Should You Tell Safi You Think You’re Capable Of Hurting Her Or Not In Life Is Strange: Double Exposure?

Should You Tell Safi You Think You're Capable Of Hurting Her Or Not In Life Is Strange: Double Exposure?

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From the moment Moses and Max find Safi’s photo of Max pointing a gun at her, Life is Strange: Double Exposure players likely have a question on their mind. Could Max actually do that? Is it just Photoshopped? What set of circumstances could lead the mild-mannered Max Caulfield to shoot her best friend?


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Once Safi sees the photo in chapter four, she has the same question for Max. Does Max actually think she’s capable of hurting Safi? But, which answer should you pick? The one that will make Safi feel better? Or the one that could hurt your friendship but might just be the truth?

Should You Tell Safi You’re Capable Of Hurting Her?

Safi in Life is Strange Double Exposure looking at Max in Max's house.

If you tell Safi that you’re capable of hurting her, she’ll say, “Well, then, let’s make sure you don’t have to.”

If you say you wouldn’t hurt Safi, Max qualifies the statement with the caveat that, at least, she thinks and hopes she couldn’t. Safi replies, “It’s a start. I trust you, Max Caulfield. Enough for both of us.”

Safi smiling in black and white with the option Yes selected in orange in Life is Strange Double Exposure.

When you get to the results screen at the end of the chapter, saying that you could hurt Safi gets the result “Safi is hurt by your answer,” while saying that you wouldn’t hurt Safi gets the result that “Safi believes in you.”

As far as we can tell from several playthroughs of the closing chapters of the game, there are no further consequences to this decision. This choice is purely an opportunity to roleplay your version of Max Caulfield. Is your Max capable of hurting Safi?


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