Pokemon TCG Pocket has some very powerful and very beautiful cards. However, if you want to collect them all, you’re going to have to put in some legwork. With two packs available to open each day, this can be a slow process. In the end, you’re going to have to rely on luck if you want to see some of the best pulls.

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The good news is that there are a few tricks to make filling out your Pokedex in a more efficient way. It’s a combination of manipulating your odds as much as possible and waiting patiently for the right time to start pulling cards.
Use Math For Wonder Picks
Choose The Wonder Pick With The Best Odds
With Wonder Pick, there are five cards available, and you can pull one of them. The higher the rarity of the cards in the pool, the more the wonder pick will cost. Luckily, there is a way to get the most out of your investment each time you spend Wonder Pick Hearts to pull cards.
The most efficient way to get the best cards using this system is to save your pulls for when you see duplicates of cards you want. This will increase the chances of pulling them. You can also look for selections that have multiple high rarity cards since the price only goes as high as the best rarity. The best selections are a combination of cards you want and cards you don’t have. This way, you increase your chances of getting something worthwhile.
Don’t Use All Your Picks At Once
Have Hearts To Spare And Spend Refills Wisely
The biggest mistake you can make while using Wonder Pick is spending all of your currency in one go. It can be tempting to keep pulling cards, but there are many that you can easily get by pulling from regular packs. Stamina takes 12 hours each to replenish, and if you want the best cards, then you want to keep at least Stamina available to you whenever possible.

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Wonder Picks are constantly rotating, so you might check the list in the morning and see a very different selection later in the day. So, by keeping a minimum of three Stamina, you can be prepared for when a really enticing offer appears that you don’t want to pass up.
Add Friends When Possible
More Friends Get You More Thanks
One supporting feature of Wonder Pick is that you can get some selections based on what your friends have pulled. These selections will show you which one they originate from. If you’ve got a Wonder Pick to spare, you can pull from their selections and send them a thanks.
If you’re polite and send thanks, your friends will get shop tickets. The same applies if they open one of your Wonder Pick selections. If you have no friends registered, these selections are from random players. If you register multiple people on your friends list, you will increase your Wonder Pick visibility among them and increase the odds of getting thank you tickets you can use to get more hourglasses or buy cards directly.
Pull Packs Efficiently
Know Where To Start And When To Move On
The best tip for getting the rarest cards is to look at the list of what each pack has to offer and choose one to focus on first. Keep doing this until the number of new cards being registered to the Pokedex starts dwindling down.

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Here are the best Darkness-Type cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket!
Once this happens, start focusing on the next set of packs so that you’re always seeing new cards instead of repeats. Once every available pack starts giving you constant repeats, you can start pulling any packs that have your preferred chase cards. At this point, your strategy should change towards opening packs for the Pack Points so you can buy the rarest cards directly.
Complete Missions Every Day
Consistency Is Key
If you want to get the best cards faster, then the best tip is to log in just a bit every day to do your daily missions. This will give you tickets, hourglasses, and other items that will help you skip the wait and pull more cards.
You always want a fresh supply since more tickets means more hourglasses and Wonder Pick refills. This, in turn, means you’re pulling more cards at a faster rate and earning those Pack Points necessary for when you want to complete the Pokedex. So everything works in a cycle and will speed up your pull rate.
Use Your Starting Tickets On Items
Getting That Meta Deck Faster Is An Investment
Pokemon TCG Pocket will give you a good amount of Shop Tickets when you first start the game. These can be earned by completing missions or receiving thanks from players when they use your Wonder Picks. Before you spend them all on Pack Hourglasses, you’re going to want to invest in the items and supporters available to you.

Pokemon Pocket: 8 Best Grass-Type Cards
Grow as a player with these cards.
These are important for building meta decks as fast as possible due to their usefulness in battle. The faster you can get a competitive deck going, the quicker you’ll be able to compete in online battles, thus earning you more rewards needed to speed up the wait time between pulls.
Save Your Pack Points Until The End
Patience Now Is More Efficient Later
Every time you open a fresh pack in Pokemon TCG Pocket, you will get pack points that you can use to buy specific cards in the game. This can be a Trainer card that you really need or a rare ex Pokemon that will devastate your opponent.
While you may be tempted to use these right away, the best strategy for spending these points is to wait until your packs give you more duplicates than new cards. This way, when you spend Pack Points on cards, you’re just using them to fill in the blanks. Now, you won’t run the risk of spending your hard-earned Pack Points only to get a duplicate the next time you pull.
The Premium Pass
Exclusive Cards In The Pass
The Premium Pass also gives you a few more options if you’re dedicated enough to the game and are willing to cough up some real money. This will give you an extra pack per day while also giving you access to premium missions. This will let you earn gold tickets, which can then be used to purchase whichever special illustration card is being offered.
While there are other rewards for your gold tickets, the best thing you can do is get the special card first since these are temporary and will look great in your collection. Overall, the pass equals 30 extra packs per month, which just means more chances to get the best cards.

Pokemon Pocket: 8 Best Fire Pokemon Cards
Out of the frying pan…
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