Brotato is the type of game that relies on its simplicity to be as complex as it needs to be. It doesn’t have a lot of different mechanics, but when combined in different ways, these limited mechanics end up making a surprisingly in-depth system that can be difficult to parse for beginners.
One of the main sources of progression during runs is through leveling ups, which lets the player choose which stats to increase. One of the most underrated stats that often gets overlooked is the luck stat, mainly because players don’t understand quite how it works.

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How Stats Work In Brotato
There are a total of 17 stats in the game, each of them affecting a different aspect of the gameplay. Some change the player’s health, others affect different types of damage, while some change the player’s survivability in different scenarios.
When players level up, they get to choose one out of three random stats to level up. Leveled up stats show up as green on the player’s status screen and have a numerical figure attached to them that shows how much the player has invested in that stat.

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What Does Luck Do In Brotato?
Luck is a very simple stat that has long-lasting impacts on the player’s run. It is a supplementary stat that doesn’t directly affect the gameplay of the player, but it is important nonetheless. According to the in game text:
You have X% more chance of finding items or consumables when you kill enemies. Also increases the rarity of items in the shop and level upgrades.
- X% chance: Here, X is the amount of the player’s luck stat, which starts at zero. The consumables and items in question drop from some enemies when the player kills them. To increase this stat, players need to find the nose upgrade when they level up.
- Consumable Items: The consumables are used to rejuvenate the player and recover their health, while the items are added to the player’s inventory at the end of the wave, though players have the right to choose whether they want to recycle them or keep them.
- Shop Item Rarity: The shop has different items and weapons that the player can buy. In fact, there are two main ways that players can increase their damage: by getting higher rarity weapons, or by upgrading their existing weapons. The higher the chance of a high tier item appearing in the shop, the better the chances that you get the item or weapon you need to perfect your build.
- Level Upgrades: Level upgrades show up at the end of each wave if the player gains enough experience during the wave to level up. These upgrades are of four rarities; common, rare, epic, and legendary. The higher the rarity of an upgrade, the more stat points that upgrade will provide the player.
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