The Life and Death expansion pack for The Sims 4 brings players a unique look at a soul’s journey, from living a fulfilling life to embarking on the final stages of death, introducing funeral events, enhanced ghost mastery abilities, and even options for rebirth. Central to these themes are the two new career paths: Reaper and Undertaker. The Undertaker is a traditional career that progresses through standard work hours, while the Reaper career is an active one, similar to the Scientist or Doctor careers. With the Reaper career, players accompany their Sims to work, guiding them through tasks that contribute to their performance rating, ultimately affecting promotion opportunities.

The Sims 4: How to Create and Complete a Bucket List
Sims can live life and death to the fullest by scratching items off their bucket list in The Sims 4.
Unlike many other careers, the Reaper role does not branch into separate paths; instead, it intensifies in complexity as Sims progresses, presenting new and intriguing daily tasks. Skills such as Thanatology, Fitness, and Charisma play an essential role in advancing through the ranks. Notably, Reapers must also help souls transition to the netherworld to earn promotions, and they face a unique weekly quota of 25 souls. Meeting this quota grants access to Grim’s Box, an exclusive reward. Here’s an overview of each career level, skill requirements, tasks, and all the essentials players need to master the Reaper career.
How to Join Reaper Career
Starting the Reaper career in The Sims 4 is as straightforward as any other job—players can initiate it by selecting Find a Job to access the career selection menu. Occasionally, however, the Grim Reaper himself may also call Sims to join the ranks of the Reapers. While there are no prerequisites to get started, the career’s darker nature makes it an ideal choice for Sims with the Macabre trait, as these Sims are naturally more inclined to work with the afterlife and will have less debuffs from being near death. Focused moodlet is also ideal when performing tasks.
Reaper Career Daily Tasks
Upon beginning their journey as a “Grimtern,” Sims will need to attend two days of active duty, during which they’ll get a hands-on tutorial that covers the essentials of reaper tasks, preparing them for a successful career. The first day will take players through the usual reaping tasks, including some pre-travel and post-return tasks to be able to complete the reaping procedures.
Pre-Travel Tasks
Sims may need to complete a certain number of tasks before they can actually travel and reap souls. They are relatively straightforward, but should be done as soon as possible so that players have enough time to deal with the tasks as they travel or come back from the reaping. They include:
- Practice Reaping (By clicking on the mannequin)
- Perform Scythe Maintenance (Click on the active Sim)
- Perform Research Assignment (Click on bookshelf)
- Scry for Travel (Click Scry Bowl)
On-site Tasks
As Sims progress through the Reaper career, their cases increase in complexity, requiring a variety of tasks before they can successfully collect souls and complete the on-site portion of their workday. At lower career levels, Sims might be assigned to collect just 1-2 souls per day, but as they advance, the number can rise to 4-5 souls (especially with certain emergencies which also allow Sims to skip the pre-travel tasks all together, such as the Cowplant Emergency, or Laughter Disaster), which is helpful for meeting Grim’s weekly soul quota. For each case, Sims will first need to identify the cause of death before they can officially reap the soul.
Depending on the circumstances, Sims might need to investigate items near the deceased to uncover clues or even interact with the witnesses. The tasks include:
- Determine Cause of Death (Click on the deceased Sim to “Investigate Cause of Death” a couple of times, before being able to Determine the Cause of Death”
- Speak To Witness (Click on any living Sim nearby)
- Investigate Items (Click on nearby items like chairs or tables)
- Collect Soul (Click on the deceased Sim)
Players are able to choose between a few options when collecting a soul. The differences are for the most part for some animation variety, however they have different success rates. For example, reaping carefully will take a little longer but will always succeded, but other options have a chance of failing, which might actually cause Sims to take longer time.
- Ask For Review (Click the urn)
- Return Urn To Family (Click the urn)
- Soothe Witness (Click the nearby alive Sim, and find it under the Social Menu)
- Get To Know Witnesses (Click the nearby alive Sim, and find it under the Friendly Menu)
- Return To Office (Click on active Sim)
In certain scenarios, players may be prompted to complete a task for the Plea Bargain. In these cases, the active Sim can either choose to accept the Plea (which will then require the reaper Sim to revive the deceased Sim by clicking on them, or otherwise they can reject the plea and reap the soul. While players can essentially choose either of the option, Reviving the Sim will mean they will not be able to collect a soul for the quota, which can make it more difficult to achieve. After choosing either of the options, Sims will be able to return to the office as usual.
Post-Reaping Tasks
There is still more stuff to do after returning from a successful reaping session. They are also quite straightforward, and players should aim to do as many of them as possible until they can get a Gold medal for the day. Other than that, the Sim can simply do any activities that may help them build skills, fill their needs, or release souls to the netherworld, or check the weekly quota for their progress. The tasks include:
- File Death Certificate (Click the PC. It’s recommended to prioritize this task over the others.)
- Analyse Death Trends (Click the PC)
- Order Office Supplies (Click the PC)
- Set Reaping Schedules (Click the Slablet)
- Socialize with Co-workers (Click any other Sim on the lot)
Once the working hours are over, players will be able to gain their Simoleons, and see the increase in their performance based on the medal they have obtained.
Reaper Career Emergency Tasks
From time to time, players might find themselves on an Emergency Task at the HQ, which means that they will be unable to be able to reap the souls for a day, but instead complete an entirely different set of tasks at a certain location or at the HQ.
Afterlife Emergency
In this instance, there is something wrong with the Netherworld Portal, and players will simply need to work on fixing it to complete the day. Tasks include:
- Fix The Scrying Bowl (Click the Scry bowl. Handiness skill can be useful to repair more efficiently)
- Exorcise The Mischievous Ghost (Find the spirit and use exorcise option. They can be found posessing furniture.)
- Recalibrate Grim’s Slablet (Click on a Slablet)
- Repair The Netherworld Portal (Click on the Portal. Usually available as the final task for the emergency)
Once these tasks are complete, Sims will be able to do the usual tasks they can perform in the HQ until the end of the work hours.
Collect Lost Souls and Make Grimborsia
In this instance, Sim will need to travel to an empty lot, which is affected by Netherworld Fissures, causing souls to escape to the mortal realm. Sims will be able to skip the pre-travel tasks and travel right away. Tasks include:
- Harvest Grimbrosia Source (Click the orange plant on the lot)
- Close Netherworld Fissures (Click the blue-glowing cracks on the floor)
- Pick Up Lost Souls (Click the floating souls. These will also count towards the weekly quota)
- Return to the Office
- Make Grimbrosia (Cook Grimbrosia in the kitchen upstairs at the HQ. Sims will also need to deliver Grimbrosia to the Grim, which will increase their relationship)
Weekly Soul Quota
In the Reaper career, Sims are tasked with collecting a weekly soul quota of 25 souls. This is a combined goal with fellow Reaper colleagues. Meeting this quota is essential not only for maintaining good performance but also for unlocking rewards from Grim’s special chest, located upstairs at the HQ. Players can track their Sim’s progress toward the quota at any time by using a computer while at HQ, allowing them to plan their tasks accordingly.
Achieving the full quota boosts career performance and provides an additional reward from the chest. On the flip side, failing to reach the quota by week’s end will negatively impact career performance.
Grim will send a notification a day in advance about the weekly soul quota deadline. If players are struggling with reaching the goal in time, they can always buy some additional Lost Souls from the Mysterious Merchant in return for some Simoleons.
There are a total of 10 levels in the Reaper career. They are as follows:
Level |
Hours |
Rates |
Promotion Requirements |
1: Grimtern |
9:00am – 5:00pm M T W T F |
$25/hour |
Attend 2 Active Work Days |
2: Restceptionist |
9:00am – 5:00pm M T W T F |
$31/hour |
Reach Level 2 Thanatology Skill |
3: Dust-To-Dust Buster |
10:00am – 6:00pm M T W T F |
$39/hour |
Reach Level 3 Thanatology Skill Release 3 Souls * Unlocks Basic Reaper Uniform |
4: Collections Agent |
2:00pm – 10:00pm T W T F Sat |
$54/hour |
Reach Level 2 Fitness Skill Reach Level 3 Charisma Skill |
5: Soul Slayer |
2:00pm – 10:00pm M T W T F Sat |
$77/hour |
Reach Level 4 Thanatology Skill Release 5 Souls |
6: Spirit Expert (Extraction & Resolution) |
11:00am – 7:00pm M T T F Sun |
$110/hour |
Reach Level 4 Charisma Skill Write Reaping Manual (can be done on Free time on a PC under Writing Menu) |
7: Nether-Tether |
5:00pm – 1:00am W T F S S |
$158/hour |
Reach Level 5 Thanatology Skill |
8: D.N.R. (Death’s Negotiation Reporter) |
2:00pm – 10:00pm T W T S S |
$223/hour |
Reach Level 4 Fitness Skill Reach Level 5 Charisma Skill * Unlocks Timeless Hourglass (Household Inventory) |
9: Graveling |
10:00am – 5:00pm M W T F Sun |
$299/hour |
Release 10 Souls |
10: Reaper |
9:00am – 4:00pm M W F Sat |
$421/hour |
N/A * Unlocks Grand Reaper Uniform * Unlocks Grim’s Right Hand (Reward Trait) |
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