Every Wall-Buy Location on Terminus

Every Wall-Buy Location on Terminus

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There are 14 wall-buy weapons that players can spend their Essence on within the Terminus map for Black Ops 6 Zombies. Each of these weapons offers their own unique advantages for Pack-a-Punch and beyond, and knowing where they are, might just save players some time when it comes to the camo grind that awaits them.

Black Ops 6 Zombies: All Terminus Zombie Intel Locations

Black Ops 6 holds many collectibles, and the Zombies map Terminus has 30 pieces of Zombie Intel to collect, and here’s how to find them all.

It’s always helpful to know where the weapons are in Black Ops 6 Zombies to trade out the old and useless for something with a little more kick and a little more ammo. With every wall-buy weapon on Terminus Island known to the player, they might have just what they need to master the zombie-infested prison.

GS45 Location

gs45 wall-buy

The GS45 is located South of the spawn location within the Holding Cells. Players can find it right next to a zombie spawn and before Peck and Strauss’ room. It’s a great selection due to how Pack-a-Punching the weapon turns it into the explosive Sally.

Tanto .22 Location

tanto .22 wall-buy

After powering the first AMP in the Guard Station, the room to the right will open, and inside the Interrogation Room, will be the Tanto .22, an SMG that fires fast and hits hard.

ASG-89 Location

asg-89 wall-buy

Also after the first AMP, players can head left to the Control Center, where on the wall of the upper floor will be the ASG-89. This weapon is a rapid-fire shotgun that can pack a vicious punch but an equally vicious kick with a great amount of ammo in the magazine.

C9 Location

c9 wall-buy

Heading past the Stamin-Up room of the Control Center, players can head through Communications, where at the bottom of the stairs leading to the Engineering room and the Living Quarters, will be the C9. This is a dangerous weapon with a great fire rate for dealing with hordes fast.

Marine SP Location

marine sp wall-buy

Entering past Jugger-Nog at the Living Quarters, players can enter into the Rec Yard, where in the middle there are a few crates with the Marine SP located on them. This is a shotgun worth obtaining for a slow-firing and hard-hitting shotgun that easily destroys the heads of zombies like melons.

Goblin Mk2 Location

goblin mk2 wall-buy

Follow through to the Mess Hall and reach teh Gun Platform, where opposite the Void Cannon Trap will be the Goblin Mk2 assault rifle. This semi-automatic rifle shoots great with a trigger finger, and shoots hard for the head.

PP-919 Location

pp-919 wall-buy

Venture down the Sea Tower, where on the wall close to the ammunition box just before heading down to the Docks, players can find the PP-919, a reasonably slow SMG.

AK-74 Location

ak-74 wall-buy

The classic AK-74 can be found within the Mining Tunnels past PhD Flopper and close to the Tentacle Trap that leads to the Bio Lab. It’s an unforgettable assault rifle worth every shot.

AS Val Location

as val wall-buy

  • Cost: 1,750 Essence​​​​​​​

Taking to the Sea Caves where players can find Speed Cola, the AS Val provides decent ammunition, a rapid rate of fire, and a bullet-hungry gun.

XM4 Location

xm4 wall-buy

  • Cost: 1,750 Essence​​​​​​​

Entering into the Bio Lab, players can remain on the top platform where to the left of the elevator and near to the meeting room, there will be an XM4 wall-buy. This is a great assault rifle for everyone’s consideration.

Tsarkov 7.62 Location

tsarkov 7.62 wall-buy

  • Cost: 1,500 Essence​​​​​​​

Heading South in the Tactical Raft, players can embark on Crab Island, where they will be able to find the Tsarkov 7.62 towards the back left of the island. This semi-automatic weapon is rather reliable for getting rid of pesky Parasites.

SVD Location

svd wall-buy

  • Cost: 2,000 Essence​​​​​​​

Take a Tactical Raft and head to the left of the map where players can find the Shipwreck. On board this desolate ship, the SVD wall-buy can be found on the left wall. It’s a competent sniper, but not the best zombie-slaying machine.

PU-21 Location

pu-21 wall-buy

  • Cost: 2,250 Essence​​​​​​​

Using the Tactical Raft again, players can head North to find Temple Island on the left. By the shore of the island on a fence post, players can grab the heavy PU-21, an LMG with a lot of kickback.

XMG Location

xmg wall-buy

Use the Tactical Raft to go East until Castle Rock Island is reached, where to the left of the GobbleGum Machine, players can get their hands on the XMG, another heavy LMG that requires a bit of work to get working.

Black Ops 6 Zombies: Terminus Main Quest Guide

Players must fight the undead horrors and experiments that are stopping their escape from Terminus Island in this Black Ops 6 Zombies main quest!

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Tag Page Cover Art

October 25, 2024

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