Things To Do In Red Dead Redemption In Your First Few Hours

Things To Do In Red Dead Redemption In Your First Few Hours

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Key Takeaways

  • Speak to everyone to discover side missions and earn money.
  • Perks from clothing and items can be helpful for survival.
  • Looting dead bodies is vital for money, ammunition, and items to sell.

Starting a new game is always fun, but it can sometimes feel like an effort despite the excitement. The possibility of lengthy tutorials, slow transport, and little money are just a few game mechanics that can make the beginning less than thrilling, and even a beloved game like Red Dead Redemption is no exception.

Red Dead Redemption 2: 7 Things To Do In Your First Hours Of Gameplay

Master the Wild West: A Beginner’s Guide to Red Dead Redemption 2 and how to spend those first moments as Arthur Morgan.

However, the start can often be the most crucial in setting up the tone of a playthrough, and those first few hours should not be quickly skipped. Certain choices a player makes will be key to their continued gameplay, and while starting can be difficult, specific choices can be made to ease the way. Take your time with John and discover what the open world of the Wild West has to offer from the very moment you begin.

8 Explore

Speak To Everyone

Red Dead Redemption Map

  • Random encounters can include deliveries, bounties, contests, and calls for help.

The world of Red Dead is vast, and the narrative is so in-depth that it can take multiple playthroughs to truly discover everything it has to offer. Speaking to non-playable characters for random encounters or side missions will help open up the map, determine the honor level play-through, and offer more legitimate ways of earning money.

More importantly, to some, it can shed light on aspects of John Marston’s character and story that might be missed otherwise. Players who love narrative games will definitely want to take the time to speak to anyone and everyone from the get-go.

7 Buy A Bandolier

Carry More Ammo

Red Dead Redemption John pointing a gum

  • The bandolier doubles rifle and repeater ammunition capacity.

As the game progresses, players will find different ways to upgrade their ammo capacity, but the quickest and simplest is to purchase a bandolier. Mainly used for rifle and repeater rounds, the bandolier can be purchased at gunsmiths and some general stores. Once bought, it can not be resold or removed from John Marston’s inventory and will appear on specific outfits – with the exception of a few uniforms/attires.

The need to be fully stocked with ammunition is obvious in a game like Red Dead Redemption. No player wants to be in a firefight and discover they have no bullets left to take down the enemy.

6 Don’t Ignore Challenges

Work Towards Rewards

Red Dead Redemption Legend of the West outfit

  • The four categories are Survival, Hunting, Sharpshooting, and Treasure Hunting.
  • ‘Legend of the West’ outfit gives the player Increased Dead Eye ability.

In Red Dead Redemption, John Marston must master four categories of challenges to obtain the ‘Legend of the West’ outfit. Each level has ten ranks, and while the end result is reason enough to work towards its completion, players will also benefit greatly from the individual rewards.

Red Dead Redemption: Best Horses, Ranked

Players should do their best to tame these particular horses in Red Dead Redemption.

Players can purchase in-game maps to aid in these challenges, and rewards can range from money to knowledge – both of which are valuable when tackling the harsh terrains of the Wild West. The more players learn, the easier the game will be, so work on them early.

5 Hide Your Identity

Buy A Bandana

Red Dead Redemption John wearing a bandana

  • The bandana is compatible with all outfits.
  • The price at the general store is $20.

Unlike the prequel, Red Dead Redemption 2, the first game does not give the player access to a bandana immediately; it must be purchased from the general store in Escalera or the tailors’ store in the Thieves’ Landing.

Using a bandana while committing crimes does not negatively affect the player’s honor level; however, it does not prevent a bounty from being incurred if a crime is reported. Although it will not necessarily stop John Marston from earning a bounty, it is an extremely useful accessory that, when removed, can decrease a wanted level faster, creating a lot fewer problems for the player.

4 Loot The Dead

Don’t Be Squeamish

Red Dead Redemption John and chest loot

Looting a dead body is a crucial component of the two Red Dead Redemption games, and players should begin this practice straight away. Money is needed for all kinds of things in the game (horse deeds, guns, maps), and searching the bodies of their kills is a quick way to rake up the bucks.

Dead bodies can be looted for various items, including cash, tobacco, and ammunition – all of which have important roles in the game. The ability to loot ammo removes the need to purchase it, and, especially early on, this is a money saver.

  • Chewing Tobacco replenishes the Dead Eye meter.
  • Looting dead bodies does not affect the honor level.
  • Skinning (looting) dead animals will give players items to sell.

3 Help Bonnie

Get A Better Horse

  • Kentucky Saddler:
    • Speed – Fast
    • Health – Average
    • Stamina – High

A player’s horse is an investment, and like in its successor, Red Dead Redemption 2, a good horse is worth its weight in gold. Speaking of gold, money can be hard to come by, especially if you care about John’s honor level, so when the player obtains a great horse – they should hold onto it.

Some missions and quests can be seen as more important than others and some players enjoy spreading these out. While there is no ‘incorrect’ way to play the game or complete missions, helping Bonnie will ultimately get you access to a top-tier horse. There are six steps to Bonnie’s mission, and it’s worth considering completing them as soon as possible for the chance to break in the Kentucky Saddler.

2 Set Up Camps

Quickest Way To Travel

Red Dead Redemption Camp

  • Campsites can be placed nearly everywhere except towns, roads, near water, gangs, or settlements.
  • Players can only manually save the game at campsites and can change outfits.

Travel in open-world games can be a killer with maps so big. Players could spend precious hours getting from one end to the other, which is boring and time-consuming. This can also minimize the time spent opening up the narrative, character interactions, and detailed world of Red Dead Redemption.

8 Best Mods For Red Dead Redemption

With Red Dead Redemption now available on the PC, the modding community is already offering tons of improvements to the game.

Setting up and improving camps along the way opens up the ability to fast-travel, giving back those often critical early hours. However, players should also make sure to spend enough time on the road to pick up side quests as the game goes on.

Every Little Helps

Red Dead Redemption Rabbit

  • With a high honor level, the price is decreased to $13.
  • It’s very helpful when playing in hardcore mode.

Unlike games like Fallout (where players have perk points to put into their own character build), the only way for a player to increase John Marston’s abilities is with an outfit or item perk. There are sixteen outfits that can be unlocked, and all of them have different perks – but the lucky rabbit’s foot is a kit item that has its own, and it is a very useful one.

The lucky rabbit’s foot increases the amount gained from looting or skinning animals by 20%. It can be bought from a general store for $25, which a player should be able to afford pretty much straight away.

Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption
Top Critic Rating:79/100 Critics Recommend:71%

May 18, 2010

Rockstar San Diego

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