How To Solve The Arlathan Forest Shadowy Grove Statues Puzzle In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

How To Solve The Arlathan Forest Shadowy Grove Statues Puzzle In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

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While you’ll need to complete puzzles as part of the main quest and while tackling side quests, some puzzles are simply out in the world of Dragon Age: The Veilguard for you to simply stumble across while exploring.


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There’s one in Arlathan Forest’s Shadowy Grove, which starts when you read a note that’s lying by a big statue in the middle of a grassy area full of trees and statues. While the note gives you some hints about what to do, you’re going to struggle to complete what is a very vague puzzle. Thankfully, some careful exploration of the surrounding area is all that’s necessary.

How To Solve The Shadowy Grove Statues Puzzle In Arlathan Forest

A note introducing a nearby statue puzzle in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

To solve the puzzle, you need to find six statues in the nearby area and move them so that they’re facing the central statue next to the note you found.

You need to use the wooden lever on the statue to push them around so that they’re facing inward. Once you’ve got the statue in the right place, the light on the front of it glows.

Statue One

A statue with an arm to push in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

From where you found the note, the first statue is behind the main central statue, in some trees.

Statue Two

A statue behind a tree in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

For the second, head right from the front of the main statue. It is by the walls with sword-like symbols on them.

Statue Three

Rook next to a statue in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

The third is just to the left of the central statue.

Statue Four

A statue between two trees in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

The fourth statue is tucked away between two trees near some roots.

Statue Five

A statue on some rocks in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

The fifth is up the rocks by the walkway to the right of the area, not far right of the fourth statue.

Statue Six

A Statue next to a tree near Rook running in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

The final statue is at the back of the area, by the large wolf statue and a small hill.

How To Beat Bursting Rage Demon

The start of the fight between Rook and the Fiery Demon in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Once you’ve turned the statues so that they’re all facing the central structure, they’ll lower a little and a big armoured boss called Bursting Rage Demon will spawn.

This enemy is one of the quickest in the game and is consistently on fire. Therefore, unless you have freeze dealing attacks or Abilities, you’re going to want to stay on the move and dodge regularly.

The enemy has two main moves to keep an eye out for.

  • In one, it acts like a bull and runs forward in a straight line, leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
  • The other is when it jumps into the air and a red circle appears on the ground before it slams down and destroys everything in the area.

For both, dodging is your friend. Throughout the fight, range attacks and Abilities that deal either Overwhelm or Weakness are what you should focus on.

Once you’ve defeated it, you will get 100 Veil Jumpers Strength, some Rare Fade-Touched Crystal, and a chest will spawn where the central structure was initially. There’s nothing exciting in there beyond a rarity increase for your existing gear, but it’s a reward nonetheless.


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