Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Mods are Getting Players Banned

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Dragon Ball Sparking Zero has been out for a few weeks now, with players going through everything it has to offer. However, if you want t a bit extra while you’re waiting for DLC, Sparking Zero mods could let you mix things up. However, Bandai Namco doesn’t seem to be taking mods particularly well.

Sparking Zero has a lot of characters and modes, but it’ll be a while until the first DLC starts to roll out. Until new characters are added in Sparking Zero patch notes, some players have tried to do it themselves through mods. Which has led to some accounts being banned from playing Sparking Zero. Are mods allowed and is it safe to use them in-game?

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Mods

Source: GameBanana

Sparking Zero Mods Could Get You Banned

A recent statement from Bandai Namco has cleared up how they’ll be acting with Dragon Ball Sparking Zero mods. If players use them in the Custom Battle mode, they’ll be banned. Essentially this means mods have to be avoided outside of specific modes. If you’re playing modes quite widely, it might be better to not use mods to avoid getting banned from this mode.

The ban is the kind of thing that frustrates some players. Although, Custom battles can be shared. Allowing Sparking Zero mods would mean players could set anything for some elements of these shareable battles. Which could open the game up to inappropriate content. While bans for mods are frustrating, this one mode does have wider dangers so it makes sense here. However, it does mean players can get too creative with the custom battles.

While modded characters can’t be shared like that, the Sparking Zero roster is fairly wide. Mods can be used outside of this mode too. So players should still have plenty of opportunities to try out bizarre combinations of characters.

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