You can create powerful Battle Buddy Subspecies in Farmagia that can help you against bosses that appear later in the game. The Battle Buddies you obtained at the start are frail and will not last in difficult battles ahead, so it’s time to work on their improved evolved forms.

The process of creating new Battle Buddy Subspecies requires you to obtain a lot of Research Points and Monster drop materials. The Evolution Aid Fertilizer is your final ingredient, which you can craft and use on the Buddies on your farm. While they take longer to grow, you will have an exciting army of new friends to help you in battle.
How To Create Battle Buddy Subspecies
If you want the stronger versions of your Battle Buddies, it’s time to start creating some subspecies for them. However, you won’t be doing this until you obtain the materials required to evolve your Buddies. You will find monster drop materials in various lands in Felicidad as you explore various Mazes.
There are a few more steps that you need to complete before you can start cultivating the evolved forms of your Battle Buddies. Make sure you also have unlocked the Battle Buddy Subspecies you want in your Research Notes.
Later in the game, you will unlock Super Evolution Aid and Mega Evolution Aid to create even better Battle Buddy Subspecies
How To Unlock Evolution Aid Fertilizer
The Evolution Aid Fertilizer is used to create Subspecies of your Battle Buddies. You can unlock it in the Research Notes once you have accumulated enough Research Points by harvesting Research Buddies. After unlocking it you can visit the Magic Shop in the town to craft the Evolution Aid Fertilizers.
Evolution Aid Fertilizers cannot be bought, and you need to craft them with one leaf mold clay and one Puckery Peach.
Growing Battle Buddy Subspecies
Once you have obtained the Evolution Aid Fertilizers, it’s time to head back to your farm. Sow the seed of the Battle Buddy you want to evolve. Place the fertilizer in your Farm Bag and make sure you have it selected, so you can sprinkle some over your Battle Buddy.
You will notice that the Battle Buddy will take even longer to grow, but you will have successfully created a Battle Buddy Subspecies, once you harvest them after they grow.

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