Key Takeaways
- UAV provides invaluable intel at a low cost, increasing your odds of winning engagements.
- Archangel Launcher can do serious damage with effective control but performs better in certain game modes.
- Counter UAV scrambles minimaps, creating uncertainty and flanking opportunities for your team.
Scorestreaks in Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 are wonderfully fun to deploy, and wonderfully upsetting to fight against. Such is the way it’s always been, and the way it will always be. On the one hand, it’s always a bummer to get killed by one, but on the other, an enemy has to do very well to deploy it.

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But all Scorestreaks aren’t created equal. All of them have different costs to deploy, and different situations in which they thrive. This list is going to rank the Scorestreaks by a combination of their overall efficacy, mixed with how much they cost to deploy.
Drone That Reveals Enemy Locations On Minimap
A mainstay in more or less every Call of Duty, the UAV remains popular for good reason: it provides invaluable intel to you and the rest of your team. Your odds of winning an engagement go up dramatically when you’re more aware of your opponents location than they are of yours, and the UAV does this in spades.
There are perks that can get around the UAV, but if the enemy is running those, they’re giving up some other kind of bonus, so the trade-off is worth it for both sides, really. The UAV is fairly cheap to activate, too, so you can have multiple ones up throughout a match without too much trouble.
Archangel Launcher
Remote-Controlled Missile
The Archangel Launcher is not an automated Scorestreak, but it can do some serious damage once you’ve got the hang of controlling it. It’s a relatively slow-moving missile, but in the heat of the moment, it can be difficult for the enemy to shoot it down.

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The value of the Archangel Launcher does depend somewhat on the situation, and certain modes are going to see better use of it than others. Ideally, you get more than one enemy with each missile, and that’s going to happen more consistently in modes like Hardpoint or Kill Order than it will Team Deathmatch or Kill Confirmed.
Counter UAV
Scrambles Enemy Minimaps
The Counter UAV provides possibly more value than the UAV, because it takes away a lot of intel from the enemy team, regardless of whether or not they had a UAV active to begin with or not. Scrambling the minimap creates a lot of uncertainty in the enemy team, and it can make for a lot of flanking opportunities.
The Counter UAV is a little bit more expensive than the UAV, but it’s still in the realm of possibility for getting multiple times a match without playing at a super high level. It’s not going to directly result in a lot of kills, but it’s going to have a passive effect that stacks the deck in your favor.
Launch A Missile Barrage At A Location
This Scorestreak can provide anywhere from a lot of value to no value at all, but at its ceiling, it can turn a close match into a victory all on its own. This is going to depend strongly on both the map and the mode, with certain maps basically making it next to useless.
But those times where you’re on Hardpoint or Domination and absolutely need to capture that point or you’re going to lose, and the point happens to be outside, this can ensure the enemy team cannot keep the objective, and that it’s yours for the taking. (Not, you know, yours exactly, because this can kill you, too. But your team can take it, certainly.)
Sentry Turret
Deploy A Turret That Automatically Targets Enemies
When well-placed, the Sentry Turret can create a massive problem for the enemy team that they’re forced to deal with, or else lose access to a portion of the map. If the Sentry Turret had less health or did less damage, it wouldn’t be too difficut to reckon with.
But it can a significant portion of health, making lethal the best way to deal with it, as opposed to bullets. And while the enemy team needs to deal with this, they aren’t focusing on your team, who’s enjoying much easier kills on enemies that are preoccupied.
A.G.R. MK1
Remote-Controlled Mini-Tank
Deploying the A.R.G. is a great way to blast your enemies soul out of their body. It’s such a difficult machine to deal with when piloted well, and does such easy damage to the other team that it is more or less a guaranteed cluster of kills before it’s destroyed.

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But it’s not invincible, by any means. Piloting this into the middle of a group of enemies is going to get it blown up quickly, so take the smart routes and create a pincer movement with your allies to get the most out of it.
Chopper Gunner
Control A Gun Turret In A Helicopter
A flat upgrade over the Watchdog Helicopter, the Chopper Gunner allows you to control the ridiculously powerful turret yourself. This puts the value of this in your hands, netting you as many kills as you have the skill to land.
This is somewhat map dependent, with certain maps having bigger interior locations than others for enemies to hide in. But, this is a much more difficult Helicopter to shoot down than the alternative, and has a very high kill ceiling.
Deploy A Gunship With Explosively Powerful Weapons
Basically a more powerful version of the Chopper Gunner, the Dreadnought can, for all intents and purposes, end a match when deployed. It definitely depends on the situation, but kills are so easy to come by when inside of this thing, and there nought you can do but hide from it.
This will, again, depend somewhat on the map, but this is going to be extremely effective in any mode. If enemies have a ton of interiors to hide inside, it can pose a problem, but forcing them into those interiors can create a killbox that your team can make use of.
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