Key Takeaways
- From season 3’s eerie children’s phrase “Anghkooey” may link to Game of Thrones’ “Hold the Door.”
- The mysterious town in From traps strangers in a nightmare world.
- The show’s success mirrors Lost with intense storylines, compelling characters, and a mysterious forces.
From season three keeps on getting weirder and wilder, but one theory has linked the show’s creepy “anghkooey” saying chanted by the town’s ghoulish children to a well-known phrase repeated by Game of Throne‘s Hodor. With sci-fi horror mysteries around every corner, From tells the story of a group of strangers who find themselves trapped in a nightmare-fueled town, plagued by horrific creatures that come out of the forest at night with murder on their minds. Created by John Griffin, who also wrote the 2019 TV series Magic: The Gathering and the 2023 film, Crater, From has seen incredible success since it was released in 2022 and has gone down as one of the most popular sci-fi TV series‘ in recent years.
Although not many TV shows could imagine finding themselves compared to the incredible success of Lost, From has managed to wiggle its way into this category due to its intense storyline, compelling characters and its engaging yet confusing dark force that lurks in the shadows. There are many aspects that make From a success, and it isn’t just the face-eating creatures out in the wild, but the town itself and its strange ghoulish children who appear to Tabitha. So far, in season three of From, these eerie kids are shrouded in secrecy, but their ever creepier sayings might have some meaning after all.

High Concept and Low Concept Science Fiction, Explained
Tons of fans will have heard their favorite film described as “high concept,” but what does that term mean, and what is its opposite?
In From season three, many of the town’s people experience horrifying visions with no explanation of why they are having them, at least not yet anyway. One of the most intriguing mysteries is From‘s Ghoulish Children, who randomly appear to Tabitha by emerging from behind closed doors or walking up the staircase in her home. These visions or spirits that haunt Tabitha after her time in the Caves are associated, in some way, with the mysteries surrounding the Lighthouse and, even though there’s no indication whether these pale youngsters are sinister or not yet, it’s fair to say that they present some of the most terrifying childen in horror.
From Theory Links Ghoulish Children’s “Anghkooey” to Game of Thrones’ Hodor
In a post on Reddit, an interesting theory has emerged regarding the mysterious children’s saying, “Anghkooey,” which some believe could be linked to Game of Thrones‘ Hodor phrase, “Hold the Door.” Even though it might seem like quite a reach, avid From viewers think that the spooky kids could be saying something like “at the colony,” referring to the colony house in town or even “aunt Julie,” referencing Julie Matthews, Tabitha’s daughter. The most plausible theory is that “Anghkooey” could be derived from Celtic folklore and represent the figure Ankou, a tall, haggard entity with long white hair and in charge of collecting others’ souls before he can go to the afterlife.
This theory would certainly be in line with From‘s horror and death themes, but the phrase could also be an entirely made-up language, somewhat like season one’s haunting nursery rhyme, which seems to contain hidden threats that are slowly coming true throughout the show. Whether the Ghoulish Children’s saying is indeed a callback to Hodor’s iconic jumbled Game of Thrones phrase or something else, From‘s masterful sci-fi story infused with horror elements continues to intrigue fans, possibility even giving some of the best Stephen King narratives a run for their money.

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How does the genre most concerned with looking into the future handle the fringe beliefs that occur in every modern society?
Source: Reddit
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