Best Black Ops 6 PP 919 loadout and class build

Best Black Ops 6 PP 919 loadout and class build

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What is the best PP 919 loadout? The PP 919 is a rather unassuming submachine gun at first glance, but a strange magazine and stout frame secretly hold one of the most powerful and versatile weapons you can currently get your hands on in Black Ops 6. With our loadout, you’ll be able to decimate anyone in close-quarters combat, and even those in the mid-range.

Going head to head with some of the SMGs in our best Black Ops 6 loadouts list is tough going; these compact killing machines are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, but thankfully, our best PP 919 loadout puts it right up there with them. Better suited to smaller Black Ops 6 maps, this Black Ops 6 weapon has the power, speed, and staying power to keep you in any fight.

How to unlock the PP 919

You gain access to the PP 919 at level 37, so, about mid-way through your Black Ops 6 prestige grind. By this time, you’ll already have the fundamentals down and can make full use of this little monster.

PP 919 loadout: a compact submachine gun with a list of attachments.

Best Black Ops 6 PP 919 loadout

  • Muzzle: Ported Compensator
  • Barrel: Reinforced Barrel
  • Rear Grip: Command Grip
  • Stock: Balanced Stock
  • Fire Mods: Rapid Fire

The large default size of the PP 919 magazine means that we can utilize the usual magazine attachment slot to refine the submachine gun further. The Ported Compensator aids with recoil reduction, keeping that first burst of fire on target, with the Reinforced Barrel adding a bit of range into the proceedings.

The Command Grip and Balanced Stock keep the PP 919 feeling light and mobile. Increases to your ADS movement speed and sprint-to-fire speeds mean that you can turn on a dime and dispatch anyone who comes your way.

The Rapid Fire mod lowers the TTK of the PP 919, making it a true force to be reckoned with. Even with the increase in recoil from the fire mod, you’ll be able to take fights in the mid-range with no problems.

Best PP 919 loadout: a list of additional equipment a soldier opts to take into battle.

Best Black Ops 6 PP 919 class build

  • Secondary Weapon: 9mm PM
  • Melee: Knife
  • Tactical: Concussion
  • Lethal: Frag
  • Field Upgrade: Assault Pack
  • Perk 1: Ninja
  • Perk 2: Tracker
  • Perk 3: Vigilance
  • Specialty: Recon
  • Wildcard: Perk Greed – Assassin

You can stay off the radar using our PP 919 class setup, but you can’t stay still. With Ninja, Tracker, and Vigilance, not only will you be moving with little to no noise, but you’ll be able to see the footsteps of enemy players, which you’ll want to hunt with aggression.

Taking Assassin in the Perk Greed slot will highlight any over-performing players so you can put them in their place and earn some extra points while you’re at it. The Assault Pack is interchangeable, but we think that having a constant supply of extra ammunition and throwables is never a bad thing.

Best PP 919 alternatives

If you want something even more aggressive in your multiplayer matches, we suggest opting for our best C9 loadout. The C9 ups the rate of fire further, and with unparalleled mobility, you’ll be able to make plays that the enemy team just won’t be able to keep up with.

There you have our best Black Ops 6 PP 919 loadout. Check out all the Black Ops 6 modes so you can plan your attack before you’ve stepped foot on the ground. If you want to pair the PP 919 with a ranged option, we would recommend our best Model L loadout – this assault rifle has precision and power over distance.

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