Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure has some of the coolest protagonists and abilities in anime. In one timeline, a stone mask is discovered which kick-starts a series of strange events. This forever binds the destiny of the Joestar family and the Brando family. In another timeline, everything starts with a race across America.

Every Main JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Villain, Ranked
Learn all about the best villains in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure!
The main protagonists of these adventures must each face their trials and hardships as they stand up to the evil that arises during their times. So which Jojo is the best? From mischievous tricksters to members of the mob, here is every Joestar in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure ranked.
Jonathan Joestar, Phantom Blood
Courageous And Self-Sacrificing
Jonathan Joestar is not the most interesting of the Joestars. However, this is mostly due to the length of Phantom Blood compared to other parts of the series. Jonathan is a purely good character whose morals are challenged by Dio daily.
With his dog dead, his friends turned against him, and eventually, his home burned down, Jonathan doesn’t falter but stays true to his righteous ways. Always a gentleman even towards his greatest foe, even Dio is shocked when Jonathan finally dies aboard a burning ship.
Giorno Giovanna, Golden Wind
The Son Of Dio
Giorno Giovanna is the son of Dio but also a Joestar due to the theft of Jonathan’s body. While Giorno can be ruthless with his enemies, he also has a sense of righteousness that ultimately makes him a much better person than his father.
Giorno’s stand, Gold Experience, can turn inanimate objects into living things and even alter the human body and senses. While Giorno is a compelling Jojo, it often feels like he is underutilized throughout most of Golden Wind until the final few chapters.
Josuke Higashikata “Gappy”, Jojolion
A Mystery Worth Following
Josuke Higashikata, also known as Gappy, may not be as friendly as the original Josuke from the first timeline, but he is a compelling Jojo to lead Jojolion. Waking up with amnesia and an extra testicle, it offers an extra mystery for fans to follow. Just who is Josuke Higashikata?

Every JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Opening, Ranked
It’s time to pose like a Stand user for the very best JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure openings.
Gappy also has a unique stand called Soft and Wet. He uses it to produce bubbles with various effects on those who come into contact with them. These bubbles can be controlled to target an enemy and steal one of their properties, such as texture, temperature, and even human senses.
Jodio, Jojo Lands
This Joestar Is A Thief
Jodio Joestar is the Ninth Jojo of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Already, he offers a unique take on the franchise’s main characters. Jodio has a name combination of Jojo and Dio. This reflects his personality and ambitions, which are less than noble. This is to become the richest person in Hawaii.
Jodio also has a unique stand called November Rain which, unlike others that take a more humanoid shape, this one looks more like a bizarre creature. Even its ability is a first for the franchise, with the power to rain down heavy droplets that can crush anyone who stands in Jodios way.
Johnny Joestar, Steel Ball Run
The Greatest Journey
Johnny Joestar is by far one of the best Jojos due to the levels of character development that he gets. While many Jojos remain unchanged from their first appearance to their last, Johnny goes from being selfish and whiny to someone who is willing to risk it all for the sake of others.
This is a much bigger leap than any of the other Jojos make during their adventures and his stand evolving also keeps his story fresh. Traveling with Gyro Zeppeli, he attempts to learn to use the Spin, which could be the key to healing his legs.
Josuke Higashikata, Diamond Is Unbreakable
Don’t Say Anything About His Hair
The original Josuke Higashikata from Diamond is Unbreakable is one of the most mischievous Jojos in the series. After all, he is the illegitimate child of Joseph Joestar. Josuke lives in Morioh, which is a town full of stand users.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: 10 Best Stands
Introduced in Part 3, Stands become the main element in JoJo’s series, becoming influential to many other animes. These are the best ones!
Luckily, not every stand user is purely evil and Josuke has a knack for befriending those who he crosses paths with. When a serial killer threatens his town, he must step up and protect those he cares about most. His stand is also interesting as it does more than just punch, it can rearrange whatever it makes contact with and even heal injuries.
Jotaro Kujo, Stardust Crusaders
Standing Up To Evil
Jotaro Kujo is often the Jojo most people think about when you mention Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. He is the main protagonist of Stardust Crusaders, appears as a mentor in Diamond is Unbreakable, and even makes an appearance in Stone Ocean.
Jotaro doesn’t say much, but he has a sense of fighting for what is right. His stand, Star Platinum, is fast, precise, and hits hard enough to break every bone in your body. He is also shown to be quite clever by outsmarting Dio multiple times during their battle.
Jolyne Cujo, Stone Ocean
The First Female Jojo
Jolyne Cujo is the first female main character in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and one of the coolest female anime characters of all time. Jolyne’s story takes place mostly within the Green Dolphin Prison, where she must escape after she is framed for causing a death in a car accident.

7 JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Games Only Released In Japan
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a popular series, but Japanese fans have enjoyed more video games over the years than we in the West.
Luckily, she developed a string-based stand called Stone Free which packs a punch but also allows her to use the string in strategic ways. As she escapes the prison and goes after Pucci, she shows off that she can be as cunning as Joseph, as brutal as Jotaro, yet with her own distinct headstrong personality.
Joseph Joestar, Battle Tendency
The Number One Jojo
Despite Jotaro being such an iconic Jojo, it’s Joseph Joestar who takes the crown of the best protagonist. Joseph is always tricky when it comes to dealing with opponents. He uses a combination of clackers and Hamon to destroy vampires and challenge the Pillar Men.
Joseph often appears like he doesn’t take anything seriously, but secretly he is formulating a plan as he goes. He returns in the Stardust Crusaders arc as an older man but has lost none of his charm. He is so charming he even manages to father an illegitimate son. In Diamond is Unbreakable, he is shown to be too old for combat but still willing to help where he can.

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