daylight.
Dead by Daylight has released several chapters this year, bringing some fantastic licensed and original characters into the fog along with it. Arriving at approximate three-month intervals, these chapters feature DLC characters either in the form of a new killer, survivor, or both. The most recent Dead by Daylight chapter brought several Castlevania icons into the game, such as Dracula and Trevor Belmont. As this chapter begins to come to its close, Dead by Daylight now announces its newest chapter and the content that will be available within it.

Dead By Daylight Producer Provides Update On Movie Adaptation
Jason Blum has revealed the status of the upcoming Dead by Daylight film.
The release of this chapter was originally shared as a part of Dead by Daylight‘s Year 9 roadmap, but has now been fully revealed and given an official release date of November 28. As detailed on Behaviour’s website for Dead by Daylight, the Doomed Course chapter will be bringing the Houndmaster into the fog as the game’s latest killer. The Houndmaster will be one of the most unique and tragic killers in the game, as she has one of the more twisted backstories and will command Dead by Daylight‘s first ever AI-controlled animal companion, Snug. Using the Houndmaster’s intricate abilities, players will be able to command Snug to search for and chase survivors and, as confirmed on Dead by Daylight’s Instagram, give Snug some well deserved pets.
Alongside the addition of a new killer, Doomed Course will also bring a new survivor into the world of Dead by Daylight. Like all characters, Taurie Cain will come with three unique perks but will also be bringing some incredibly deep survivor lore to Dead by Daylight. Morally gray as they come, Taurie Cain has some incredible connections to the Entity, the being pulling all the strings behind the world of Dead by Daylight. Alongside this, both the Houndmaster and Taurie Cain have investigated bleeds, areas where the real world overlaps with the Entity’s realm and possess incredible knowledge, and dark secrets, because of it.
As mentioned, both the survivor Taurie Cain and the killer the Houndmaster will be bringing three unique perks to the game. The new killer perks entering Dead by Daylight include options to increase a character’s lunge attack, a new scourge hook, and what is essentially the perk Merciless Storm but for healing instead of generator repairs. The new survivor perks include another invocation, a healing focused perk, and an interesting hook state trading perk. Doomed Course is set to officially release in Dead by Daylight on November 28, but is currently available for players on the Public Testing Build.
Dead by Daylight’s Doomed Course Chapter Killer and Survivor Abilities/Perks
New Killer – The Houndmaster
Killer Power – Scent of Blood
The Houndmaster and her dog operate as one. Her commands are followed without question or delay.
Special Ability: Chase
The Chase Command sends the dog out at high speed. Pressing the Power button again redirects the Chase, pivoting the dog’s path. When the dog catches a Survivor, the dog starts a Grab. The Survivor becomes Hindered and is pulled toward The Houndmaster. The Survivor can get free by stunning the dog or can be rescued by another Survivor. Grabs that end without Injury leave the Survivor Hindered. Grab duration is shorter for Survivors with the Endurance status effect.
Special Ability: Search
The Search Command sends the dog to a target location, creating a Search Path. It has its own lullaby and, as it moves, its Houndsense radius rises over distance traveled. Survivors who enter the radius are affected by Houndsense and revealed by Killer Instinct. If The Houndmaster follows the dog’s Search Path, she gains increased movement speed over time. Leaving the Search Path ends the bonus movement speed.
Special Effect: Houndsense
Healthy Survivors affected by Houndsense receive Deep Wounds when Injured. Injured Survivors affected by Houndsense suffer from louder Grunts of Pain and longer Pools of Blood when put into the Dying state.
All-Shaking Thunder
- After you fall from a height, your lunge attack distance is increased by 75/75/75% for 8/12/16 seconds.
- This perk has a 5/5/5-second cooldown.
Scourge Hook: Jagged Compass
- At the start of the trial, up to 4 random hooks are changed into scourge hooks. You see their auras in white.
- When a Survivor is unhooked from a non-scourge hook, it becomes a scourge hook. When you hook a Survivor on a Scourge Hook, the aura of the generator with the most progress is revealed in yellow for 6/8/10 seconds.
No Quarter
- When a Survivor reaches 75/75/75% of a self-heal, they are faced with continuous skill checks.
- If one of these skill checks is missed or the heal is interrupted, the Survivor becomes broken for 20/25/30 seconds.
New Survivor – Taurie Cain
Invocation: Treacherous Crows
- When in the Basement near the circle, press the ability button 2 to begin the Invocation. Invocations take 60/60/60 seconds. Other Survivors will see your aura during this and can join an ongoing interaction. Once the Invocation is completed: Completing the Invocation disables that perk for all Survivors.
- You become injured and broken for the rest of the trial.
- When a Survivor is in the Terror Radius and the Killer scares a crow, their aura is revealed to all Survivors for 1/1.5/2 seconds
Clean Break
- After you finish healing another Survivor, while being healed by another Survivor, press the ability button 1 to become Broken.
- After 80/70/60 seconds, you become healthy.
This perk does not activate if you are already broken. The effect is cancelled if you go in the dying state.
Shoulder the Burden
- Once per trial, as long as you are not on death hook, press the ability button 2 in front of a hooked Survivor to unhook them. When they are unhooked, they lose 1 hook state and you gain 1 hook state. You also scream and become Exposed for 30/25/20 seconds.
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