In Slitterhead, you play as a disembodied spirit who can jump from person to person, controlling them and using their own blood as a weapon. While most options are nameless cannon fodder, you can unlock eight unique ‘Rarities’. These are hand-crafted characters with their own specific powers and weapons.
What’s more, who you select for a mission will determine the abilities of generic NPCs, and speaking to Rarities even opens up new missions that further the story. They are vital to your time in Slitterhead, to put it lightly. And while some are easy to find, others can be tricky. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Julee, Anita, And Alex’s Locations
Your first three Rarities are all unlocked by simply playing the story. Julee is the first, earned in the prologue.
She’ll name you the “Night Owl”, and together, you begin an investigation into the Slitterhead epidemic. In this crusade, two characters of clear importance, Anita and Alex, are killed, but this triggers a new power — time travel.
Hurling your and Julee’s consciousness back in time, you save and unlock Anita during the Day 3 mission, Missing Girl RE (2nd Loop), and Alex via the Day 1 mission, “Black Payback”.
Edo’s Location
Day 1 – Lurking Parasite RE (2nd Loop)
On main street, you’ll find two city dwellers who mention that a homeless guy’s dog is lurking nearby.
Opposite the Fish and Eggs Restaurant, you’ll find said dog looking down a blocked off alleyway. Possess them and follow the scent.
The dog will lead you straight to an injured Edo. All you need to do is possess them and knock some sense into the Slitterhead. Voila, you’ve unlocked another Rarity.
Tri’s Location
Day 2 – Hidden Cave RE (2nd Loop)
After confronting the Slitterhead infiltrator, head up to the third floor and sneak around the group of people praying.
You need to eavesdrop on the first floor until you hear about someone being held in a room above the chapel. Tri doesn’t seem to appear otherwise.
As you approach the balcony, you’ll see an open window to your left.
Enter possession mode and fly through the open window to find Tri on her knees, face-to-face with another Slitterhead infiltrator. Take control of her.
Defeat the Slitterhead and you’ll unlock Tri!
Doni’s Location
Day 2 – Sleepless Zone RE (2nd Loop)
By this point, Julee has dropped a few cryptic clues about Edo. It’s time to finally piece together the puzzle so that we can unlock Doni, our next Rarity.
Return to the Sleepless Zone RE (2nd Loop) mission, but make sure that you have Edo equipped. When you exit the building to the rooftop, don’t possess the nearby neighbours just yet. Instead, head to the door on the left and Edo can pick the lock.
Once inside this new room, you’ll see a ventilation shaft. Simply enter possession mode and fly into the opening.
Continue through the vent until you find an opening where you’ll see an injured Doni. You know the drill — possess him, win the fight, and unlock a new Rarity.
Blake’s Location
In my experience, Blake was unlocked by completing the Oppressive Force RE (2nd Loop) mission, which appears to be an intentional part of the story.
However, my colleague unlocked him when replaying Lurking Parasite RE (2nd Loop). We’re not entirely sure why this is, but Blake might be tied to how many missions you’ve completed.
All Betty Locations
The final Rarity is unlocked by completing all six Mysterious Old Lady encounters.
Her real name is Betty, and while she might seem sweet, she’s scarily adept at ripping apart Slitterheads with her blood cane.
Day 1 – Lurking Parasite RE (2nd Loop)
Opposite the Foot Massage Health Centre on the main street, you’ll find a fenced-off alleyway. Possess the NPC on the other side.
Head straight forward away from the fence and you’ll see the Mysterious Old Lady just before the left turn.
Day 1 – Oppressive Force RE (2nd Loop)
After chasing Yin Yue on the bridge, he will land on a rooftop. Once he does this, you’re free to explore the level.
Climb up the neon signs on main street towards the Noodle House at the back. You’ll see the Mysterious Old Lady to your right.
Day 2 – Hidden Cave RE (2nd Loop)
After entering the complex and triggering a cutscene, Edo will crouch down to begin the stealth segment.
Wait for the guard to turn around and walk away, and sneak into the church to your left through the double doors. Once inside, you’ll see the Mysterious Old Lady to the right.
Day 2 – Sleepless Zone RE (2nd Loop)
This encounter is practically unmissable. The Mysterious Old Lady appears right at the end of the mission on the rooftops during your chase with the Giant Leaf Insect Slitterhead. You’ll see her just before the boss leaps to the final platform.
Day 3 – Insidious Sucker RE (2nd Loop)
After taking control of Alex, turn right into the street. Take the second left and you’ll see the Mysterious Old Lady.
Day 3 – Missing Girl RE (2nd Loop)
This sighting is also pretty simple. While following Anita’s trail, you’ll see the Mysterious Old Lady in front of some shutters.
Finding all Mysterious Old Lady sightings will also net you an achievement/trophy.
Talk to her at all six of these sightings and you’ll unlock Betty, your last Rarity!

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