Not all Pokémon fall close to the tree. Sometimes, players find themselves looking at weird, obscure Grass-type Pokémon that might not be the best fit for their team. This list ain’t them. These Pokémon are tried and true exceptions and shine (partially due to their Solar Beam attacks being so bright) against the rest. With iconic Pokémon that have Grass-type to their name and meme-worthy plants, this list needed to happen.

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It’s no wonder so many prominent websites love different grass babies for their mascots. So, let’s take a look at the best Grass Pokémon. Just don’t get cut on the razor leaf as you take the tour.
Updated November 6, 2024, by Hamza Haq: The three starters in every region in the Pokemon mainline games are a choice between Fire, Water, and Grass, making these three types of the 18 total types of Pokemon. Grass-types embody the forest, greenery, and everything natural in the world, calling to trainers in-tune with nature. Deciding on the best grass-type Pokemon is not a matter of simply looking at the stat total and deciding who deserves the top spot. Just because a Pokemon is not viable in a competitive setting doesn’t make it useless. On the contrary, discovering Pokemon not in the limelight and realizing their value is what the world of Pokemon is all about. This list has been updated to include two additional grass types.
25 Sunkern
Generation 2
Premiering in Pokemon Gold and Silver, Sunkern was one of the Pokémon designed to show off a new evolution item: the Sun Stone! Sunkern could be found on Route 24 and in the National Park. So why is this little pint-sized seedling on the list? Sunkern actually holds a Pokémon world record — it has the lowest total base stats of any Pokémon in the entire franchise. With only 30 to speak of for every stat, this weakling may not be able to take or pack a punch but is notable enough to appear on this list.
24 Roserade
Generation 4
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl added a number of great evolutions to older Pokémon. Underwhelming Pokémon like Nosepass, Piloswine, and others got incredible evolutions. One of the best of these new Pokémon would have to be Roserade, the evolution of Roselia. Roserade is one of the coolest Grass-types GameFreak has added into the game, without a doubt.
The Bouquet Pokémon looks like it’s wearing a mask of sorts, masquerading as some kind of superhero. It has a number of flowers on its design, making it colorful and distinct. The shiny version of it is also a simple, yet elegant change. The best part is that Roserade is incredibly powerful as well, being a great party member for any team. When shopping for flowers, it’s hard to pass up on a bouquet like Roserade.
23 Ferrothorn
Generation 5
Ferrothorn is far from the cutest Pokémon. A number of trainers who did competitive battles probably have mixed feelings about it, since it’s such an effective wall that it’s mostly just annoying. However, for the edgiest gamers and the competitive battlers both, this Steel-type is a fantastic Pokémon. It has so many spikes, and enemy Pokémon will run themselves ragged in battle against it.
For intimidation factor alone, not many grass-types can compete with Ferrothorn; it looks like something that requires an army to take down. Its water-type sibling, Toxapex, only wishes it could be as simply cool as Ferrothorn. Gen V had a number of strange designs and some clear missteps, but Ferrothorn was absolutely a great hit in terms of design and effectiveness.
22 Carnivine
Generation 4
Carnivine is a Venus flytrap friend any trainer would be happy to call their own. It has had appearances in the anime, a strange unique glitch in Pokémon Battle Revolution, and has a focused story in the Pokémon Adventures manga. In Pokémon Go, Carnivine is actually a regional exclusive! Players throughout the world have to either travel to either Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, or Georgia if they hope to catch one in the wild. Suffice it to say, James made an excellent choice by having Carnivine join the Team Rocket family.
21 The Chikorita Line
Generation 2
Whenever people discuss the worst starters on Twitter, a lot of people pile on Chikorita for being bad. Its stats aren’t great, and it’s competing against Totodile and Cyndaquil. However, what Chikorita has that no other Pokémon has is friendship. Chikorita was one of the stars of the Johto Journeys anime, being Ash’s first confirmed female Pokémon. She’s a dynamic character, more so than a lot of Ash’s other Pokémon.

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On top of that, Chikorita’s evolutions are also great designs. Bayleaf is one of the best mid-evolutions of any starter Pokémon, and Meganium is a gorgeous flower Pokémon. It may be simple, but Chikorita is adorable and deserves as much praise (if not more) than the likes of Bulbasaur. It’s about time Chikorita starts getting the respect it deserves.
20 Ludicolo
Generation 3
To be honest, Ludicolo is mostly only on this list because of the Detective Pikachu movie. As a whole, it’s a pretty solid Water and Grass-type Pokémon in the games. But, its minor cameo in the movie as a barista is just a whole mood. Lucicolo even has a Pokémon TCG card now with Detective Pikachu art thanks to its role in the movie, not to mention a Megablocks set!
When Lotad evolves into Lombre and Lombre gets a Water Stone used on it, Ludicolo is the festive duck-thing (or a kappa in Japan) that just deserves to be around. When it comes to TMs, it learns a pretty wide array of types of moves and can be a pretty competitive fighter.
19 Vileplume
Generation 1
Those familiar with the original 151 Pokemon offerings of Red & Blue will definitely remember this “hatted” Grass-type. Vileplume was a staple for many running through the game for the first time, thanks to all of the Oddish running around specific areas. Gloom was one of the strangest (albeit cute) Pokemon released during the originating era and many players would find themselves using a Vileplume in the late game.
Its Poison-typing and access to hidden ability Spore, which punishes Pokemon that contact it, made it a formidable foe in the right hands.
18 Deerling and Sawsbuck
Generation 5
Deerling and Sawsbuck come in so many gorgeous forms how could any trainer not want to Catch em’ All? Deerling and Sawsbuck are also the only Normal/Grass-type in the entire Pokémon universe which is quite the distinction! This Pokémon brings on the heat (without the fire) in other ways as well. A deck utilizing the Sawsbuck card from Cosmic Eclipse swept through several competitive Pokemon TCG tournaments and changed the entire metagame for a period of time. These Grass-types are as beautiful as they are fierce!
17 Shaymin
Generation 4
This little Mythical Pokémon comes in two different flavors. Using a flower called Gracidea in the daytime, the hedgehog-like Shaymin will change from its land forme into its deer-like sky forme. As the “Gratitude” Pokémon, flowers are the primary focus for the land forme.
But, when it turns into sky forme, the imagery and information about it are meant to invoke the real-world idea of a guardian angel or fairy. Shaymin made its first appearance during Pokémon’s 4th generation, marking a great Mythical for Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl and still a cute little thing even today.
16 Virizion
Generation 5
Aside from the obvious “Can you hear me now?” jokes, Virizion stands as one of the Swords of Justice. For those that don’t know, they’re based on the book The Three Musketeers. Virizion is based on the character Aramis, known for being vain and feminine in stature.

8 Pokemon That Look Like Dragons But Are Not Dragon Type
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Alongside Cobalion that is thought to be based on Athos and Terrakion that is based on Porthos, Virizion makes up the core three members. Keldeo is the fourth member, based on the youngest member of the Musketeers, D’Artagnan. All for one and one for all!
15 Exeggutor
Generation 1 & Generation 7
This guy deserves to be pretty high on the list. Exeggutor is literally just a big egg pun and joke that turns into a tree. When people say that Pokémon designs are weird in recent years, show them this derpy guy and explain that those faces aren’t coconuts, they’re Ex-EGG-utors.
Sure he’s designed like a short, squat palm tree, but his Alolan form takes to the skies with a super long neck due to the region. That form isn’t just a grass-type. It’s also a dragon-type to just really confused everyone on all sides. Who wants a tree with faces running at you with Dragon Rage? Let’s just not think about it, okay?
14 The Snivy Line
Generation 5
Starter Pokemon can sometimes get a bad rep depending on what game they’re in. There have, historically, been some starters that were overshadowed by a cavalcade of Pokemon by the time a player reaches the endgame but some manage to stick around for the entire adventure.
The Snivy line starts out with an adorable little two-legged snake-like creature that will shed its appendages and transform into a truly magnificent-looking creature in Serperior. Its Contrary hidden ability makes it a nightmare for foes that use attribute debuffs, as Serperior will simply flip them into positive gains instead.
13 Decidueye
Generation 7
Decidueye is one of the biggest glow-ups on this list. Starting off as literally just a cute green owl Rowlet, Decidueye is the Pokémon equivalent to Robin Hood. Out of the Alolan starters, he is a fan favorite. Giving off the Green Arrow vibe, it shoots arrows as an archer.
The ghost typing is interesting and could lie in the origins of Hawaiian culture where spirits take on the form of pueo owls that look pretty similar to Decidueye. While Incineroar has that Fire/Dark typing from the same generation, Decidueye stands out as well for its grass/ghost typing.
12 Leafeon
Generation 4
While Leafeon may not be the best of all Eeveelutions, it definitely deserves praise as an adorable addition to a Grass-type Pokémon list. As with all Eeveelutions, it has to evolve a certain way.
Since being introduced in the generation 4 games, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, Leafeon has evolved using the mossy rock. Standing near the game’s particular mossy rock and evolving the Eevee will give Leafeon. In the Gen 8 games, Pokémon Sword and Shield, the method is dramatically simpler, removing the mossy rock altogether and letting it evolve via Leaf Stone!
11 Grookey Line
Generation 8
Pokémon Sword and Shield didn’t add too many new grass-types. However, its starter was one of the best grass starters overall: Grookey. Grookey is absolutely a top tier design, being cute and memorable with its tiny branch. It was lovingly used for memes when it was first shown off, as it is a wonderful monkey (with or without a gun).

The 23 Best Ice Pokemon, Ranked
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Thwacky aside, Rillaboom is a great design with its drumming gimmick, rock star haircut, and great signature moves. It’s equal parts goofy and cool, making it a perfect partner for any playthrough. In terms of final designs, Grookey absolutely had the best final evolution when compared to Scorbunny and especially Sobble. Some people may be disappointed in having another bipedal starter, but Grookey and its evolutions deserve all the praise they get. Plus with Rillaboom’s new Gingatamax form it’s hard to not be impressed by this rock and roll Grass-type!
10 Torterra
Generation 4
Of the three regional Sinnoh starters, Turtwig and Torterra often go overlooked, as most people prefer the fire monkey Infernape or the ice penguin Empoleon for their roster. For the keen-eyed adventurer, however, Turtwig and its final evolution, Torterra, are some of the best grass Pokemon GameFreak has ever put out. The
Looking at the Pokedex entries, Torterrra is called the continent Pokemon, a title it shares with Groudon, the legendary embodiment of Earth itself. It’s the modern equivalent of Venusaur, only better because it takes direct inspiration from the infamous World Turtle mythology, also called the Cosmic Turtle and the World-bearing Turtle. This slow, lumbering giant is not afraid of taking hits to dish out damage, just remember to protect it from Ice attacks.
9 Celebi
Generation 2
This guy is the cutest little onion fairy in all of Pokémon. To be fair, it’s the only onion fairy in all of Pokémon. Celebi is a time traveler that many fans first met during the anime’s fourth movie when it took Ash back in time to meet a much younger Professor Oak.
For those that play the games, Celebi was an event Pokémon often associated with the Ilex Forest Shrine to the point the Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver added a special event scene involving the Shrine and Celebi that would take you to fight Giovanni. It’s become so iconic in the real world that its Japanese name, Serebii, is often associated with large amounts of Pokémon information and news by the entire community.
8 Pumpkaboo
Generation 6
Some people complain that inanimate objects get turned into Pokémon too often. So, how did GameFreak take a Halloween festivity and make it a Pokémon? They made it into the adorable Pumpkaboo.
This little jack-o-lantern Pokémon is everything one would need for getting into the Halloween spirit, including its signature move, Trick-or-Treat. In fact, since Ghost-type moves are Super Effective against other ghosts, Trick-or-Treat is a real treat. It turns the opponent’s typing into Ghost, where Pumpkaboo can then hit it with a more powerful Ghost move. It’s really a powerful and underrated combo.
7 Calyrex
Generation 8
Calyrex comes courtesy of Crown Tundra and is the coolest Grass-type Legendary players have seen in years. Its ability to combine with Glastier and Spectrier is incredibly unique and it’s the only Pokémon that exudes a blue aura when Dynamaxing. This King of Galar is one of the few Pokémon also capable of telepathically communicating with humans. With its ability to see the past, present, and future, it may be so powerful it breaks the lore of Pokémon itself. This noble beast is a welcome addition to any team and by far one of the strongest Grass-types to ever exist.
6 Applin, Flapple, And Appletun
Generation 8
Ah, to be the Applin of someone’s eye… Anyway, these Pokémon are the only Grass/Dragon-types in existence and both have Gigantamax forms making them incredibly special. Applin is also quite rare, likely because giving an Applin to one’s true love is a sign of deep affection leads to a low amount of them in the wild.

The 40 Best-Designed Pokemon Of All Time
Pokemon come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. These Pokemon have the best designs in the entire series.
For players lucky enough to catch one, they must give them a special item to evolve them into their final form. Just please don’t try to eat them, that would hurt the poor darlings…
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