Modern Warfare® II Season 01 Midseason Update — Shipment Map Intel

Modern Warfare® II Season 01 Midseason Update — Shipment Map Intel
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Mode Intel: Domination

And you thought capturing the B flag was hard before. Located smack dab in the middle of the map, the flag is likely to change hands multiple times throughout the match. Often, Operators will crouch or lie prone at the edges of the capture zone, attempting to lower their profile as much as possible. Don’t let them go unnoticed.

Due to the map’s small size, you might choose to ignore the B flag when the enemy is throwing all they have at it. Instead, focus on taking the A and C flags. They’re more easily accessible, if even only by a little, and it’ll take the pressure off Center. When capturing A and C, use the available cover, going prone if needed to make the capture. If you’ve got one, throw down a Trophy System.

Keep in mind that you only need two flags at a time to gain the point advantage. Because the flags are positioned so closely to one another, stay flexible in terms of which flag you’re focused on. If you keep getting eliminated going after one, skip it in favor of the other flags.

Aerial streaks are incredibly powerful on Shipment Domination. Even if the enemy runs for cover into an open container, you’ll force them off the flag, leaving it for the taking. Patience is encouraged when you access one of your aerial streaks; while it’s tempting to call it in right away, it’s wiser to hold on to it until you need to get to a flag, especially when the score is close.

Mode Intel: Search & Destroy

It’s a whole different game in modes like Search & Destroy, where there are no respawns. Though it’s a more tactical, slower paced affair, it still helps to be fast off the break, as even the slightest hesitation can leave you exposed to better-prepared Operators.

On the attacking side, starting in the southwest corner, you can go north to the A Bomb Site or east to the B Bomb Site. Note that both sites are easily viewed from the defenders’ starting position in the northeast — in this case, the bomb carrier may not want to immediately approach a Bomb Site, instead focusing on eliminating some of the enemy team before going in for the plant.

Remember that though it may be tempting to forgo the bomb plant in favor of a total elimination, planting the bomb is still a valid tactic. While the others are busy blasting away, the bomb carrier can take cover behind one of the sites and get to work. Once the bomb is set, it focuses the match on that one point, forcing the enemy to come to you. Spread out, take up defensive positions, and let them have it.

As a defender, get creative with the map’s several ambush points, attacking the enemy team where they least expect it. In the next round, stay in the open and flank them when they stick their heads in your old hiding spot. Soon they won’t know where to look, giving you the advantage.

For either side, it’s not a bad idea to lead battles with any grenades on hand. With a little luck, there’s a good chance you’ll connect, providing a strong opening to the round.

Mode Intel: Hardpoint

Shipment hosts five Hardpoints: one in the middle plus all four corners of the map.

The break for the first Hardpoint is the toughest. Try to get to the edge of the zone without positioning yourself right in the middle. If your teammates are throwing themselves onto the point, take an outside position and flank. If your teammates are objective shy, get in there.

Watch for the indicator of the next Hardpoint in the final ten seconds of the current point so you can position yourself accordingly. The early rotation is crucial in any Hardpoint match, but due to the ease of traversal here, it’s doubly so.

Pair the Battle Hardened and Bomb Squad Base Perks along with the Trophy System Field Upgrade to up your defense on the point, complemented by the Quick Fix Ultimate Perk to speed up your health-regeneration rate while holding the objective. For support-minded players, choose Overclock instead, improving your Trophy System’s recharge rate and capacity.

As with Domination, aerial streaks make a big impact here. Just check the Hardpoint timer before calling it in, lest you attempt to blast enemies in scrap time when the effect is minimal.


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