Modern Warfare II Season 04 — Showdown Map Intel

Modern Warfare II Season 04 — Showdown Map Intel
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For the purposes of this guide, we’re dividing Showdown into five main sections:

–       Construction

–       North Path

–       Main Entrance

–       South Path

–       Courtyard




Construction is nearly wide open, with only the forklift, cement bags, and the corner dumpster offering cover across its flat, square surface. The biggest challenge here is anticipating enemy attacks — will they arrive via the West Tunnel, Food Stalls, or Chicken Coop? Using the cover objects at hand, it’s possible to partly conceal yourself from one or two of these pathways, but you’re in turn reducing your own spatial awareness while doing so.

When holding the area for an objective, request support to cover the left and right flanks so you can focus on the central tunnel. If one of the flanks comes under fire, move up for additional support to better concentrate your defenses.

North Path


For this guide, the North Path includes, from east to west, Van, Blue Tarp, and Food Stalls. Van is mostly open, with some scattered cover objects for added defense. Your options expand near the eponymous vehicle, offering a quick means to get onto the ledge overhead. Run across the hanging boards to switch sides, or race for the upper path to move toward Food Stalls or into the upper levels of the courtyard. There’s also a ground-floor entrance into the courtyard from here, though getting to it exposes you to attacks from enemies on the other side of the gate.

In Food Stalls, the corner staircase and the low wall in front of the cafe provide great defensive positions when covering the area. When you’re covering the main path through the gate, consider setting up behind the white planter box with a sniper rifle or other long-ranged weapon in hand. For more aggressive play, race up the staircase to fire on enemies from above or to slink into the courtyard’s upper walkway.

Main Entrance


While not identical, the Main Entrance offers largely the same tactical choices as Construction, with a flat open square and some minor cover options throughout. Bring backup when defending the area to help you cover the three pathways in, and be ready to book it for the East Tunnel should any aerial streaks descend on your position.

South Path

Consisting of Glass Shop, Slide, and Chicken Coop, the South Path offers the other means of crossing the map outside of the Courtyard. Though cover objects are sparse, the long planter box in Glass Shop offers a solid defense when engaging enemies here, while the corner scaffolding offers a height advantage but little cover. Note the wooden platform under the Courtyard’s southeast ledge — this is a solid position from which to ambush incoming enemies.

The stone staircase offers a straightforward route over to Slide. From here, you can jump down to ground level or head into the lower Courtyard. You can also hop onto the wooden awnings along the bottom map border to maintain verticality. The Slide offers a powerful vantage point over Chicken Coop.


At the dead center of the map, the Courtyard with its central Statue sees some of the most intense action in the match. The surrounding walkways present dangers at every turn, but when you need to cross the map fast, it’s tempting to take the risk. With a combination of intel-gathering through comms and UAV assistance, plus judicial use of the available cover, it’s possible to get through here alive, but your timing’s got to be flawless.

When it comes to the surrounding walkways, be prepared to fight for your position on the coveted upper level. With a vantage point over Statue, plus sights over the North and South Paths, it’s a powerful area. With four entry points leading to the upper level, however, you must always be on guard, prepared to take on enemies attempting to usurp your position.



Objective Routes and Rotations