Humans have hunted for as long as we’ve existed. Whether for sustenance or for sport, we’ve gone out into the wild places of the world intent on coming back with a fresh kill and a daring story. Many of our greatest gods and legends are accomplished hunters – Artemis, Mixcoatl, and Nimrod to name just a few. With the mythos and action surrounding the hunt, it’s a perfect fit for video games.
We’ve assembled a list of the best hunting games ever to grace a screen. From simple point-and-shoot fare to ultra realistic sims to modern myths of epic prey, these games offer whatever part of the hunting experience you could want – without having to get up at four in the morning.

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Updated On November 3, 2024 by Matt Arnold: Monster Hunter Wilds is still a few months away, so in the meantime, you can sate your need to take down titanic beasts with Wild Hearts, our newest addition to this list. Or, you can always try one of the old standbys and get back to nature with some of the more simulation-oriented hunting games. The choice is yours!
Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter (2010)
- Realism: 4/5. As solid as the tactical and hunting gameplay is, you can only get so realistic when dinosaurs are involved.
Hunting games that want to tout their realism will often point out the different reactions animals will have to the hunter’s actions. The player will need to stalk, ambush, pursue or even defend themselves according to the peculiarities of the animals’ fight-or-flight instincts. Many hunting games have such a mechanic. What most hunting games don’t have is dinosaurs.
An updated port of 1998’s Carnivores, Dinosaur Hunter lets the player put their hunting skills to the test against the mightiest beasts to walk the Earth. From velociraptors and stegosaurs to the ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex, the game tasks you with changing tactics for each mark. The series has seen a number of reboots and remasters in the last ten years, but thus far none have quite surpassed the 2010 version.
Big Buck Hunter Reloaded (2020)
- Realism: 3/5. The game encourages kill shots that would be correct in real-life hunting, but the fast-paced gameplay and absurd minigames never let you forget that you’re in an arcade.
Big Buck Hunter is often found in arcades and is designed to be quick, simple, and replayable. Each hunt shows a picturesque landscape with an assortment of animals to kill using the game’s gun peripheral, all of whom scatter as soon as they’re aware of you. While it’s not meant to be realistic, Big Buck Hunter captures the tense moment immediately before and after taking the shot.
The game also has some charming silliness, particularly in its minigames. The most recent iteration, Big Buck Hunter Reloaded, has the best graphics yet and, of all things, a zombie mode and a port of the Terminator: Salvation arcade game. Sure it’s corny, but the fun factor is undeniable.
Hunting Unlimited 2010 (2009)
- Realism: 5/5. Despite being an older title, this is one of the better games out there for players who want an authentic experience.
While there have been other Hunting Unlimited titles since, for our money the 2010 edition is the best of the lot. Not only does it have dozens of weapons and tools at the player’s disposal and a target range to try them in, but it also features over a hundred missions with set goals in addition to free roaming.
Best of all, unlike most other hunting games, Hunting Unlimited 2010 includes the franchise’s mission editor, allowing players to create and share their own customizable hunts. Since it’s an older title, it’s also fairly cheap on Steam – a steal when you consider it’s one of the best hunting games on PC.
Hunt: Showdown (2019)
- Realism: 2/5. Magic and monsters make for an exciting hunt, which is why video games are such a great medium. Hunt: Showdown is a great pick for playing with friends, but it’s an action game first and foremost.
A grimdark PvPvE romp, Hunt: Showdown pits teams of hunters against supernatural forces in the Louisiana Bayou. To win, your team will need to track and kill the target monster before any of the competing teams. There’s more than one monster in the swamps, though, so a misstep can bring an end to your hunt quickly.
Hunting has evolved into a largely social activity in the real world, so a team-based hunting game makes a lot of sense. Realism and immersion are not the selling points here, but teams racing to kill a boss first is a cool concept and the tracking element only serves to ratchet up the tension. Besides, who wouldn’t want to unleash their inner Van Helsing?
Duck Hunt (1984)
- Realism: 1/5. It’s Duck Hunt.
This single-screen shooter is a true classic. Duck Hunt, arguably the most well-known hunting game in the world, was one of the few games to make use of the NES Zapper accessory. Anyone who’s played it on original hardware can hear the sh-ching of the trigger to this day – and likely carries a burning animosity for the game’s jerk of a hunting dog.

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Easily the simplest game on this list, Duck Hunt is a staple of retro gaming. It came packed with the NES, sharing a cartridge with no less a game than Super Mario Brothers itself. Its legacy also lives on in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, where the game’s animals team up as a playable fighter.
- Realism: 3/5. Tracking cryptids across the wilderness puts these games squarely in the fantasy genre, but if you run with the premise that these creatures exist, both Bigfoot and Folklore Hunter provide a solid tracking and hunting experience that’s much safer than actually trying to bag dangerous game.
Sharing this spot are two sides of the same early-access coin. Both Bigfoot and Folklore Hunter send you (and your friends, if you wish) to hunt a supernatural beast – the titular sasquatch and the Wendigo, respectively. Each monster is strong, cunning, and doesn’t like humans in its territory. Standing no chance in a straight-up fight, you will need to track the monster, learn its habits, and eventually lure it into a position where you can put it down for good.
Both games have a horror element to them, as you never know quite whether you are the hunter or the hunted. Encounters with the target usually consist of trying to deal enough damage to drive it off and maybe wound it for later fights, or the humans running for their lives. These hunting games are the first in an exciting new subgenre, and we can’t wait to see where they go next.
Prehistoric Hunt (2020)
- Realism: 4/5. The hunting gameplay is there, complete with lures and other tools of the trade, and the multiplayer emphasizes hunting as a social activity. If dinosaurs were still around, this is probably how you’d hunt them.
Prehistoric Hunt has been in early access for a few years now, but if you’re looking to score some truly dangerous game or just want to try a new title, it’s a great choice. You can even play with friends and design the interior of your lodge, giving you something to do between trips. How many people can say they’ve got a T-rex trophy on their wall?
Of course, this is defrinitely a game where you’re just as much a target as your quarry. Be sure you can take down a big dinosaur before taking the shot, and always be on the lookout to make sure you aren’t surrounded by a pack of clever girls.
Wild Hearts (2023)
- Realism: 2/5. It’s more on the Monster Hunter side than the Cabela’s side.
Wild Hearts is Koei Tecmo’s answer to Capcom’s wildly popular Monster Hunter series. Set in a fantasy Japan, it lets you team up with friends to hunt giant, mutated animals using ancient technology. Not only is it absolutely gorgeous, but now that it’s been out for a while you have a better chance of getting it on sale.
Hunting Simulator 2 (2020)
- Realism: 5/5. Honestly, we’d be disappointed if a game called Hunting Simulator wasn’t one of the most realistic games around.
For the player who wants realism in their hunting games, Hunting Simulator 2 is a strong choice. It will see you selecting the appropriate ammunition for the job as you track dozens of animals over three gorgeous environments. You’ll need to use real-world hunting tactics and gear to be successful, including weapons and outfits.
Best of all, Hunting Simulator 2 gives your character a dog to accompany you on the hunt. Picking the right breed for the job is part of the game’s strategy, and you’ll be using your companion to sniff out, run down, and retrieve prey just as much as you’ll be using your firearms – and yes, you can pet them too. The dogs, not the firearms.
Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive (2014)
- Realism: 4.5/5. Spear fishing is an experience that fewer people will likely have in their lifetimes than traditional hunting, so Depth Hunter gets props for bringing that into people’s homes. The only real point against it is the fact that there’s so much treasure within easy diving range.
Depth Hunter 2 is a spear-fishing sim with plenty of underwater environments to explore. The challenges associated with underwater hunting provide new gameplay experiences, including three-dimensional environments and the need to monitor your oxygen. The game specifically simulates breath-holding spearfishing as opposed to SCUBA, so timing your dives and taking care not to overexert your character are critical skills to learn.
The game also offers a photo mode and sunken treasures to recover. Combined with three giant environments from around the world, this gives Depth Hunter 2 extra replayability and something to offer anyone who wants to journey through the deep.
Cabela’s North American Adventures (2010)
- Realism: 5/5. The extra conditions and challenges in North American Adventures make it a great choice for sim fans who are looking for something different.
There have been a lot of Cabela’s hunting games over the years, but North American Adventures stands out for its unique twist on the genre. This time around, your big game hunter is accompanied by a cameraman. The pair are filming a reality show, and your job is not only to bring down your prey but to do so in a way that gets your cameraman the footage he needs to make the show a hit.
The merging of hunting and photography gameplay is incredibly unique, cementing North American Adventures as our choice from Cabela’s extensive lineup.
Monster Hunter Rise (2022)
- Realism: 2/5. Monster Hunter definitely nails the preparation that goes into a successful hunt, as well as the overall lethality of trying to fight a large predator. However, its high-fantasy setting keeps it strictly in the realm of make-believe.
Capcom’s Monster Hunter series has gained a cult following that’s only getting stronger with each successive entry. The franchise’s trademark massive boss fights and co-op focus have reached new heights in the latest entry, and fans have already fallen head-over-heels for the new characters introduced in Monster Hunter Rise. It almost goes without saying that the game is gorgeous – just be careful not to get too distracted lest you miss a dodge roll.

Monster Hunter Rise: Beginner’s Guide And Tips
Like any entry in Capcom’s franchise, Monster Hunter Rise can be intimidating for newcomers. What tips should inexperienced hunters follow?
The game’s fantasy setting allows for unchecked creativity in coming up with new creatures to hunt, and the action-oriented gameplay is a departure from other hunting games but the need for skill and focus is still front and center.
theHunter: Call of the Wild (2017)
- Realism: 5/5. We’d honestly give this one a six if we could. The environments, animal behaviors, and player tactics are all about as realistic as it gets. It’s enough to make even the indoorsiest gamers consider giving the real thing a try.
For the true realistic hunting aficionados, there is no better game on the market today than theHunter: Call of the Wild. Its massive, realistic environments are a feast for the eyes, and you’ll be hard-pressed to explore every inch of them. The individual animals are nearly unique, leaving it up to the player to decide from behind the scope which beast will yield the best trophy. Every step your character takes will crunch leaves and snap twigs, potentially alerting the wildlife to your presence. The game even has an engine to generate unique antlers on animals. Expansive Worlds really did try to think of everything.
Best of all, this deeply immersive PC game continues to be actively supported with both free and paid content. New locations, animals, vehicles, weapons and hunting dogs are being added all the time, making Call of the Wild a living, growing experience.
Way Of The Hunter (2022)
- Realism: 4.75/5. Scaling difficulty modes and easier hunts may not give you the full experience, but they certainly make for a better game! Helpful things like Hunter Sense can be turned off if you want a hardcore, realistic playthrough, but your average player will be more than happy to tone things down if it means more bags at the end of the day.
Way Of The Hunter shares a lot of gameplay similarities with theHunter, to the point where the top spot on this list could easily be a tie. Where theHunter is stunningly realistic, though, Way Of The Hunter leans slightly more toward fun and accessibility while still being a top-tier hunting sim. Animals are slightly more plentiful, and it’s easier for players without real hunting experience to learn important mechanics like choosing the right firearm for their intended prey.
The real cherry on top for Way Of The Hunter, which pushes it into first place, is the inclusion of a surprisingly compelling storyline and a heavy focus on ethical hunting. The game also takes the effects of hunting on the local gene pool into effect; culling weaker animals makes for better trophies down the road, while depleting the healthiest specimens early means there will be slim pickings later!

Scary Games Where You Are Hunted
It’s all fun and games until something much stronger than you is out to get you. Try not to get caught.
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