Hidden Mechanics In Fortnite’s Battle Royale

Hidden Mechanics In Fortnite's Battle Royale

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Fortnite Remix is here to bring back the nostalgic vibes of Chapter 2, and with that, some old mechanics come back in place that new players might not know about, and old players might have forgotten. Fortnite Remix has a few hidden mechanics worth taking advantage of to claim that delicious Victory Royale before Chapter 6 comes in full force.

Fortnite Battle Royale: Tips and Tricks to Victory

Struggling to get Victory Royale in Fortnite? Here are some essential tips and tricks that might just help players to win a match or more.

Whether it’s taking a hostage to reveal enemy locations or figuring out how to blend in with NPCs scattered around the map, Fortnite Remix has a few things that players will want to master if they want to track and trap opponents across the Chapter 2 map.

5 Shakedown Downed Opponents

Provides the Team With the Exact Locations of Enemies

shaking down an enemy

A returning feature from Chapter 2 provides players with intel on their enemies. For those playing in a Battle Royale match of Duos, Trios, or Squads, every time they down a player, they can interact with them to interrogate them to reveal the locations of their teammates.

Once done, everyone on the enemy team will be revealed to the team of whoever held the interrogation, with markers on the HUD as well as red outlines to show what these enemies are doing behind walls. It’s a mechanic everyone should try before going straight for the elimination.

4 Open Vaults for Loot

Vaults Provide Rare Chests in Specific Spots

inside snoop dogg's vault

Within the same locations where players can find bosses, they can also find access keycards from eliminating said bosses. Doing so will provide players with an arrow to follow that will take them down to a secret vault, where they can claim great loot.

Fortnite Remix: All Boss Locations

Fortnite Remix may be a short season on the Chapter 2 island, but it’s not without its powerful weaponry and boss fights.

The only way to access these vaults is through using the keycard, so if players are at a locked vault and there’s no keycard in sight, then it’s going to be a no-go on the sweet rare loot that awaits within.

3 Use Disguises to Blend in

Phone Booth Disguises Allow Players to Become Agents

disguised as a ghost agent

If players are looking to troll other teams or blend in with the NPCs to avoid hostile detection, then they can find a few phone booths around the map. These red phone booths can be entered, and players will then exit them, emerging as a Shadow or Ghost agent.

As one of these agents, players can pretend to blend in and patrol a populated area to trick opponents and fight them without them preparing for the first shot, or, they can blend in with other NPCs and avoid their hostilities.

2 Recharge Shield and Health in Slurpy Waters

Slurpy Swamp Has Reinvigorating Waters

hiding in the slurp juice

Heading to Slurpy Swamp, players can find an abundance of free shields and health by destroying the countless barrels within. However, players can actually find an unlimited supply of slurp to continuously heal themselves and grant shields if they are to take a swim in the contaminated waters, as noted by their foul green glow.


Every Season Of Fortnite, Ranked

Fortnite is one of the most popular games and part of this is due to the game reinvigorating itself with season updates.

Inside the water, players will regenerate health and shields, and they can also hide within the water thanks to the pouring sewer grate. This is great for players who need a safe place to hide out, even when the storm circle comes ticking.

1 Battle Bosses to Make New Allies

The Reward for Beating Snoop Dogg and Co. is a new NPC Ally

hugging meowdas

Across the Remix island, there are a few bosses that players can encounter. Each of these bosses not only has great loot upon them, but they will also immediately become friendly, as will their NPC crew of agents. The boss whose players defeat will become an ally, much like a hired NPC, but without the need for gold.

These ally NPCs can revive players, throw support items and ammo, and even kill enemies. They’re great to have, but players can only have one, so don’t try and grab an army of NPC followers since it’s not going to work.


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