The Best Water-Type Cards In Pokemon TCG Pocket

The Best Water-Type Cards In Pokemon TCG Pocket
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Key Takeaways

  • Water-type cards offer diversity in
    Pokemon TCG Pocket
    , with high resistance to Fire-type attacks for defensive play.
  • Lapras EX is a top basic card due to its damage output and self-healing ability.
  • Kingler’s KO Crab attack has RNG for high damage, making it effective for knockouts.

Water-type cards offer some of the most diverse experiences in Pokemon TCG Pocket. They usually allow players to draw extra cards or manipulate energy, but they can also deliver some excellent damage output. This type of card is also highly resistant to Fire-type attackers, allowing for a more defensive approach when building decks.

Pokemon TCG Pocket: Best Fire-Type Cards, Ranked

Fire type cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket are capable of turning up the heat with their damage, and these are some of the strongest cards.

However, Water-type cards are weaker against Lightning-type Pokemon, so keep this in mind when testing a deck. Of course, it all depends on the meta, but that’s what makes Water-type Pokemon so desirable: It’s their flexibility and adaptability. There’s a high chance of creating a truly powerful meta deck by using some of the best Water-type cards on this list.

8 Lapras EX

Essential Healing Basic Card

Pokemon TCG Pocket Lapras EX

  • Stage: Basic
  • HP: 140
  • Evolves from: N/A

There’s only one other basic Pokemon that deals as much damage as Lapras EX, and that’s Articuno EX. However, Articuno’s attack is one Water Energy more expensive, which makes Lapras EX the best basic card in Pokemon TCG Pocket. Its Bubble Drain attack hits for 80 points of damage and requires only two Water Energy instead of three.

Additionally, Lapras EX can heal itself for 20 HP each time it attacks, which keeps it on the battlefield for much longer periods than Articuno EX.

7 Frosmoth

Best Card With Status Effect

Pokemon TCG Pocket Frosmoth

  • Stage: 1
  • HP: 90
  • Evolves from: Snom

Frosmoth may look cute, but it’s actually one of the most dangerous Pokemon in the game, as it can inflict the Asleep status effect on the opponent’s Pokemon. This status effect completely removes the affected card from the game, making it unable to either attack or retreat. This effect can be applied with each of Frosmoth’s Powder Snow attacks, which deal 40 points of damage.

Pokemon TCG Pocket: 10 Beginner Tips

By following these tips for Pokemon TCG Pocket, players will have an edge against the competition.

It may not be much in terms of attack power, but the status effect is so strong that in a few turns, all the opponent’s Pokemon may be rendered completely useless.

6 Kingler

Best Card For Knock-Outs

Pokemon TCG Pocket Kingler

  • Stage: 1
  • HP: 120
  • Evolves from: Krabby

Kingler is one of the most underrated water cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket. On its own, it deals 80+ points of damage when using its KO Crab attack, which costs two Water Energy and a single Colorless. Each time Kingler attacks, players can flip a coin two times. If both times they get heads, Kingler attacks for another 80 points of damage.

Sure, the RNG on this one may not work every time, but if it does at least once per match, dealing 160+ points of damage would be enough to defeat even the strongest of Pokemon.

5 Gyarados

Best Card For Discarding Energy

Pokemon TCG Pocket Gyarados

  • Stage: 1
  • HP: 150
  • Evolves from: Magikarp

Gyarados may be an expensive card, requiring four points of Water Energy to deal 100 damage, but at the same time, it also discards an active energy point from an opponent. This will potentially deal an even bigger blow to them than the damage itself, which is quite significant.

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Here’s how to reroll for free in Pokemon TCG Pocket until you get an EX or a crown rarity gold card for building a META deck.

It’ll also be very hard for an opponent to remove Gyarados with its massive HP pool. So they’ll probably lose more than one energy point in the course of a match before it leaves the battlefield.

4 Greninja

Pokemon TCG Pocket Greninja

  • Stage: 2
  • HP: 120
  • Evolves from: Frogadier

Greninja has one significant advantage over many other Water-type cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket, and that’s its extremely low retreat cost of only a single Colorless. This means that it can stay alive for a very long time and endure even the most demanding battles.

On top of that, it has a very cheap but strong Water Slash attack and a very useful Water Shuriken ability. This skill deals 20 extra damage to the chosen enemy Pokemon every turn. It may be just enough to eliminate a Pokemon that’s been surviving for too long.

3 Omastar

Best Card Against Defenders

Pokemon TCG Pocket Omastar

  • Stage: 2
  • HP: 140
  • Evolves from: Omanyte

Omastar is very similar in its approach to battles to Frosmoth. Of course, as an evolved Pokemon, Omastar has higher HP and attack power, but its ability to prevent enemy Pokemon from attacking is very much the same as Frosmoth’s Asleep status effect. In either case, using both of them in the same deck could have devastating effects on the opponent’s gameplan.

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There are several methods for getting Pack Hourglasses in Pokemon TCG Pocket, but this auto-battle technique is the most lucrative.

It’s also important to note that Omastar’s Ancient Whirlpool attack requires only a single Water Energy and two Colorless, which makes it easier to activate in comparison to other Water-type Pokemon.

2 Poliwrath

Best Card For Counterattacks

Pokemon TCG Pocket Polywrath

  • Stage: 2
  • HP: 150
  • Evolves from: Poliwhirl

Very few Pokemon in this game can directly answer enemy attacks, but Poliwrath is an exception, and can immediately reciprocate. This is possible due to Poliwrath’s Counterattack ability, which triggers automatically if this Pokemon is in the Active Spot. As a result, it deals an extra 20 points of damage to the attacking enemy.

After a successful counterattack, Poliwrath can use its Mega Punch and deal 80 damage for a single Water Energy and two Colorless. After such a powerful response, very few opponents will want to get involved with Poliwrath again.

1 Blastoise EX

Most Overpowered Attacker Card

Pokemon TCG Pocket Blastoise EX

  • Stage: 2
  • HP: 180
  • Evolves from: Wartortle

The strongest Water-type card in Pokemon TCG Pocket is Blastoise EX, both in terms of health and attack power. It has two attacking abilities, Surf and Hydro Bazooka, where the latter can deal up to 160+ points of damage in a single swing. Of course, it requires four points of Water Energy, but there are very few Pokemon who can survive its onslaught.

Blastoise EX also has the highest HP total of all other Water-type Pokemon in the game, making it very hard to kill. Even if two such Pokemon collide in a battle, they won’t be able to finish each other off with a single attack.


October 30, 2024

DeNA , Creatures Inc.

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