Why A Dragon Age Trilogy Compilation May Never Happen

Why A Dragon Age Trilogy Compilation May Never Happen

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BioWare released a compilation package for its Mass Effect series bundling the original trilogy, but could the studio do the same for the Dragon Age franchise? Don’t get your hopes up, but nothing has been ruled out.

BioWare creative director John Epler said in an interview that this would be especially difficult because the first two Dragon Age games were made on the Eclipse engine before Dragon Age: Inquisition shifted to Frostbite.

The Good and The Bad of Dragon Age: The Veilguard

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Epler told Rolling Stone that he’s one of maybe 20 people still working at BioWare who has experience with Eclipse, which could make putting together a compilation package difficult. For comparison, the Mass Effect trilogy was made using the Unreal Engine, which made it easier to put all three games together in 2021’s Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

“It’s something that’s not going to be as easy Mass Effect, but we do love the original games. Never say never; I guess that’s what it comes down to,” Epler said.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard launched on October 31 and is putting up big numbers on Steam, though neither BioWare nor EA has revealed any hard sales data. EA CEO Andrew Wilson said on an earnings call this week, “The team feels really energized by what they have delivered. And my sense is that, yes, it has breakout capabilities.”

GameSpot’s Dragon Age: The Veilguard review in progress scored the game a 7/10. If you’re just getting into the game, you might want to check out GameSpot’s The Veilguard guides hub.

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