The newest Pokemon game, Pokemon TCG Pocket, has only been available for a week, but has already started its second event. With the Wonder Pick event ongoing, the Lapras ex Event introduces two new Pokemon cards and several alternative rt treatments for others.

Pokemon Pocket: Wonder Pick Event Part 1 Guide
Grab a special Meowth or Chansey during this limited-time wonder pick event.
The event guide isn’t clear on a lot of details, only that you have a chance of earning promo packs with randomized promo cards from a new set of solo battles locked behind a cooldown timer. Fortunately we’ve already looked into the event, and have all the details you need to earn the powerful new Lapras ex promo.
What Is The Lapras ex Event?
The Lapras ex event is a Solo Battle event that runs from November 5th 2024 until November 18th, 2024, giving players just two weeks to earn the exclusive Lapras ex promo card. While the event is live, a new set of Solo Battles is available that allows you to play against various Lapras-based decks of different difficulties. Each win has a chance to earn you Shop tickets, Shinedust, and Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1 packs.
Lapras ex Event New Items
The Lapras ex Event introduces a variety of new cards and other items. Event Hourglasses work similarly to Pack Hourglasses, reducing the cooldown to recover Event Stamina. Each Event Hourglass reduces the cooldown by 12 hours, which is enough to regain a full Event Stamina and play another Battle.
The event also introduces two new Pokemon cards: Lapras ex and Mankey. Lapras ex has 140 HP and the Bubble Drain attack, which deals 80 damage and heals 20 damage from Lapras ex, at the cost of three Energy. Mankey is functionally new compared to the version in Genetic Apex packs: It has 50 HP instead of 60, and the Reckless Charge attack deals 30 damage to your opponent’s Active Pokemon and 10 damage to itself.
The Promo Packs can also contain Pikachu, Butterfree, and Clefairy cards, which are functionally the same as the ones in Genetic Apex but feature alternate art and the promo stamp on the bottom right side of the art. All of the Lapras ex event decks also feature new Meowth Accessories, which are unavailable to players. The sleeves and playmat feature the same art as the Wonder Pick event binder cover, while the coin is brand new.
Lapras ex Event Battles
There are four Lapras ex Event Solo Battles available, each with its own missions and rewards. Each one costs one Event Stamina to play, and that Stamina is spent regardless of whether you win.
Beginner – Lapras Deck
The beginner Lapras deck is a simple deck featuring mostly Basic Pokemon, with a few Stage 1 Pokemon making an appearance. Of the 18 Pokemon in this deck, 17 are weak to Lightning, so this is a good time to pull out your Lt. Surge or Pikachu ex deck.
This deck is pretty weak and the AI controlling it isn’t very good, so you should be able to do this one with any deck that isn’t weak to Water without much issue.
This deck has two Battle Tasks that can be completed once for rewards. There is also a chance each time you win of earning one Shop ticket, 25 Shinedust, or one Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1 pack.
Battle Tasks |
Task |
Reward |
First-Time Rewards |
Shop Ticket Pack Hourglass x2 Shinedust x50 |
Knock Out your opponent’s Active Pokemon one time with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon. |
Event Hourglass x3 |
Put three Basic Pokemon into play. |
Event Hourglass x3 |
Intermediate – Lapras & Starmie Deck
The Intermediate deck turns up the heat, replacing a handful of Basic Pokemon with stronger Stage 1 Pokemon. Starmie and Seaking are solid threats, along with Dodrio. Fortunately, all Pokemon in this deck are once again weak to Lightning, so the same strategies you used in Beginner should work just fine.
This deck has three Battle Tasks that can be completed once for rewards. There is also a chance each time you win of earning one Shop ticket, 25 Shinedust, or one Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1 pack.
Battle Tasks |
Task |
Reward |
First-Time Rewards |
Shop Ticket Pack Hourglass x4 Shinedust x100 |
Knock Out your opponent’s Active Pokemon two times with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon. |
Event Hourglass x3 |
Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play. |
Event Hourglass x3 |
Win this battle by turn 14. |
Event Hourglass x3 |
Advanced – Lapras ex Deck
The Advanced deck can be a bit of a struggle: it features two Seaking which can do 80 damage each turn if the computer gets lucky on coin flips, and Lapras ex heals when it attacks, making it a tank when combined with the Potion this deck includes. The universal Lightning weakness remains, but weaker Lightning decks may require an upgrade to win consistently.
If you don’t have the cards to upgrade your deck, consider a rental deck. The Lt. Surge and Pikachu ex rental decks do well against the Lapras ex deck.
This deck has four Battle Tasks that can be completed once for rewards. There is also a chance each time you win of earning one Shop ticket, 25 Shinedust, or one Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1 pack.
Battle Tasks |
Task |
Reward |
First-Time Rewards |
Shop Ticket Pack Hourglass x6 Shinedust x150 |
Win this battle using a deck where all of the Pokemon cards are of one, two, or three diamond rarity. |
Wonder Hourglass x4 |
Win five or more battles. |
Wonder Hourglass x4 |
Win this battle by turn 14. |
Wonder Hourglass x4 |
Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. |
Wonder Hourglass x4 |
Expert – Lapras ex & Starmie ex Deck
The expert-level deck replaces the Seaking line with Psyduck and Golduck for more utility, and upgrades further with two Starmie ex and two Lapras ex. It also includes a Misty Supporter for Energy acceleration, and Sabrina to force you to switch out a Pokemon. This deck is more consistent than the Advanced deck, and you’ll need a fairly well-tuned Lightning deck to beat it consistently.
This deck has five Battle Tasks that can be completed once for rewards. There is also a chance each time you win of earning one Shop ticket, 25 Shinedust, or one Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1 pack.
Battle Tasks |
Task |
Reward |
First-Time Rewards |
Shop Ticket Pack Hourglass x8 Shinedust x200 |
Win this battle using a deck where all of the Pokemon cards are of one, two, or three-diamond rarity. |
Wonder Hourglass x5 |
Win ten or more battles. |
Wonder Hourglass x5 |
Win 20 or more battles. |
Wonder Hourglass x5 |
Win this battle by turn 12. |
Wonder Hourglass x5 |
Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. |
Wonder Hourglass x5 |

Pokemon Pocket: How To Build A Deck
Follow these steps to get you started on building a viable deck for competitive play against others.
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