How To Romance Emmrich In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

How To Romance Emmrich In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard gives you seven romanceable companions to choose from, including the gentleman Necromancer and Corpse Whisperer, Professor Emmrich Volkarin. As one of the last companions you recruit in the game, you’ll probably be eager to learn how to romance Emmrich in Dragon Age: The Veilguard as soon as possible, and when precisely you can get the romance ball rolling. While Emmrich’s fascination with death and dying might be off-putting to some, romancing Emmrich offers plenty of unique encounters and endearing moments. If you like the sound of romantic graveyard walks and profound conversations about life and death, romancing Emmrich could be just the ticket.

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After recruiting Emmrich in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, he becomes available as a romanceable character. Of course, it takes time to develop a romantic relationship with Emmrich. If you are looking to romance him as fast as possible, there are several things you can do to improve your relationship with him.

How To Romance Emmrich In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

If you want to romance Emmrich in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, you should concentrate on raising Emmrich’s Bond Level, starting from an acquaintance to a friend or fellow Necromancer and, later, as a Romantic Interest to varying degrees. You can check your relationship or Bond level with Emmrich on the Companion selection screen, as pictured above. To increase Emmrich’s Bond, it’s best to do the following:

  • Take Emmrich on main story quests by making you switch companions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. After completing a quest with Emmrich at your side, his Approval typically increases, and sometimes, his bond with you also rises.
  • Choose all the romantic dialogue options with the heart symbol when speaking to Emmrich for opportunities to flirt with him, as pictured below. While Emmrich appreciates compliments on his appearance (although perhaps is a little surprised by them at first), he also values an interest beyond looks, whether relating to his kindness or scholarly interests.
  • Buying and giving Emmrich a gift.

  • Talk to Emmrich as much as possible in between quests. While this won’t always be possible, keep tabs on Emmrich’s companion marker on your map to check for new dialogue or quest opportunities between main quests, as indicated by the speech bubble icon or exclamation mark for quests. When speaking to Emmrich, choose positive replies that agree with him or praise his knowledge and experience. Also, compliment or show interest in his skeletal assistant, Manfred. Be careful what you say to others in dialogue, as Emmrich values kind, considerate behavior towards others. For instance, punching the Warden in The Seige of Wassumpt main quest is met with great disapproval by Emmrich. If unsure, it’s always best to choose considerate options wherever possible and be kind to whoever you’re speaking with, whether other beings, wisps in the Necropolis, or otherwise.
  • Complete Mourn Watch faction quests in the Grand Necropolis with Emmrich at your side and engage in Emmrich companion or outing quests. These give you more opportunities to raise Emmrich’s approval and get to know him better as a companion. However, it’s the companion quests where you truly get to know Emmrich on a personal and, eventually, romantic level.

Choosing the
Shadow Mourn Watch faction
creating your character in
Dragon Age: The Veilguard

can also be helpful if you plan on romancing Emmrich. As a fellow Necromancer, creating a character with a Mourn Watch background opens up unique dialogue opportunities for Emmrich and Rook to discuss their specialist knowledge.

Emmrich Companion Quests And Key Romance Scenes In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

How To Express A Romantic Interest In Emmrich (Without Committing)

While there are several romantic dialogue options in previous conversations with Emmrich, as pictured previously above, his first real romantic scene typically happens after completing The Cobbled Swan Case main story quest.

This happens in Emmrich’s room (the Laboratory) when speaking with Emmrich after the quest back at the Lighthouse. The dialogue options here give you the chance to express a romantic interest in Emmrich (without committing) by selecting one of the three dialogue options below:

  • I do find you dashing.
  • I didn’t expect your kindness.
  • I like your way with words.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – Echoes of the Past Walkthrough

Echoes of the Past is a companion quest for Bellara in Dragon Age: The Veilguard that primarily involves puzzle-solving.

If you’re romancing multiple characters in Dragon Age: The Veilguard and haven’t decided who to commit to yet, this means you can still leave things open until you make a choice later. However, if you’ve decided that you no longer wish to romance Emmrich, you can choose the ‘Let’s stay friends’ dialogue option, which leaves the two of you as just friends. If you expressed a romantic interest in Emmrich, you can then continue to pursue your romance with him as detailed further below, as well as with other companions if you wish.

How To Commit To A Romance With Emmrich

Emmrich romance scene in Dragon Age: The Veilguard showing two skeleton statues embracing a kiss

Whether you’re romancing Emmrich in Dragon Age: The Veilguard or not, he has six companion quests you can complete. To get the opportunity to commit to a romance with Emmrich, you will need to complete at least the first four quests from the below list of Emmrich companion quests, which become available by progressing through the main story quests in the game:

  • Fit for a Necromancer
  • Walking the Graves
  • House of the Dead
  • Arrangements (available after completing the Fire and Ice main story quest)
  • The Sacrifice of Souls
  • Will and Testament

In Walking the Graves and House of the Dead, you can increase Emmrich’s romantic interests by choosing specific romance dialogue options. However, Emmrich’s third companion quest, Arrangements, is a crucial and pivotal romantic moment where you start a romance with Emmrich when picking flowers in the Graveyard.

During the Arrangements quest, make sure you choose the dialogue option that says ‘Never lonely’ to commit to a romance with Emmrich exclusively (as pictured below). Otherwise, the other three dialogue choices commit you to being friends instead. After completing this quest, your relationship status with Emmrich changes to ‘Entombed Passion.’ His bond with you also increases, and there are other Emmrich romance scenes you can unlock as you progress through his quests and the story.

Committing to a romance with Emmrich ends all other possible romances with other companions, so make sure you’re happy with your choice before committing. You can also make use of the game’s various save file options and temporary saves, though, if you do happen to change your mind.

Where To Buy Emmrich’s Gift In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Buying Emmrich's gift from Vorgoth in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

You can also unlock the opportunity to give Emmrich a gift to brighten his day in the Fit for a Necromancer companion quest. To find a suitable gift for Emmrich, you must complete the Where the Dead Must Go main story quest, giving you access to the Necropolis merchant called Vorgoth.

Vorgoth’s shop stocks Emmrich’s gift called the Haunted Statuette, which you can buy for 60 gold and 10 Flawless Crystals. Upon acquiring this item, return to the Lighthouse and enter Emmrich’s room at the Laboratory to speak with him, triggering a short cutscene of Rook giving him the gift and raising his Approval.

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October 31, 2024

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