Big Shiee is the first boss you’ll face in Metal Slug Tactics. This huge ship full of heavy machinery is found at the end of the starting region, and it will pose a threat if you haven’t learned the ropes of the game’s systems and mechanics yet.

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Arcade games haven’t lost their grip on us quite yet! Whether they’re in a cabinet or just inspired by them, these are our favourites for youngsters.
On the other hand, Big Shiee is the perfect first taste of what’s to come once you make progress and get better. Every boss will repeat some gimmick or general game plan that you first see here. So let’s learn everything that you can about Big Shiee, including some tips to achieve victory.
Big Shiee Overview
HP |
50 (Recruit) |
Location |
Argun Palm Desert |
Big Shiee is a naval vehicle that works as the first boss you’ll face in Argun Palm Desert. It spawns on your map after completing three different missions, and you won’t be able to continue your journey until you defeat it.
This giant piece of aquatic artillery attacks in three different ways: it can mark groups of squares that will be attacked at the beginning of the boss’ turn, it can mark one, two, or your three units and make you take cover to avoid direct projectiles, or it sinks the platforms around it after a few turns.
The first two attacks can deal significant damage depending on your Cover and Dodge, but beware of the third one because it will knock out your unit automatically.
If your whole party drowns, your run will end. You can always check out how many turns there are left before the platform sinks by looking at the number in a clock symbol over the area.
This boss can’t move around, and will always be displayed at the center of the stage. With each platform that it vanishes, another one packed with enemies will spawn, in a circular motion that surrounds the boss.
How To Defeat Big Shiee
For Big Shiee and almost every other subsequent boss, you need to learn one big lesson: focus primarily on the boss, not on the rest of the soldiers around you. Of course, you need to keep them in mind to avoid getting surrounded, your paths blocked, and/or receiving serious damage, but you should avoid cleaning the area of them.
We used to try to defeat the enemies from the platforms before engaging with the ship, and this strategy will only give you headaches since you’ll be losing the resources and time that you need to spend on depleting Big Shiee’s HP bar. Every boss you face can and will deal friendly damage, so use that to your advantage.
Naturally, when a platform is sunk, the enemy’s soldiers that were standing there will die.
The best thing you can do when starting the fight is to move your three units to the first big platform in positions that let them synergize their attacks and also use their strongest weapon or ability. With some equipment, upgrades, and luck, you’ll be able to deal at least 20HP per turn.
Every boss has a trait that is activated once you perform a Synchronization (a synergy attack) on them. A purple shield with an ‘S’ will appear next to its HP bar: this means that you won’t be able to perform another Synchronization until your next turn. It’s a mechanic implemented to avoid the exploit of Synchronization, which could make the fight more trivial.
Always try to move the characters individually marked by the boss to the closest cover available (spot them as soon as you start since there aren’t many), keep any useful ability that gives Protection (damage negation) at hand, or build as much Dodge as possible.
Additionally, pay attention to the possible routes to the next platform. While you have a good amount of time and it’s entirely possible to defeat the ship before the first big platform disappears, unexpected situations can come up and you can make mistakes. Let’s try not to make one that gives an automatic game over.
The boss is always the first unit to move and prepare their next attack during the enemy’s turn.
Repeat this simple formula of moving your units to both a defensive and offensive position (when in doubt and with high health, offensive), performing one Synchronization, and using your best gun/skill. The boss shouldn’t resist more than three or four turns.
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