Support Veterans with the Call of Duty®: Mobile C.O.D.E. Timeless Pack

Support Veterans with the Call of Duty®: Mobile C.O.D.E. Timeless Pack
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The Call of Duty Endowment identifies and funds the most efficient and effective organizations that get unemployed veterans back to work. Beyond funding, the Endowment partners with grantees to provide an array of advice and support aimed at maximizing impact.

Since the nonprofit’s inception in 2009, the Endowment has risen to become one of the largest philanthropic funders of veteran employment. In total, the Endowment’s efforts have achieved an estimated $5.6 billion in economic value for U.S. and U.K. veterans. To date, the Call of Duty Endowment has donated more than $62 million to placing vets in high quality jobs.

Visit for further details, including more ways to help the cause.

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