Key Takeaways
- In Elden Ring, Talismans are powerful items that provide various buffs and bonuses to players. Here are some of the best Talismans in the game:
- Godfrey Icon Talisman – Enhances charged attacks and certain Sorceries.
- Roar Medallion – Enhances Roars and Breath Attacks.
Even though Elden Ring is a lot more accessible for newer players, it still poses a real challenge, especially for those new to the FromSoftware universe. Fortunately, Elden Ring provides players with various items that can turn the tide of battle, or at the very least give them a fighting chance. However, Elden Ring retains some key information regarding equipment and skills.
For example, FromSoftware doesn’t go into too much detail about weapon scaling, which is extremely important to understand. One type of equipment players should be well aware of is Talismans since they grant players unique buffs that’ll give them an edge against monsters and other players in PvP. However, with so many options available, it can be hard to identify the best Talismans in Elden Ring.
Updated November 6, 2024 by Joe Grantham: There are over 90 Talismans in Elden Ring, and some of these have more powerful +1 and +2 versions available, typically found later in the game. With so many Talismans to choose from and different builds benefiting more from certain effects, it is hard to narrow down the best Elden Ring Talismans to so few.
With such an expansive open world, it is also important that players know exactly where to find the best Talismans, and those that can be found in the earlier stages of the game are even more desirable. Some Talismans also have more utility-focused roles, assisting the Tarnished outside of combat. Lastly, with the release of the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, there are now even more Talismans to acquire that can only be found in the Land of Shadow.
29 Blue Dancer Charm
Raises Physical Damage With Lower Equip Weight
- Location: The Highroad Cave in Stormhill, Limgrave.
For skilled players who have mastered the art of dodging and parrying, armor and its associated equipment weight is more of a burden than a blessing. As such, many veteran players elect for light builds that purely focus on damage, and the Blue Dancer Charm perfectly aligns with these builds.
When players have lower equipped weight, they will deal increased physical damage, and this scales with the less weight they have. For example, if a player was trying out one of Elden Ring’s many challenge runs where they use no armor, then they can expect to deal significantly increased damage. While this Talisman naturally isn’t for everyone and certainly cannot be recommended to beginners, it is strong in the right hands and, thankfully, can be found very early on in the game. Tarnished will obtain the Blue Dancer Charm by slaying the Guardian Golem boss in the Highroad Cave. The cave can be found in Stormhill region of Limgrave.
28 Crimson Seed Talisman
Boosts HP Restoration From Flask Of Crimson Tears
- Location: Sainted Hero’s Grave.
- +1 Variant Location: The Finger Ruins of Rhia.
- +1 Variant only available with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.
Flasks of Crimson Tears, which are essentially healing potions, are one of the most important items in Elden Ring. Therefore, anything that enhances them is instantly of huge benefit. This is exactly what the Crimson Seed Talisman does, boosting the HP restoration by 20%. For the +1 variant found in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, this boost is increased to 30%.
To find the base game version, players will need to find their way inside a locked room at the start of the Sainted Hero’s Grave dungeon. This is a location in the Altus Plateau. For the superior +1 Variant of the Crimson Seed Talisman, players will instead need to make their way to the Finger Ruins of Rhia in the DLC-exclusive Land of Shadow map.
27 Axe Talisman
Increases Charge Attack Damage
- Location: A Cellar under the Mistwood Ruins.
While at first, it may appear as though the Axe Talisman is only for those using axes in Elden Ring, it actually increases the damage of charge attacks by 10%, regardless of the weapon. Many builds can thus benefit from this buff, and it is up to the player to utilize it by using more charge attacks.
Thankfully, the Axe Talisman can be found early on in the game in the starting region of Limgrave. To the east, in the Mistwood Ruins, there is an underground cellar, and it is here where players can easily pick up the Talisman.
26 Moon Of Nokstella
Increases Memory Slots By 2
- Location: Underneath a throne in Nokstella, Eternal City.
While the Tarnished can learn many spells and incantations in Elden Ring, they are only capable of memorizing and using a few at a time. This limit is normally increased with Memory Stones, but the Moon of Nokstella Talisman also increases the number of memory slots by 2. Having access to more spells is not only beneficial in terms of versatility, but it also makes playing casters more fun.
To find the Moon of Nokstella Talisman, players will need to head towards the beautiful eternal city known as Nokstella beneath the main map, where they will find a massive throne in the highest room. Underneath the throne is the chest that contains the Talisman, but players should be warned that it is guarded by two mimic tears as well as a Nox warrior.
25 Carian Filigreed Crest
Lowers The FP Cost Of Skills
- Location: Bought from War Counselor Iji.
For any build that requires players to use their weapon skills a lot, the Carian Filigreed Crest Talisman is absolutely essential as it lowers the FP cost of these skills by 25%. This can allow players to put fewer points into their Mind stat and instead allocate points elsewhere. It also means players don’t need to be as reliant on Flasks of Cerulean Tears, allowing them to opt for more Flasks of Crimson Tears.
To acquire the Carian Filigreed Crest, players will need to participate in Blaidd’s quest line and kill the Bloodhound Knight Darriwil for him. After that, they can find War Counselor Iji in the northwest section of Liurnia of the Lakes, and tell him the deed has been done. He will then stock the Talisman, which players can purchase from him.
24 Claw Talisman
Increases The Damage Of Jump Attacks
- Location: Stormveil Castle.
Found very early in the game on a corpse atop a watchtower in Stormveil Castle, the Claw Talisman boosts the damage of one of the most fun playstyles in the game. Using jump attacks, whether with claws or whips, adds a new dynamic to combat, and with the Claw Talisman equipped, players will deal even more damage.
Even in the late game, an extra 15% damage on top of fully upgraded weapons can make all the difference when slaying foes.
23 Two-Handed Sword Talisman
Enhances Attacks With Two-Handed Weapons
- Location: The highest point of the Temple Town Ruins.
- Only available with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.
While there are many niche Talismans that pair with certain weapon types, the Two-Handed Sword Talisman is arguably the best of these given how popular two-handed weapons are. With this equipped, all attacks performed with two-handed weapons will pack even more punch, helping Tarnished to take down Elden Ring’s biggest bosses. More specifically, attacks deal 15% more damage.
Despite the Talisman’s name, the weapons do not have to be swords, but players should also bear in mind that dual-wielding two weapons does not count, and they will not deal increased damage. To find the Two-Handed Sword Talisman players will need to head up to the highest point of the Temple Town Ruins. This is a location southwest of the Ancient Rauh Base Site of Grace. The room where the Talisman is located is guarded by a Horned Warrior.
22 Pearldrake Talisman
Reduces Elemental Damage Taken
- Location: Beyond the lowest waygate of the Four Belfries.
- +1 Variant Location: Wyndham Ruins.
- +2 Variant Location: Miquella’s Haligtree.
There are several Talismans that provide resistance to specific types of damage, and these are extremely valuable when players know which boss they will be facing. The Pearldrake Talisman, however, reduces the damage taken from all types of Elemental damage, which includes Magic, Fire, Lightning, and Holy damage.
While the Pearldrake Talisman doesn’t reduce damage by an incredible amount, it is still a great Talisman to have access to while exploring as it is likely that players will come across multiple damage types even in small areas.
21 Sacrificial Twig
Prevents Rune Loss Upon Death, But Will Be Lost Itself In Exchange
- Location: Multiple can be found during the game.
Sacrificial Twigs are unlike any other Talisman in Elden Ring as there are many of them to be found, and they fulfill a unique function. When players have a large amount of Runes saved up but are unable to safely reach a Site of Grace to spend them, a Sacrificial Twig can be placed in a Talisman slot to prevent the tragic loss of all these runes in the event of death.
This is particularly useful in situations where players are forced to do battle with a boss they know they have little chance of beating, or they might even be used while tackling some of the harder Rune farms in Elden Ring.
20 Gold Scarab
Increases Runes Obtained From Defeated Enemies
- Location: Abandoned Cave.
Not all of the best Talismans have to provide combat buffs, and this is exactly the case with the Gold Scarab, which boosts Rune acquisition by an impressive 20%. This makes it perfect for players who are looking to level up quickly and efficiently. The Tarnished will need to slay the two Cleanrot Knight bosses in the Abandoned Cave in Caelid to get their hands on the Gold Scarab Talisman.

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By making the most of the best Rune farms in Elden Ring, the Gold Scarab Talisman, and Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot consumables, players will soon be raking in the Runes. Whenever players are about to face a difficult boss, they can simply replace the Gold Scarab with a more combat-orientated Talisman. The Silver Scarab Talisman, which boosts item discovery, is also a great option when farming.
19 Retaliatory Crossed-Tree
Enhances Attacks Executed After Rolling Or Backstepping
- Location: Rewarded by Leda at the Highroad Cross after slaying Ansbach in the Specimen Storehouse.
- Only available with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.
For many players, rolling and backstepping is a core part of the game, and when they can, Tarnished would ideally like to follow up these dodges with an attack. This is what makes the Retaliatory Crossed-Tree Talisman so useful, as it enhances any attacks delivered after dodging.
Before they can equip this Talisman for exploration and boss fights, players will first need to defeat Sir Ansbach at the Specimen Storehouse, a location within the Shadow Keep. Following a successful fight, players can head to the Highroad Cross Site of Grace and talk to Leda, who will offer the Talisman as a reward.
18 Assassin’s Crimson Dagger
Critical Hits Restore HP
- Location: Deathtouched Catacombs.
The Assassin’s Crimson Dagger Talisman, which causes critical attacks to restore 10% of the damage done plus 85 flat HP to the wielder, is perfect for those looking to play on the edge and get up close and personal with enemies.
As critical hits are often best achieved with daggers, players should try to partner this Talisman with one or two of the best daggers in Elden Ring. After all, the bigger the crit damage, the bigger the heals. The Assassin’s Crimson Dagger Talisman is fittingly dropped by the Black Knife Assassin in the Deathtouched Catacombs fairly early on in the game.
17 Shard Of Alexander
Greatly Boosts The Attack Power Of Skills
- Location: Dropped by Iron Fist Alexander.
The Shard of Alexander is easily one of the best Talismans in Elden Ring, especially for a Tarnished who uses raw physical attacks to take down their foes. It boosts the attack power of Skills by a whopping 15%, 5% more than the inferior Warrior Jar Shard Talisman.
To get their hands on this strong Talisman, players must complete Iron Fist Alexander’s quest, which spans multiple different regions in the Lands Between. If he is killed before his quest has been completed, the Warrior Jar Shard will be dropped instead, and players will be locked out of the better option until New Game Plus.
16 Great-Jar’s Arsenal
Raises The Maximum Equip Load
- Location: Dragonbarrow North.
Players who want to wield Colossal weapons without suffering encumbrance will enjoy using Great-Jar’s Arsenal since it increases total Equip Load by 19%. However, obtaining one of the best Talismans in Elden Ring is no easy task since players will need to venture into Caelid, which is often regarded as the most challenging region in Elden Ring.
Once in Caelid, players will need to seek The Great-Jar and defeat three of its Knights (NPC Duelists). The difficulty of the duelist varies as the game uses builds from real players, but players can switch offline to make the fights easier since the game will use default builds.
15 Marika’s Soreseal
Raises Arcane, Intelligence, Mind, & Faith But Lowers Damage Negation
- Location: Brace of the Haligtree.
Even though most players use Radagon’s Soreseal since it significantly increases several stats (which is why it’s considered one of the best Talisman in Elden Ring), it mainly benefits melee builds and not magic builds. So that’s when Marika’s Soreseal comes in handy since it increases four stats (mind, intelligence, faith, and arcane) by +5.
Using this Talisman comes at a cost, however, since it increases all damage taken by 15%. So, players who decide to use Marika’s Soreseal will need to balance it with a Talisman that negates some of its effects.
14 Flock’s Canvas Talisman
Greatly Raises The Potency Of Incantations
Incantations started relatively weak in Elden Ring, but after the 1.04 patch, FromSoftware considerably buffed all Incantations to the point that they could go on par with other builds. And if a player wants to continue to increase their attack, they’ll want to use Flock’s Canvas Talisman since it boosts all Incantations by 8%.

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But, the main reason why Flock’s Canvas Talisman is one of the best Talismans in Elden Ring is that its effects can be stacked with other Incantation boosting Talismans like the Canvas Talisman or Scorpion Charm.
13 Godfrey Icon
Enhances Charged Spells & Skills
- Location: Golden Lineage Evergaol.
Some of the most overpowered Ashes of War can be made even more powerful by using the Godfrey Icon Talisman since it enhances all charged attacks by 15%. Moreover, this Talisman also increases the attack of certain Sorceries, like Gravity Well and Carian Piercer, which further proves that it merits a spot as one of the best Talismans in Elden Ring.
Players can obtain the Godfrey Icon Talisman by defeating the Evergaol version of Godfrey the Grafted. To gain access to the Golden Lineage Evergaol, players will need to use one Stonesword Key.
12 Roar Medallion
Enhances Roars & Breath Attacks
- Location: Limgrave Tunnels.
Even though there are a limited number of Roar attacks in Elden Ring, the few available can prove useful under certain circumstances. For example, Barbaric Roar and Shriek of Milos increase a player’s heavy attacks by 10%. So, by using the Roar Medallion Talisman, players can increase their heavy attacks by 15%, which is perfect for a Colossal weapon-oriented build.
Unfortunately, even though the description says it enhances Breath Attacks, it doesn’t affect any Dragon Communion Incantations. Players who wish to equip this Talisman will need to defeat a Stonedigger Troll Boss within Limegrave Tunnels.
11 Bull-Goat’s Talisman
Raises Poise
- Location: Dragonbarrow Cave.
Even the most veteran Soulsborne player may find it difficult to understand Poise in any FromSoftware game. But, to make it simple, Poise is how much resistance a player has to being staggered or stun-locked. That’s why the Bull-Goat’s Talisman is a great way of raising a player’s Poise since it increases it by 33%.
Locating the Bull-Goat’s Talisman isn’t too difficult since players can find it on a corpse in Dragonbarrow Cave. Once found, players can face the Erdtree Burial Watchdog, which is in Minor Erdtree Catacombs near Dragonbarrow Cave. Unfortunately, the Bull-Goat’s Talisman isn’t ranked higher because it doesn’t provide any damage-related buff, which is most of the time more useful.
10 Green Turtle
Raises Stamina Recovery Speed
- Location: Summonwater Village.
This Talisman is the perfect companion for any melee-based build since it increases Stamina Recovery Speed by 8 points, which is extremely valuable during long battles. Moreover, players can stack the Green Turtle Talisman with the Green Turtle Shell and the Greenburst Crystal, which lowers Stamina Recovery Speed to 2 seconds.
Locating the Green Turtle Talisman won’t be easy (unless players use a handy guide) as it’s found deep in a cavern. Plus, they’ll need to use a Stonesword Key to access it. Finally, and most importantly, killing 200 Turtles does not increase the stats as some players have suggested.
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