How To Complete The Obelisk Quest In Brighter Shores

How To Complete The Obelisk Quest In Brighter Shores

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While playing Brighter Shores, you can obtain a variety of weapons and equipment. Some of these pieces of equipment can be used right away, but you may come across a piece of gear that will need to be tuned first. If you’ve never tuned before, no need to worry; we’re here to help.



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In this guide, we are going to take a look at how to tune gear in Brighter Shores. To unlock tuning, you’ll first need to complete the quest The Obelisk, so we will go over how to complete this step-by-step. Once done, you can freely tune any untuned gear.

Brighter Shores is currently in Early Access on Steam and as such, the content is subject to change. We will update these articles as required.

How To Start The Obelisk

The Obelisk is the quest that you need to complete in order to unlock tuning. Thankfully, this quest unlocks pretty early in the game. After completing the tutorial section (once you get the main quest to reach a total level of 60), you’ll be able to freely explore Hopeport and complete quests.

At this point, you should have a quest in your journal called The Obelisk, which tasks you first with heading to the town gates and speaking with Commander Hackett. This NPC stands directly above the gate; to get here, you’ll need to head down one of the side paths and take the staircase up to the top.

The town gates are on the far east side of town.

Once here, Commander Hackett will ultimately give you two weapons that need to be tuned at the Hopeport Obelisk.

Where To Find The Hopeport Obelisk

Now, you’ll need to head to the Hopeport Obelisk. Looking at the map, this area connects to the south of Brannof Boulevard, which is directly to the left of the Town Square. Here, you’ll see the Obelisk as well as an NPC who is trying to fix it.

At this point, the Obelisk is broken; a spike from it is missing. You’ll be tasked with finding the missing spike, which is thought to be washed downstream. The NPC will mention that it may have even washed out to sea, but it’s actually pretty close by.

Missing Spike Location

The missing Obelisk spike can be found in a canal in Wilhope Crossing. To get here, head directly south from the Town Square to the Eel Street Bridge. From here, head south again and then take the first turn to the east.

Here, you’ll see a bridge crossing over a canal with pufferfish in it. The spike will be in the water; by interacting with it, you’ll pick it up. With the spike in hand, head back to the Obelisk.

How To Decipher The Instruction Tablet

Even though you have the spike, you can’t seem to get the Obelisk to work. You’ll be given an instructional tablet, but it still won’t make sense. From here, you’ll be tasked with seeking out Naybeth the Philosopher.

This NPC is located in the town gates area of Hopeport; the house is the only building in this area that you will be allowed to enter. Travel here to speak with Naybeth, and she’ll give you four tablets. She doesn’t tell you how to use them, so you’ll need to figure this out. Fortunately, we know how to do this.

How To Activate The Obelisk

Now, you should have five tablets on hand; one main instructional tablet, and four others given to you by Naybeth. From here, head back to the Obelisk and take a look at the area. You should see four stone pedestals in each corner of this area. These will ultimately end up holding one of the tablets that Naybeth gave you, with the instructional one telling you their correct locations.

To activate the Obelisk, you’ll need to first face it from the front, which is the side that you enter from. Looking at the instructional tablet, you’ll see four symbols with one in each corner. Between the two bottom symbols, there is the letter N pointing down. This means that when facing the Obelisk, north should be behind you.

At this point, you’ll need to match each tablet from Naybeth to a shape on the instructional tablet and then place it on the corresponding pedestal. For example, the tablet that looks like a key should go on the pedestal that is diagonal from the entrance to the area. Simply match the symbols with their pedestals, and the Obelisk will activate.

Where To Find Anjay

There is still more to go at this point. The Cryoknight that appears upon activation can fix the Obelisk, but their magic has been suppressed. This is a simple fix though; head to Anjay, who is found in the training ground area (where you first start the game).

After a quick conversation, you can head back to the Obelisk and watch a short cutscene where he unsuppresses the Cryoknight’s magic. At this point, the quest is almost done! You’ll now need to finally tune the two weapons given to you by Commander Hackett. If you have any other items that need to be tuned, you can do this as well.

How To Complete The Obelisk Quest

A player looking at the rewewards for completing The Obelisk.

It’s the final stretch now! Head all the way back to Commander Hackett at the town gates. Upon doing so, the quest will complete and you will get your reward, which is free use of the Hopeport Obelisk, a sword, and a lot of Guard experience.


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