Phoenix Springs review [SideQuesting] | N4G

Phoenix Springs review [SideQuesting] | N4G

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GodisaGeek: There’s a lot to love in Phoenix Springs, but one aspect that deserves special attention is the visual style. The minimalist art style is unlike anything I’ve played before, and is incredibly beautiful even though there isn’t a whole lot of detail in the environments. Small animations only highlight this further, and really add to the game as a whole.

Phoenix Springs is a game that’s both nostalgic and refreshing. It’s a throwback to adventure games with a unique way to interact with objects and people, with a setting that’s as intriguing as it is bizarre. Sometimes it can be a struggle to know how to progress, and the change in tone part way through only exasperates this, but this compelling game is well worth engaging your brain to see through to the end.

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