Key Takeaways
- Dragon Age fans wish The Veilguard had more conflict between its companions.
- Dragon Age 2 is brought up as an example of a game that did this right, with our party often bickering amongst themselves
- Everyone in The Veilguard seems to be much more level-headed, with few ideological differences between party members.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard is largely going down well with fans, but there’s one complaint we’re seeing come up a lot online: the companions are too… nice. In fact, the group dynamic as a whole is just too cosy for some, as it seems that there’s not a whole lot of conflict within the titular Veilguard.
It’s enough to have fans reminisce about the companions from previous games, and how much they really, really, did not get along with each other most of the time. In particular, the Dragon Age 2 lot are being praised for how messy they all were, as the lot of them were walking disasters who could barely go five minutes without picking a fight.
Dragon Age Fans Miss When Companions Were Messy And Mean
As fans praise Dragon Age 2’s companions for clashing with one another, it was inevitable that the absence of this in The Veilguard would be brought up.
“This represents my biggest issue with Veilguard: everyone is immediately very kind and good and friendly and there’s no major ideological clashes or bickering,” says Reddit user infiniteglass00. “All the best companion/character relationships and arcs in DA games start from conflict and clash and then you get to experience the growth. And sometimes they still don’t get along, but they work together. DA2 and DAI have so much of this.”
Others agree that this is an issue in their playthroughs so far. “I am constantly being an asshole to Harding and she just keeps giving me approval,” says beachpellini. “The rivalry/friendship system was hands down one of the best aspects of DA2, I’m so sad they never used it again.”
Sgrockr agrees: “Right? Everyone is adulting a little too hard on Veilguard with their emotional responsibility. I need some bickering and recklessness from time to time.”

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Was Always Going To Be Divisive
BioWare’s first single player RPG in years was bound to land in the middle somewhere.
Dragon Age: Origins is also getting some love, with FlakyRazzmatazz5 writing, “Companion bickering in Dragon Age peaked with Alistair and Morrigan.”
Of course, many of us are still fairly early on in the game. Perhaps we’ll get some conflict later on, but for now, it seems that Veilguard might have its most competent group of companions yet – as dull as that can be.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is the long-awaited fourth game in the fantasy RPG series from BioWare formerly known as Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. A direct sequel to Inquisition, it focuses on red lyrium and Solas, the aforementioned Dread Wolf.
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