How To Help Strife And Irelin In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

How To Help Strife And Irelin In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

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The Venatori are one of the most annoying enemy factions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, popping up at the most inopportune moments to cause chaos and feed their craving for blood. Whether they’re causing problems during Last Rites, or are lingering in places they shouldn’t be, the Venatori are a troublesome bunch.


Dragon Age: The Veilguard – Dead Men Tell Some Tales Walkthrough

It’s time for a spooky treasure hunt.

While you can defeat waves of them for your enjoyment in the Hall of Valor, a more limited number of Venatori foes are lurking during the Unwanted Guests quest. Fend off the Venatori and help save a captured Dalish prisoner from the clutches of this evil cult.

How To Help Strife And Irelin With The Venatori

Unwanted Guests begins at the Veil Jumper Camp, where you must speak with Strife and Irelin to find out more information about the Venatori presence that has plagued them recently.

Follow your marker through Sanctum Overlook and Ruins Reach to the Shadowy Grove, where you’ll find a group of Venatori camped out in the area.

Defeat the Venatori (weak to Cold, resist Fire) here and poke around their campsite for more information, until you find a small note.

This will update your quest to find the Dalish camp.

Go through the Nameless Building and get to the other side of the Tattered Bridge.

You can fast-travel to the beacon on the other side too, which is quicker.

Follow your marker into the Mystical Tower and defeat the Venatori you find here.

Once the Venatori are dispatched, you can speak to Galadar, a Veil Jumper who informs you of the Dalish being held captive nearby.

How To Solve The First Puzzle

However, to rescue the Dalish captive, you must complete a small puzzle by activating the pedestals in the correct order.

A sound effect that sounds like gold coins jingling will confirm that each selection is correct.

To solve this puzzle, orient yourself to look into the room from the entrance, then hit the following buttons in order:

  • Activate the second pedestal from the left of the entrance
  • Activate the fifth pedestal from the left of the entrance
  • Activate the fourth pedestal from the left of the entrance

Doing so will unlock the barrier here and lead you to the Ransacked Camp, where you’ll encounter another group of Venatori to fight.

Rook finds the Unwanted Guests Ransacked Camp in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Continue following your marker around the shore to a broken bridge that you need to find a way to cross. There’s a small receptacle here for a power crystal that you’ll need to locate.

Go to your right and follow the path along the shore to find the power crystal hidden behind a rock near the waterfall.

Cross the bridge and enter the Reconstructed Ruins, then continue following your marker through a red door and along a path until you encounter more Venatori to defeat.

Be cautious, as the large number of Venatori here can be overwhelming.

Once the Venatori are defeated, follow your marker to another door locked with symbols like before.

How To Solve The Second Puzzle

You can check above the door to see three of the four symbols that you will need to hit to open the door. The last symbol broke off the wall and fell to the ground.

Keep in mind the symbol that fell to the ground is the third one in order.

Stand at the room’s entrance and orient yourself by looking directly at the blue barrier before you begin to solve the puzzle below.

  • Activate the symbol directly on the right of the blue barrier door
  • Activate the first symbol from the left of the entrance
  • Activate the second symbol from the right of the entrance
  • Activate the symbol directly on the left of the blue barrier door

This will deactivate the barrier and allow you to speak to the formerly trapped Dalish villager and search for clues.

Head back toward the entrance to the ruins and investigate some supply boxes, then a Venatori body, which will update your quest to speak to the just-arrived Strife and Irelin.

What Rewards Do You Get From Unwanted Guests?

Rook receives their Unwanted Guests Reward in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Once you’ve finished speaking with the two Veil Jumpers, Unwanted Guests will officially conclude, bestowing the following rewards to compensate you for your time:

  • 5,000 XP
  • Bond increases with companions
  • +600 Veil Jumpers Strength

The huge chunk of XP is enough to warrant doing this quest as soon as you can. Finishing this quest will also immediately unlock the quest Grim Bonds.


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