Pokemon TCG’s Great Encounters set brings back some of the best Pokemon from the Hoenn region as well as the mightiest legends from Sinnoh. This includes the embodiment of time and space as the mightiest Pokemon reach a whole new level of power.

Pokemon TCG: The 12 Most Valuable Cards In Shining Fates
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With amazing Poke Powers, devastating Moves, and brilliant card designs, Great Encounters has plenty of cards for collectors to get their hands on. So, whether you’re checking to see if your old collection is worth selling, or if you’re hunting for the rarest finds in the Pokemon TCG, here are the eight most valuable cards available in the Diamond and Pearl: Great Encounters set.
Card values depicted reflect their market value on TCGplayer.com and may be subject to change with time.
Sceptile $11.00
Let It Grow
The Sceptile found in the Great Encounters set has a very dynamic card art. It shows Sceptile surfing on the branches of a tree like Tarzan. Surrounded by the green holographic sparkles, this is a pretty good-looking Sceptile card even though it is not full art.
While this does help it find favor among Sceptile fans, its Poke Body is also beneficial for those who played the game during its rotation. Wild Growth allows a single Grass Energy to count for two when attached to a Grass Pokemon. This is a fantastic Energy acceleration tactic without having to draw multiple cards from your deck.
Swampert $12.30
Throwing Mud At Your Opponent
If you like Mudkips, you’ll probably end up with a Swampert on your team. In the Pokemon TCG, you can find one valuable Swampert card in the Great Encounters set. This card has a unique art box because it also comes with a mud stain. This is not an accidental blemish though.

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This Swampert’s Poke Power, Wash Out, lets you move around Water and Fighting Energy from your Benched Pokemon to your Active Pokemon. Hammer Arm costs four Energy to use but will deal 80 damage and mill the top card of your opponent’s deck. So yes, you could say that this Swampert fights dirty.
Darkrai $12.37
A Pokemon With A Grudge
If you’ve ever owned an Action Replay device, then Darkrai is probably the first Pokemon you hacked into your game. In the Pokemon TCG, Darkrai is just as cool with a unique, lore-accurate Move to give your opponent some nightmares.
Darkrai and Cresselia are opposites of each other and are destined to fight. So when this Darkrai is attacking your opponent’s Cresselia, its Darkness Pursuit Move will get stronger just for the occasion. So if you’re looking for a cool Darkrai card to add to your collection, make sure to place it away from any Cresselia cards you have in your binder.
Togekiss $17.62
Togepi’s Final Form
The Togepi line was never that powerful. That is until Togekiss was introduced in the Sinnoh region. This card depicts Togekiss soaring through the sky. While this is technically depicted as the daytime, the holographic foiling makes it look like it’s the night sky instead.

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Its Poke Power is also useful for Energy acceleration. Serene Grace lets you look at the top ten cards of your deck when you Evolve Togetic. If you find any Energy among the cards that you looked at, you can attach them to your Pokemon in any way that you like. This is a really useful tactic that could get you all the Energy you need in the format where it was legal.
Cresselia Lv.X $20.79
Take Those Prize Cards
Cresselia is one of the most beautiful Pokemon in the entire franchise. Elegant and always causing darkness to retreat, having one on your team might just give you a good sleep. You can add a valuable Cresselia card to your collection from the Great Encounters set.
This one is Cresselia Lv.X and you can use it to power up your Cresselia that is already in play. You can use Full Moon Dance to move damage counters around, or Moon Skip to take an extra Prize card if you are successful in knocking out one of your opponent’s Pokemon. With holographic foiling in the art box and the card borders, what is not to like about it?
Darkrai Lv.X $41.39
The Nightmares Get Worse
Darkrai is popping right out of the card art in this printing. With its hand outstretched, you might find yourself having nightmares tonight. However, if you’re a collector, seeing this card in your collection is a real treat due to the holographic foiling that combines with the black card design for a haunting hue.

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Aside from powering up your Dark-type Pokemon’s Moves, this card is also perfect for those who like to flip coins. Endless Darkness puts your opponent’s Pokemon to sleep. Instead of flipping one coin to wake it up, it now needs two successful coin flips. If both are tails, your opponent’s Pokemon gets knocked out and will never wake up again.
Palkia Lv.X $77.51
The Power Of Space Unleashed
Palkia is the legendary Pokemon of space. This Lv.X Pokemon is surrounded by its power, which is displayed as a pearl pink hue behind it. Evolving your regular Palkia into this Pokemon allows you to use an additional Move called Hydro Reflect. This deals 60 damage while moving all the Energy from Palkia to your benched Pokemon.
Meanwhile, Restructure is a Poke Power that lets your opponent switch out one of your own Pokemon in exchange for you switching one of theirs. It’s an equivalent exchange between players. This is one Palkia card that deserves a space in your collection.
Dialga Lv.X $81.05
The Power Of Time Is Unstoppable
The most expensive card in Great Encounters is Dialga Lv.X Dialga Lv.X gives your existing Dialga a brutal Poke Power that might leave your opponent stunned if luck is not on their side. Time Skip allows you to force your opponent to flip two coins. If they manage to land on heads twice, your turn immediately ends.
However, if they get unlucky enough to land on tails twice, all they get to do the next turn is draw a card before the turn comes back to you. That’s right, this card makes your opponent skip their turn. So when you see this valuable Dialga pop up, you better hope that you can land those coins right.

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