Right this is n4g……
Or just look it up yourself
rockstar tossed out midnight club/manhunt/max payne 2 on steam they are all still unplayable but the community members that read the game files and know how to mod revealed they are original pc versions from cracked websites. Silent showed how one 2004 game still has the signature left from the crack team “razor”.
Right now you can pay over $30usd for these games that have code/files from hackers/modders rockstar did nothing to make them work on modern system’s but at the same time never bothered to fix the cracked version to stop the anti piracy measures they put in place therefor the games go hacker hacker alert then lockup. Oh the patch to go around the measures is out there on the www on the steam review page for the games people leave links to dump sites that still have the files to patch the game to make them work.
Tldr rockstar tossed 3 games out but they had hacker/modded files another team fixed there screwup so legit pay users half to use 3rd party who knows were/who made files to make there games work that they paid for.
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