One of Slitterhead’s primary hooks is the ability to go back in time and revisit previous missions while retaining information about what happened prior. This pushes the narrative forward in many new, surprising directions, allowing you to follow different paths and change the outcome.

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And Hidden Cave RE (2nd Loop) is one such mission, allowing you to revisit the facility by entering from the courtyard instead of the underground prison, enabling you to explore the place more thoroughly and hunt down the Slitterhead that broke in last time that ambushed the chapel.
Starting Hidden Cave RE (2nd Loop) In Slitterhead
Edo will be a permanent character for Hidden Cave RE (2nd Loop), meaning you can only pick the companion. We highly suggest choosing Julee as she meshes well with Edo, as his Burning Edge Skill greatly powers her up, letting her deal tremendous amounts of damage in short bursts. This duo is absolutely broken, and we cannot recommend them enough!
Follow The Slitterhead’s Aura
Once in the facility’s courtyard, head inside and follow the hallway to the left, revealing a guard. Wait for the guard to walk away from you, then head down the hallway to the right. There will be another branching hallway to the left, with a room on the left and right. Enter the room on the right when the guard looks away.
Navigate to the back of this room and look up to see an opened window. Use your possession to pass through the window and move around the corner of the wall to see a follower. Possess the follower and continue moving down the hallway and up the stairs onto the second floor.
Whenever you’re on the second floor, hide behind the cooling rack on the right, use your possession again, and travel down the hallway to possess another follower. From here, continue pushing forward until you see someone looking out a window. Get behind them and Splatter Blood on them to reveal they’re the Slitterhead you’re looking for.
Defeat The Slitterhead
With the Slitterhead revealed Edo should appear shortly, allowing you to work quickly on it. However, until he arrives, use Burning Edge to deal considerable damage to it. Be sure to guard and parry its attacks. This Slitterhead hurts, especially if you’re a follower, so just remain patient until Edo gets there.
Switch to Edo when he arrives, activate Burning Edge, and spam his Angel Step to deal immense amounts of damage to it, defeating it swiftly and effectively. Once the Slitterhead is defeated, examine its corpse to reveal it was after something in the facility kitchen, piquing your interest as well and having you go check out what it was after.
Examine The Kitchen
From here, head back down the hallway until you reach the kitchen and attempt to open the door to learn that it’s locked. Next, head to the right of the door to look through the window and find a follower smoking out of the kitchen window.
However, you can only use possession through open windows, forcing you to get to a higher elevation on the opposite side of the facility. Move past the kitchen door, take a right, and head up the stairs to the third floor. There will be many guards in this room, but you can sneak past all of them.
Find Elevated View
Upon arriving on the third floor, you will see a series of curtains on the right. Use them as cover and move to the far end of them, keeping an eye on the guard in front of the door to the left. Whenever this guard turns away from you, make a break to the hallway in front of you, circling behind the room.
Push forward until you see a guard patrolling on the right. Wait for them to turn around and begin walking away from you, then quickly move behind one of the pillars and then behind the wall directly in front of you. From here, use your possession to wrap around the wall and possess another follower.
Walk toward the open window, use your possession to exit the facility, then descend in front of the kitchen window and possess the follower taking a smoke break from earlier, granting you access to the kitchen. From here, just make your way toward the door to trigger a cutscene.
Defeat Slitterheads
Two Slitterheads will ambush the kitchen, forcing Yin Yue to leave again, leaving you to deal with them. Despite there being two, you only need to focus on one, so select your target and go all in. Your Rarities should be here again, so switch to them whenever they appear.
Utilize Edo’s Burning Edge and Angel Step to obliterate one of the Slitterheads, allowing you to eliminate them relatively quickly. If you need to heal, use Julee’s Revive All or hold R1/RB to absorb blood off the ground to top yourself off. After defeating one of the Slitterheads, the other will transform, kicking off the final encounter.
If you find yourself struggling here, you can also switch to the followers in the room, use War Cry to lure the Slitterheads over to you, and then switch back to your Rarities to heal back up. This method will keep the heat off of them just long enough to let them fully heal or get one of their Skills back.
Defeat The Greater Blue-Ringed Octopus Slitterhead
The Greater Blue-Ringed Octopus Slitterhead will be the final encounter of this mission, allowing you to go all in against it, utilizing the strengths of both your Rarities to your advantage. If you choose Julee and Edo, you’re in good shape, as activating Burning Edge with her will let her deal with disgusting amounts of damage.
Julee can also use her Sonic Claws to deal tons of damage, allowing her to quickly stagger the Slitterhead, enabling her to follow up with more attacks. If she begins taking damage, back off for a bit and switch to Edo, activating his Burning Edge and combining it with Angel Step to unleash pure devastation.
Parry and guard should be top priorities in this encounter, too, as the Slitterhead has many far-reach attacks that are very telegraphed. Keep getting in and activating your Skills to quickly take down the Slitterhead to complete the mission!
Hidden Cave RE (2nd Loop) Rewards
Clearing Hidden Cave RE (2nd Loop) for the first time will reward you with 22 Skill Tokens, allowing you to further enhance your Rarities. Unfortunately, Skill Tokens are shared, meaning you can only use them on one character. Use these suckers wisely.
And you know what time it is. It’s time to remind you about exhausting all the dialogue choices in the ‘Talk’ menu before doing anything else. Seriously. Do it. This is how you unlock more missions and can even receive hints on where to find more Rarities to expand your gameplay!

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