Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Campaign Innovation Deep Dive: Open Combat Missions

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Campaign Innovation Deep Dive: Open Combat Missions

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Just like in “Operation 627,” remaining off the radar in Open Combat Missions is often a viable strategy.

In most cases, enemies are unaware of your presence. If you draw attention to yourself, such as firing an unsuppressed weapon or walking right up to them, they can either become suspicious or immediately enter an alert state in order to hunt you down (and those actively firing, or foes you’ve previously tagged show up as red markers in places like the Tac Map).

It’s possible in some (but not all) missions to remain completely off the grid during the mission… But you’d better believe it’s difficult to pull this off, especially on Veteran Difficulty!


Guns a-Blazing

Full-on, all-out assaults are common in Call of Duty’s history, and you can pull them off in Open Combat Missions, too.

High-energy, high enemy count, and highly-explosive, going with a Weapons Free approach may not only be a viable strategy, but necessary to mission success.

With that said, on this Campaign’s hardest difficulty settings – much like in Campaign’s past – be prepared to even the odds when you are outnumbered and outgunned by dozens of enemy soldiers, vehicles, and Sentry Turrets, by employing one, a combination of, or as many of the following methods of mission completion:


Using Your Loadout

Not only do you typically have a Primary and Secondary Weapon, Equipment (Lethals and Tacticals), and on-Operator gear like binoculars or NVGs, but another part of your Loadout – and new to this Campaign – is additional equipment:

Here, just like in Call of Duty: Warzone™, you can stow away loadout items like Field Upgrades, Self-Revive Kits, and Equipment pieces for later use, allowing you to use certain strategies more often like…


Picking up Enemy Ordnance

Rather have the enemy’s gun instead of your own?

Feel free; just like the more familiar Campaign missions, your Open Combat Mission Operator can use all kinds of armaments, including those dropped by enemies.


Scavenging for More

New to Call of Duty Campaign missions, it’s possible to find loose loadout items, item boxes, or even the ability to swap to another loadout mid-mission via special loadout crate.

Some of these resources will be in obvious locations, others – especially those that can lead to some interesting strategies – are a bit harder to uncover.

However, your efforts will be rewarded with additional versatility for completing the objective.