Windblown, the latest game from Motion Twin, has a lot of the same mechanics as Dead Cells. Players can find weapons on their runs like a magical staff or throwing stars. They can also give their character Boosts or Gifts to grant them temporary upgrades like an increase in HP.

Windblown: Beginner’s Tips and Tricks
These tips and tricks can help you perform better during runs, find more materials for upgrades, and raise your odds of success in Windblown.
Then there are sub-weapons called Trinkets, and fans of Dead Cells should be familiar with their mechanics. Players cannot spam these Trinkets like normal weapons. Instead, they operate on cooldowns like abilities in RPGs. There are a lot in Windblown’s Early Access right now, and these ones that will make runs better. Try to track them down on the double, which admittedly does take some luck.
8 Blade Storm
Surround Yourself With A Bladed Torrent Of Wind
Blade Storm should not be confused with the spinoff Musou game called Bladestorm: The Hundred Years’ War. Instead, Windblown’s Blade Storm will surround the player with an aura of wind that will cut enemies who travel into it. It’s a useful Trinket because it protects the player while inflicting damage, and there aren’t too many Trinkets like it so far in the Early Access build. Players will probably find this one very early and it will also probably pop up a lot. When facing down hordes of enemies like in arena-based rooms, Blade Storm is a solid Trinket to equip.
7 Boing Fish
Bounce Off To Attack Enemies
The Boing Fish is technically not a Trinket as it belongs to a category all its own. It is a Magifish and players can trigger it with the right trigger of their controller. It does go on cooldowns like Trinkets, and there are only three in the game so far, so let’s count it here anyway. Now, all three Magifish are great and far stronger than any Trinket in the game. Protector Fish can make players invincible and Gobbling Fish will eat opponents and then explode. Boing Fish is the best as it is a mix of the two. Players can dash into it, causing players to bounce off and slam down on enemies. This act will keep players invincible while performing it and it does a good deal of damage. In a boss fight, this can destroy any of them quickly.
6 Bomb
Does Exactly As It Says
Bomb is not an exciting name for a Trinket but it is a powerful one regardless. Players can throw out a literal bomb which will explode for a large amount of damage in a small area. In a normal group of enemies, this will probably destroy the whole lot of them if aimed well or at least get them close to death.

How Windblown Compares To Dead Cells
Motion Twin’s Windblown has a few key similarities yet also obvious differences when looked at in comparison to its previous title, Dead Cells.
It’s good for boss battles too if players want to make a good dent in them. There’s not much to this Trinket as it is simple and straight to the point, doing exactly what it needs to: explode.
5 Burn Aura
Add Fire Effects To Weapons
Burn Aura has a few different effects once players activate the Trinket. It will create an aura around the player which will explode once the timer ends. That’s an okay part of the Trinket but the real treat is imbuing weapons with fire which will then harm enemies with the Burn status effect. Pokemon players will know exactly what this does as Burn will harm enemies with fire damage over time. The more times players strike a foe with Burn, the stronger the damage will become. There are other status effects in Windblown that players can imbue onto their weapons too like Bleed or Curse, but Burn is a top-tier example.
4 Death Orb
Spawn An Orb That Follows And Attacks Enemies
Death Orb is a great name on top of being a strong Trinket. Once activated, a spinning top of doom will wander around the battlefield and attack enemies randomly. Its spinning blades are not immensely powerful, but the persistent strikes will do damage quickly. The area of effect is what players will want this Trinket for the most. It’s kind of like adding an AI buddy to a match when players don’t want to deal with others in co-op sessions. It’s a decent alternative even though the Death Orb will not last forever.
3 Detonado
Suck Enemies In And Explode
If there’s one thing Windblown is good at, it’s making puns from item names to dialogue prompts. Detonado is a great example as this reverse tornado will suck enemies in before exploding. It’s more of a black hole then than a typical tornado but either way, it is effective. If players are lucky, they may want to use Detonado to lure enemies together and then unleash Blade Storm to finish them off.

How To Play With Friends In Windblown
Players can eventually unlock the option to play multiplayer in Windblown. This guide goes over how to do it.
That’s one big many combos players can execute in Windblown, which is a roguelike that seemingly fancies itself with combo attacks thanks to the weapon-based skill of Alterattack. It’s not as strong as the Bomb, but Detonado is still a powerful Trinket.
2 Frost Nova
Freeze Enemies In An Area
One of the best elemental effects in Dead Cells was ice as weapons and abilities could freeze enemies in place. Motion Twin carried on the legacy in Windblown with this Trinket, Frost Nova, which is an ice-based bomb that will explode in a small area to freeze enemies in place. This can give players extra time to heal if they need to or they can better position themselves behind an enemy to inflict more damage. For example, there is an upgrade players can get, permanently, called Backstabber back at HQ to cause more damage from behind. However, if players utilize this Trinket, Frost Nova will be a hard one to pass up.
1 Goo Bomb
Hold Enemies In Place
There are a lot of bomb-based Trinkets in Windblown which is not uncommon in roguelikes or even in a game developed by Motion Twin. Dead Cells was full of them from ice-based ones to fire-based ones. The Goo Bomb is a bit more original for Windblown as it will explode in quite a large area but it won’t cause much damage initially. Instead, the goo can damage enemies over time, and temporary upgrades can increase this damage or make the goo stickier for enemies to stay in place. Since the Trinket icon looks like a can of paint and the goo is colorful, players may wonder if Motion Twin was inspired by the Splatoon series known for its vibrant paint-like ink.
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