The main campaign of Dragon Age: The Veilguard will have players visiting some of the most important locations in Thedas, and that includes Minrathous, the capital city of the Tevinter Imperium. In the Shadows of Minrathous quest, players will be tasked to stop a potential Darkspawn incursion stemming from the city’s underbelly, but they’ll soon find out that there’s more going on.
This quest is set fairly early on during Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s campaign, and while it’s not particularly difficult, there are some objectives that players may find confusing. This guide covers all the important bits of the Shadows of Minrathous quest to help you blaze through it as quickly as possible.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How to Open the Gate of Deep Sorrows
Several gates in the Crossroads of Dragon Age: The Veilguard are blocked, and you’ll need to explore the world to find ways inside.
Investigate Anvallenim
The first part of the quest is fairly straightforward. Follow the quest marker into the sewers below Minrathous. You’ll eventually reach some old tunnels where Darkspawn were spotted. Fight through the Venatori and the Darkspawn Ghouls, then report back to Asher at the shop.
There doesn’t appear to be any secrets in this part of the mission. After beating the two Venatori minibosses in the tunnels, go inside the room they came from to find a gilded chest containing a piece of equipment. Later on, you’ll find a boarded tunnel entrance containing a Memento, which can be used to level up the Caretaker.
The Venatori Warehouse
After speaking with Asher, you’ll be tasked to investigate a Venatori warehouse by the docks. Head back into the market and go to the elevator at the end of the street. Once you arrive at the bottom, Venatori will start attacking. Clear the dockyard, then head to the back of the building. Fight the miniboss behind the crystal barrier, then go up the ladder to reach a hatch on the warehouse’s roof.
Inside the warehouse is a group of Venatori trying to control a Darkspawn Hurlock. To reach them, break through a pile of boxes blocking the entryway on the image above, then follow the path leading downstairs. Once you’re there, prepare for a fight.
Here, you’ll fight three Venatori Mages and the Hurlock they’re trying to subdue. Get rid of the mages first so you won’t have to deal with pesky ranged attacks. Lucanis and his Abominate skill can easily deplete the mage’s barriers, but if you haven’t recruited this companion in Dragon Age: The Veilguard yet, make sure to use ranged attacks against them. Once the mages are gone, deal with the Hurlock however you see fit. Make sure to loot the chest in the corner of the room after the fight.
Evidence Locations
After beating all the enemies, you’ll then need to search the lower floor for evidence. You’ll need to interact with items in the following spots:
- On a stack of boxes near the treasure chest
- The sewer grate near the stairs
- On the floor next to some shelves near the sewer grate
- On the floor, near some shelves in the middle of the room
Once you get all the evidence, Asher will pick you up by the warehouse entrance. You and the crew will then instantly travel back to the Shadow Dragon base, and the quest will end.
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