Best Augments to Use on Field Upgrades

Best Augments to Use on Field Upgrades

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Black Ops 6 Zombies has its own variation of Field Upgrades, and while most of them are returning mechanics from Black Ops Cold War, they are further enhanced thanks to Augments. With Augments in Black Ops 6, players can create even stronger Field Upgrades depending on which of the Minor and Major Augments they use.

Black Ops 6 Zombies: All Field Upgrades, Ranked

Field Upgrades in Black Ops 6 Zombies act as essential crutches that may just save a high-round run, depending on which one the player uses.

Each Field Upgrade has 3 Minor and 3 Major Augments that can be unlocked, and players are going to want to know the best Field Upgrade Augments in Black Ops 6 if they are to conquer the high-round threats and ensure that an army of Manglers doesn’t take them out.

5 Energy Mine

energy mine augment page

  • Creates a mine of pure energy that detonates 3 times, dealing lethal electric damage.

Augment Type

Augment Name


Unlock Tier


Extra Charge

Increase max charges by 1




3 Energy Mines will float around you, detonating when an enemy is nearby.


The Energy Mine Field Upgrade is best used for passive attacks due to its explosive potential, but it can be used more efficiently when paired with the Extra Charge Minor Augment, which provides a 4th explosive charge which means more lethal electric damage for every zombie involved.

One of the best Major Augments for the Energy Mine is the Carousel, which will change the Energy Mine Field Upgrade so that 3 Energy Mines will follow the player’s orbit and detonate when an enemy gets too close for comfort. With Extra Charge, that’s 4 Energy Mines that basically act like a new version of Widow’s Wine.

4 Frenzied Guard

Extension & Frenzy Fire

frenzied guard augment page

  • Repair armor to full and force all enemies in the area to temporarily target you. Armor takes all damage during this time.

Augment Type

Augment Name


Unlock Tier



Increase Frenzied Guard duration



Frenzy Fire

While Frenzied, use ammo from stock


Frenzied Guard is truly for the players out there who want to maximize their damage and ensure that all eyes are on them when it comes to killing zombies. Since Frenzied Guard restores shields on each kill, and during its duration damage is only dealt to shields and not health, using Extension to increase this duration is a great idea to stay safe from the hordes for longer.

Black Ops 6 Zombies: All Ammo Mods, Ranked

Ammo Mods can truly change the way players experience Black Ops 6 Zombies, so which is the best to utilize?

Not only can players use Frenzied Guard longer, but with the Major Augment of Frenzy Fire, they can use their ammo from their stock instead of their magazine, meaning depending on the gun, players have essentially unlimited ammo to let them get out of sticky situations or focus fire on elite zombies without fear of a reload.

3 Dark Flare

Heavy Shadow & Dark Pact

dark flare augment page

  • Generate an energy beam that deals lethal shadow damage and penetrates everything in its path.

Augment Type

Augment Name


Unlock Tier


Heavy Shadow

The beam slows enemies on contact



Dark Pact

Beam heals and revives other players on contact


Dark Flare isn’t the best Field Upgrade due to how its beam of damage is consistently average, but when paired with the Heavy Shadow Minor Augment, players have a real contender for tough rounds since the shadow beam will slow enemies on contact, meaning they won’t be able to chase players down as easily.

When this is utilized with the Dark Pact Major Augment, players can focus the beam to an ally to revive them, providing a way out with a Field Upgrade that’s always there for when the situation arises. It’s a team-based Augment for a team-based Field Upgrade.

2 Healing Aura

Stoic Presence & Persistence

healing aura augment page

  • Heal all nearby players immediately.

Augment Type

Augment Name


Unlock Tier


Stoic Presence

On activation, special and elite enemies are stunned while normal enemies are knocked down




Revived players keep all perks on their bleed-out bar


Healing Aura is a tad weak on its own due to the fact that it will just give players a quick burst of health, but it can be enhanced with the Stoic Presence Minor Augment, which will stun Manglers, Abominations, and Amalgams, while also knocking down regular zombies. This is great for not only regaining health but also escaping certain death by allowing players to run off to fight another day.

Black Ops 6 Zombies: All Perk-a-Colas, Ranked

Black Ops 6 continues the Zombies tradition of bringing along Perk-a-Colas, but how good are the latest iteration of beverages?

When combined with Persistence, players can use their Field Upgrade to immediately revive players and ensure that they get to keep their Perks in the bleed-out bar, meaning they may lose a few, but they certainly won’t lose them all.

1 Aether Shroud

Extension & Group Shroud

aether shroud augment page

  • Phase into the Dark Aether and become temporarily hidden from enemy detection.

Augment Type

Augment Name


Unlock Tier



Aether Shroud duration is significantly increased



Group Shroud

Nearby players are also cloaked


Being able to phase into the Dark Aether to become invisible to enemies while still damaging them is always going to be powerful, but pairing that with the Minor Augment of Extension to stay in the Dark Aether for even longer is definitely a great choice. With this, players have the perfect time to regain lost health, revive fallen allies, and even deal damage to unwavering hordes.

With the Group Shroud Major Augment, players can combine their Field Upgrades with allies to see that everyone benefits. While this is a team-based Augment for those looking to stick together and survive as a team, players are going to benefit when it comes to easter egg boss fights.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Tag Page Cover Art

October 25, 2024

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