Warzone™ 2.0 Tactical Overview — New Features, DMZ, and More

Warzone™ 2.0 Tactical Overview — New Features, DMZ, and More

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The three factions offer plenty of missions to tackle in DMZ, but those searching for more action are also free to do the following during any infiltration:



Just like in Battle Royale, DMZ contains quick-completion objectives that can be accepted in-match for Cash and other rewards. While these Contracts share the same icons as their Battle Royale counterparts, their objectives are different.

Here are some of the DMZ Contracts on offer (and the Tac Map icon for each):

–         Secure Intel / Geiger Search (Magnifying Glass): Find intel on hard drives; then go to the nearest radio tower to upload its data. Alternatively, it may task you to collect Uranium rods found with a Geiger Counter.

–         Elimination (Crosshair): Assassinate an AI target guarded by multiple combatants, or at least confirm their death.

–         Hostage (Handcuffs): Rescue a hostage within a locked building; then carry them to the nearest helicopter exfil location.

–         Cargo Delivery / Shipment (Briefcase): Depending on the specific Contract, find a vehicle or boat with precious cargo for a drop-off at a marked location. Feel free to keep the vehicle after the drop-off!

–         Hunt (Skull): Hunt an enemy Operator team marked as high-value targets (HVTs), due to their activity within the DMZ match.

–         Destroy Supplies (Bomb): Locate and destroy two supply sites with planted bombs.


World Activities

Other icons on DMZ’s Tac Map indicate additional side objectives:

–         Safes: These contain tons of Cash but take time to crack open. The drill you need to use to open a Safe attracts AI combatants and is loud enough to draw the attention of other Operators as well.

–         SAM Sites: These anti-air turrets can shoot down planes carrying precious cargo; activate them to potentially send a Supply Box containing valuable items crashing down.

–         UAV Towers: Find these around Al Mazrah to receive intel on AI combatant and Operator locations via the minimap.

–         Hidden Caches: Obviously not marked on the map, learn where these are likely to be found for consistent valuable item drops.

–         Strongholds: These also exist in Battle Royale; skip down to the Strongholds overview for more details.

Occasionally, parts of Al Mazrah may be under the effects of two conditions:

–         Sandstorms: As a desert city, these conditions can kick up at any time, reducing visibility and damaging Operators over time. If one hits, evacuate the area ASAP.

–         Radiation: Not much is known about its origins, but this deadly condition can poison Operators. Iodine Pills, a new Field Upgrade, can be found to counteract its effects.


Fighting Other Operators and Assimilation

While DMZ focuses mainly on eliminating AI combatants, you may also encounter other Operators during your travels across Al Mazrah.

You are free to engage or avoid these other squads as you see fit. In squad-based DMZ matches (such as Trios at launch), there is also the option to assimilate with other squads instead of fighting them. Though you might be initially reticent to partner with rival Operators, through Proximity Chat and a calm head, you can try to foster a temporary alliance. You may be glad you did, as this is incredibly useful:

First, if all Operators are trying to complete the same faction mission, they may want to party up and tackle it together. Alternatively, if one group is newer to DMZ and can convince a more experienced party to help them out, that could help them survive in a match longer. Or, in situations where two squads are in a heated battle, they can ultimately decide to save their ammo, assimilate, and revive each other before soldiering on.

Also, after assimilating, Operators cannot pull a General Shepherd and cut loose ends — friendly fire is disabled on temporary squadmates.



The Backpack: Looting and Storage