In Life is Strange: Double Exposure‘s fourth chapter, everything comes to a head. You learn about Safi’s shapeshifting powers. Max and Safi team up to expose Lucas for the plagiarizing fraud he is. And Safi confronts Yasmin at gunpoint for her role in Maya Okada’s death. Though the game has been twisting and turning before now, this is where the drama reaches a boiling point.

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So, when you find Safi confronting Yasmin, how should you handle it? The game provides two options: rush Safi or attempt to talk her down. The choice is and isn’t consequential. In this guide, we’ll get into how.
Should You Rush Safi Or Try To Talk Her Down?
If you attempt to physically stop Safi, the gun goes off and clips Yasmin’s shoulder.
If you try to talk Safi down, Yasmin still ends up getting shot. In this case, Safi says, “This gun was the only choice I ever really had,” and in a burst of uncontrolled emotion, involuntarily changes form and shoots Yasmin in the shoulder.
In both cases, Safi’s powers go out of control and the chapter ends as Max looks at a picture to try to rewind. And, in both cases, Yasmin ends up shot and bleeding. Max’s choice doesn’t seem all that important. But…
…to get into how consequential this choice actually is, we need to spoil some things from the end of the game.
Beyond the specifics of how Yasmin gets shot, this choice also has an effect on whether Yasmin will step down as Caledon University president at the end of the game. In a playthrough where we tried to talk Safi down, Yasmin told Max that the college board had forced her out. But, in a playthrough where we tackled Safi, Yasmin was still facing an oppositional board, but resolved to fight them.
There is a third consequence here, as Yasmin can stay on as president. That option being available may be tied to whether you call Yasmin on her lie about Safi and Maya in chapter three.

Life Is Strange: Double Exposure – Should You Confront Yasmin Or Go Along With Her Story?
Yasmin lying to Max presents a tough decision.
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