Lego Horizon Adventures Short Trophy List Confirms Manageable Platinum

Lego Horizon Adventures Short Trophy List Confirms Manageable Platinum

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Key Takeaways

  • The trophy list for Lego Horizon Adventures has leaked, confirming its platinum won’t be as hard to unlock as you might expect.
  • The Skywalker Saga’s platinum was notoriously time-consuming to get, taking an average of almost 90 hours to unlock.
  • Horizon Advntures has a couple of collectible-based trophies, but not ones that will take nearly as long to unlock as the grueling ones in the latest Lego Star Wars game.

When Lego Horizon Adventures releases next week, it will be the first Lego game for more than two years, provided you don’t count 2023’s Lego Fortnite. The last story-driven Lego game was Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga which gave you the chance to play through the core nine movies in Lego form. A game that takes a huge time commitment if you want its platinum trophy, and thankfully, Horizon Adventures will not be replicating that.

The trophy list for Lego Horizon Adventures has already been leaked and you can currently read through the whole thing over at Insider Gaming although be warned, there are spoilers in there. You won’t find those spoilers here, just a breakdown of how many trophies there are and our best guess on how difficult or easy it’s going to be to attain the upcoming Horizon game’s Platinum.


Lego Horizon Adventures Pre-Order Guide: Bonuses, Editions, Release Date, And More

Everything you need to know about Aloy’s first Lego game, launching November 14, 2024.

There will be a total of 24 trophies to unlock in Horizon Adventures – six gold, eight silver, nine bronze, and the platinum once you’ve unlocked the others. While 24 trophies isn’t many, it’s hard to tell how much time and effort it will take to unlock a platinum without knowing what you need to do to unlock those trophies. The Skywalker Saga, for example, has 46 trophies to unlock. Not only is that almost twice as many as Horizon Adventures, but a few of those trophies require an incredible amount of legwork.

Horizon Adventures Will Have An Easy Platinum By Lego Standards

This Ain’t Gonna Be No Skywalker Saga

While some of the trophies are easy to unlock and will kind of just happen as you play through the Lego versions of the movies, like the trophy you receive for completing each episode, others are far more time-consuming. Some of the trophies that will have left you seeing studs in your sleep, and not in a fun way, include having to collect 1,000 kyber bricks, and collecting 10 billion of those aforementioned studs.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga, Episode 4, Studs Scatter After Death

While I won’t be spoiling anything major about Horizon Adventures here, I can confirm the game won’t ask anything quite as time-consuming from you for those who plan on trying to unlock its platinum. There are a couple of gold trophies that will require you to gather up quite a few collectibles, but nothing close to numbers in the billions like we had to for Star Wars. I can’t imagine it will be a game you need to spend 90 hours with to unlock its platinum.

Lego Horizon Adventures will be released on November 14, 2024, and will potentially mark the beginning of a new era as it will be the first of PlayStation’s big modern day mascots to be in a game that will launch on Nintendo Switch. A decision PlayStation execs likely made through gritted teeth but makes a lot of sense.


LEGO Horizon Adventures gives Guerrilla Games’ Horizon post-apocalyptic universe a brick-themed makeover. While Aloy takes center stage, the game does not have to be a solo ride and supports co-op.


November 14, 2024


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, Online Co-Op

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