Key Takeaways
- Each Pantheon in Age of Mythology: Retold offers unique benefits & options, catering to different playstyles & strategies.
- Some Pantheons, like Set and Ra for Egypt, excel in military focus, while others like Gaia focus on economy & defensive play.
- Zeus stands out as one powerful Pantheon with strong infantry & hero units, making him a great choice for all-around effectiveness.
Age of Mythology: Retold is the latest remake of the classic RTS which lets players control legendary civilizations from the past, combining the classic base building and strategy mechanics with mythological elements. Players can choose from Greek, Egyptian, Norse, and Atlantean cultures. Each one has several Pantheons, each of which is represented by a major God. Each Pantheon has its own unique benefits associated with that God, in addition to varied selections of Minor Gods who in turn have their own special abilities and bonuses.
Though all the Pantheons contain their own particular focuses, there are some combinations of focuses and cultures which work better than others. Overall, all the Pantheons can be used successfully and will depend on each player’s preferred style, but there are advantages to some over others.

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Pantheons For Beginners, Ranked
Any player looking to dive into Age of Mythology: Retold for the first time may want to start with the following pantheons.
12 Set (Egyptian)
Focuses On Barracks Units
- Best Minor Gods: Ptah, Sekhmet, Thoth
The Egyptian God of storms, violence, and disorder, Set is a Pantheon with a military focus, providing bonuses to all barracks units such as infantry and cavalry. This helps when playing as the Egyptians, since their basic military units are relatively weak compared to the other cultures in the game.
Though Set has many advantages in this regard, along with a list of powerful Minor Gods to choose from, this Pantheon can be difficult to get to grips with. It doesn’t always play to the best strengths of Egyptian units, meaning that it might be more beneficial to choose a different one.
11 Gaia (Atlantean)
Focuses On Economy & Buildings
- Best Minor Gods: Leto, Rheia, Hekate
Out of the three Atlantean Pantheons, Gaia is the most unique and has several new mechanics which can’t be found elsewhere, such as Lush Growth. While this can be advantageous at times, it is also difficult to master this particular Pantheon as a result.
Gaia’s main strengths lie in Economic improvements, so it can be hard to compete with more militaristic opponents, especially in multiplayer. Nonetheless, Gaia is still a powerful Goddess with plenty of interesting options, including powerful Minor Gods and Myth Units.
10 Odin (Norse)
Focuses On Great Hall Units
- Best Minor Gods: Heimdall, Skadi, Baldr
The Norse all-father, Odin, may seem like an obvious go-to choice as one of the most powerful deities in all mythology. However, this Pantheon falls a bit short of other, more specialized Pantheons. Odin focuses on Hero and Cavalry units, which can be great for counter-attacking enemy forces, but may struggle in other areas.

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Odin has a selection of some of the best Minor Gods in the game, but there are still other Pantheons with a better selection. Odin is great for learning the mechanics of the Norse faction, but to maximize their potential, he is not always the best option.
9 Isis (Egyptian)
Focuses On Technology
- Best Minor Gods: Anubis, Nephthys, Thoth
As a more a defensive Pantheon, Isis is strong in many areas, but faces some disadvantages in other areas when compared with the stronger factions. Isis focuses on Economic and Technological improvements, which make resource management and collection easier.
As a result, however, the military can be quite weak, especially when facing some of the more combat-focused pantheons. Fortunately, Isis has access to many supreme God Powers through Minor Gods like Thoth and Nephthys, which help to balance things out.
8 Poseidon (Greek)
Focuses On Cavalry & Economy
- Best Minor Gods: Ares, Dionysus, Artemis
The Greek God of the sea, Poseidon, is one of the strongest Pantheons when it comes to Naval combat. He also provides useful benefits to both Cavalry units and several Economic buildings. The best advantage that Poseidon offers is his enhanced Market exchange rate, which makes accumulating a balance of resources much easier.
Aside from these few bonuses, though, Poseidon’s abilities are quite limited. Fortunately, a strong selection of powerful Minor Gods like Artemis and Dionysus help to elevate Poseidon above some weaker pantheons. There are more favorable options in general, but Poseidon is still a decent choice for players who prefer the Greek civilization.
7 Oranos (Atlantean)
Focuses On Vision & Mobility
- Best Minor Gods: Oceanus, Hyperion, Helios
Oranos is a solid Pantheon, but is best used by experienced players. His particular focus is on vision and mobility, which might not seem like the most valuable at first. However, these aspects can help with skirmishing attacks to disrupt enemies and create several interlinking bases.

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Pantheons For Multiplayer, Ranked
There are plenty of pantheons to choose from in Age of Mythology, but when it comes to multiplayer matches, these are your best options.
Along with these abilities, Oranos has access to all the usual powerful Atlantean troops and Myth Units. Oranos is best used in co-op as more of a scouting party, but a choice of great units and Minor Gods make it a good option for anyone with a fast-paced play style.
6 Ra (Egyptian)
Focuses On Stronghold Units & Empowerment
- Best Minor Gods: Ptah, Sekhmet, Osiris
The Egyptian Sun God, Ra, is arguably the strongest of the Egyptian Pantheons due to his special abilities, which focus on Empowerment and Stronghold Units. The main disadvantage of any Egyptian Pantheon is the slow construction times of workers, but Empowerment can help negate this, and Ra does it especially well.
As for military units, Ra’s focus on Stronghold units will greatly help when it comes to besieging and destroying enemy settlements. A variety of strong God powers also helps. However, Ra cannot use Thoth, the strongest of Egypt’s Minor Gods.
5 Thor (Norse)
Focuses On Dwarves & Armory
- Best Minor Gods: Freyja, Skadi, Baldr
Thor is arguably one of the stronger Pantheons in the game. He makes use of the unique cultural benefits of the Norse civilization, such as having Dwarves to accelerate Gold gather rates. Odin’s main focus is upgrading the Dwarves and the Dwarven Armory, which will bolster the power of all barracks infantry units.
This combination means that Thor will be strong both in the early game, when resource collection is most crucial, and towards the latter stages when a strong fighting force will be needed. Thor’s Minor Gods are relatively solid, but may be weak in the later ages depending on the opponent’s Pantheon.
4 Loki (Norse)
Focuses On Myth Units
- Best Minor Gods: Heimdall, Njord, Hel
The notorious trickster Loki is one of the most powerful Pantheons in the game, with a particular focus on Myth Units. Though he can be countered by a strong opponent with lots of Heroes, the strength of Loki’s abilities means that he can produce powerful fighting forces with a variety of units.

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Loki also makes Ox Carts cheaper and buildings faster to construct, both of which are extremely useful benefits to have, especially in multiplayer. In terms of his Minor God abilities, Loki has arguably the strongest selection out of any Norse Pantheon.
3 Hades (Greek)
Focuses On Ranged Soldiers & Buildings
- Best Minor Gods: Ares, Apollo, Hephaestus
The Greek God of the underworld, Hades, has many advantages which suit an aggressive playstyle, along with some valuable unique abilities, such as spawning Shades from fallen soldiers. Hades also provides increased Hit Points for all Myth Units.
In addition, Ranged soldiers and Fortifications will have their maximum range increased, enabling them to engage enemies for an extra volley or two before they close the distance. Hades’ Minor Gods are also very powerful, with options like Artemis and Apollo available to him.
2 Kronos (Atlantean)
Focuses On Siege & Myth Units
- Best Minor Gods: Leto, Hyperion, Atlas
Kronos is the most military-focused of the Atlantean civilizations, and also has access to some of the most powerful God powers in the game. With many bonuses to Siege and Myth units, Kronos is the ideal Pantheon for steamrolling through opposing settlements.
The time-shift ability also enables Kronos to teleport buildings, while the Vortex skill will do the same for soldiers. Buildings will also be constructed at a faster rate and refund a portion of resources whenever they are destroyed.
1 Zeus (Greek)
Focuses On Infantry & Heroes
- Best Minor Gods: Athena, Dionysus, Hera
As well as being one of the easiest Pantheons to use, Zeus is also the most powerful in a variety of areas. A number of military bonuses ensure that all units are supremely effective, with a particular focus on Infantry and Myth Units.

What’s Your Favorite Major God in Age of Mythology: Retold?
It’s not uncommon for players to change their minds about their favorite civilization or Major God from time to time. You might get tired of playing with the same characters or unlocking the same technologies and units over and over again. So, what’s your favorite Major God for the time being?At the moment, my favorite Major God in Age of Mythology: Retold is Oranos. Choosing this Major God lets me create Sky Passages, which are a fun mechanic that can really spice up the gameplay. Additionally, with this Major God, I can choose Hekate as a Minor God in the Mythic Age, and she has the coolest god power: Tartarian Gate, which makes it possible to open up a destructive portal to the Underworld near enemies, destroying nearby buildings and bringing in hounds from hell to devour them.
Addtionally, Zeus has a strong selection of Minor Gods which can be used more readily due to Zeus’ Favor gain. Apollo and Hera in particular have devastating combat abilities which will elevate Zeus’ armies and cause chaos for opposing forces.
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