Best Veilguard Factions In Dragon Age

Best Veilguard Factions In Dragon Age

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a great game, with a lot of complex mechanics and even some hidden things players might not be aware of at the beginning. Picking a Faction is an important decision every player must make before starting the adventure.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How To Permanently Increase Rook’s Stats

Here’s how players can strengthen the player character in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

This guide will help players pick the best Faction for their playstyle, with detailed information on each Faction’s passives and important gameplay changes, as well as which are best suited for each class. Let’s take a look at every Faction first.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Factions Explained

Each Faction in Dragon Age: The Veilguard is unique in its own sense, with several different passives that are added to the characters once the players pick one of them. It is important to mention that players can only choose one Faction, and the decision will be final. Unlike most cosmetic or class choices, this is a permanent one that will have deeper implications in the plot, so choose carefully. Here’s every Faction in the game explained:

Lords Of Fortune

Dragon Age The Veilguard Lords Of Fortune Faction

A Faction made of warriors, fortune seekers, corsairs, and dragon hunters. Led by Isabella, who players might recognize from Dragon Age 2, the Lords of Fortune have their base of operations in the Hall of Heroes, on the Eastern Coast of Thedas. Picking this Faction will add the following perks to Rook:

  • Together in Glory: Rook gains reputation with this Faction slightly faster
  • Healthy Competition: Grants increased damage against Mercenaries
  • Relentless: Rook will be able to perform Takedowns slightly easier

Shadow Dragons

Dragon Age The Veilguard Shadow Dragons

A secret order of Minrathous freedom fighters, composed of rogues and mages who have rebelled against the magisters. The Shadow Dragons are a radical branch of the Lucerni, founded by Magisters Dorian Pavus and Maevaris Tilani, who fight in the shadows while their political counterpart do so in the magisterium. They’re openly against slavery and want to change Tevinter from its obscure ways. Picking this Faction will grant these passives:

  • Light in the Dark: Shadow Dragons’ reputation grows faster
  • Never to Rise: Grants increased damage against Venatori
  • Resourceful: Class-specific resources regenerate faster

Mourn Watch

Dragon Age The Veilguard Mourn Watch

The Religious branch of the Mortalitasi, the Nevarran Necromancer order of grave keepers, priests, and scholars of the dead. They live in communion with the spirits and the remains of the departed in the Great Necropolis, led by their mysterious High Priests. They do not believe necromancy is a taboo, instead, they see it as the culmination of the life-cycle, the remains of the dead serving as vessels for those spirits who want to linger in the material plane. Here are the passives Rook will have by choosing this Faction:

  • Recognized Name: Mourn Watchers reputation increases faster
  • Return to the Grave: Deals more damage against Undead and Demons
  • Acute Afflictions: Each time Rook causes an affliction it applies one additional stack

Grey Wardens

Dragon Age The Veilguard Grey Warden

The most renowned Faction in all Thedas, guardians, warriors, and honorable public servants. Grey Wardens fight the Blight wherever it pops up, and are always vigilant, ready to lead the fight against Darkspawn. Wardens are immune to the Blight corruption, but in return, their psyche slowly but steadily breaks apart, until they feel drawn to the Deep Roads by a mysterious song. Then, they descend and fight their last battle, sacrificing themselves for the greater good. Picking this faction will add the following perks:

  • Bonded in Blood: Rook gains reputation with the Grey Wardens faster
  • Blight Killer: Deals more damage against Darkspawn
  • Vigilant Training: Base Health and Defense Stats increased

Dragon Age: The Veilguard – 10 Hidden Mechanics That You Should Know About

There are some mechanics and features that are not explained to players in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Antivan Crows

Dragon Age The Veilguard Antivan Crows

Mysterious, skillful, and deadly assassins from Antiva. With their base of operations in the city of Treviso, members of this ancient order are led by The First Blade, a mysterious figure who commands the Crows and takes contracts from the nobility of all Thedas. They have a strict code of honor, and they always fulfill their contracts. Since Antiva has no military force, they have taken the mantle of shadowy protectors of their country, and are deeply involved in its politics as well. Picking this faction will grant Rook these perks:

  • Under their Wing: Antivan Crows reputation grows faster
  • Open Contract: Deal more damage against Antaam (Qunari)
  • Hidden Pouch: Rook carries an extra Potion

Veil Jumpers

Dragon Age The Veilguard Veil Jumpers

Veil Jumpers are scholars, mainly Daelish (Elven) who tirelessly explore the vastness of Thedas seeking out the lost knowledge of their folk. They unearth relics of the past, and they tinker with them. Most of the time, their experiments are deadly, so they also know when they need to put dangerous artifacts under strict vigilance. Their leadership seems to be scattered across all Thedas, and they move alongside Daelish clans. If Rook picks this faction, they will have the following perks:

  • Close to the Veil: Veil Jumpers reputation increases faster
  • Attuned Strikes: Rook deals additional damage to Fade-touched
  • Keen Eye: Critical and Weak Point Damage Increased

It is important to mention that Class Specialization doesn’t require a specific faction to be unlocked. For example, in our playthrough, we chose the Shadow Dragons, a Mage, and the Spellblade specialization, which is often associated with the Antivan Crows.

Best Factions For Rogue In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Dragon Age The Veilguard Bellara drawing bow action screenshot

The best factions for Rogue in Dragon Age: The Veilguard are the Antivan Crows, and the Veil Jumpers. Players should pick the first if they are considering a more direct approach, and like to deal melee damage, since they’ll need the extra potion from its passive, and will gain access to better suited gear for them in the Antivan Crow’s base much faster.

If they want to dedicate themselves to being long-range attackers, they should consider picking Veil Jumpers instead, since the Keen Eye Passive can improve their total damage output while aiming with the bow. Plus, they also will gain access to many accessories, armor, and weapons faster since they will earn more reputation with them.

Best Factions For Mage In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Dragon Age The Veilguard Antivan Crows

The best factions for Mage in Dragon Age: The Veilguard are the Shadow Dragons and the Mourn Watch. The first one offers an extremely useful passive for all Mage specializations: Resourceful, which grants increased Mana regeneration. This is especially useful since the Mage consumes resources at a really high rate and recovers slowly.

Players should go with the Mourn Watch if they want to play a Control Mage or DoT Mage, since this class also specializes in causing many status effects known as ‘Afflictions.’ The Mourn Watch passive is great for this playstyle, since it adds an extra stack of all status effects each time players apply one.

Best Factions For Warrior In Dragon Age: The Veilguard


The best Factions for a Warrior in Dragon Age: The Veilguard are Lords of Fortune and Grey Wardens. The Lords of Fortune Faction is ideal for those warriors that want to play rough, and dedicate themselves to dealing damage and destabilizing their opponents, since thanks to its passive, they’ll be able to reach the “Takedown” status way faster. Plus, the extra reputation with the Lords of Fortune helps a lot, since its the hardest faction to earn reputation with (it has few quests associated with it, and is unlocked last).

Grey Wardens are the ideal faction for tanks in the game, since its passive ‘Vigilant Training’ will increase the base health and defense of the character, turning it into a solid vanguard. It also has the advantage of gaining an extra reputation with this faction, which is considerably hard.

Dragon Age The Veilguard Tag Page Cover Art

Dragon Age

October 31, 2024

Electronic Arts

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