Progression Systems Unredacted. Essential Intel on Progression, Unlocks, and Challenges — from the Return of Classic Prestige to Weapon Camos and all-new Mastery Badges

Progression Systems Unredacted. Essential Intel on Progression, Unlocks, and Challenges -- from the Return of Classic Prestige to Weapon Camos and all-new Mastery Badges
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Here’s a summary of the Progression, Challenge, and Customization systems covered in this blog:


Level Unlocks: Earn XP in Multiplayer and Zombies (and in Season 01: Call of Duty: Warzone™) to progress through 55 Levels of unlockable Weapons, Equipment, Scorestreaks, and more. 


Prestige: Classic Prestige is BACK in Black Ops 6 and bigger than ever! Players who reach and complete Max Level 55 will be presented with the choice to enter Prestige and restart their Leveling journey in exchange for a bit of Prestige and exclusive rewards. Read on to learn more about the return of Prestige and the valuable rewards up for grabs. 


Calling Card Challenges: Complete sets of Challenges in Multiplayer, Zombies, Campaign, and Call of Duty: Warzone (Season 01) to unlock Calling Cards to equip to your Profile and Calling Card Showcase. It wouldn’t be a Black Ops game without hidden-criteria Dark Ops Challenges to discover and unlock. Chase after the “100 Percenter” Calling Cards in each mode for the ultimate Challenge bragging rights.


Weapon Camos: The Weapon Camo grind has been overhauled in Black Ops 6 and is bigger than ever. Learn more about the new update to how you’ll be progressing through Camos on the quest to earn dynamic Dark Matter Camo in Multiplayer, Nebula Camo in Zombies, and the first ever Call of Duty: Warzone Mastery Camo: Abyss (Season 01).  


Reticle Challenges: Customizable Reticles and Reticle Challenges return to Call of Duty in Black Ops 6. Learn about how you’ll be unlocking and customizing Reticles in Multiplayer, Zombies, in Call of Duty: Warzone (Season 01). 


Mastery Badges: All-new for Black Ops 6, every Weapon, Equipment, Field Upgrade, and Scorestreak in your Loadout has a set of Multiplayer and Zombies Mastery Badges to progress through as you master each piece of Gear. Use and Master each piece of content to unlock its Mastery Badge and Stat Tracker and prove your mettle by revealing your top three Badges in-game and in your Social Showcase.  


Medal Collection: View your top Medals and the accumulation of Medals you’ve earned in Multiplayer and Zombies. The Collection will also let you know what’s needed to unlock Medals you haven’t seen yet.


Level Unlocks

Global System (MP, RBZ, WZ)

Barracks > Progression > Level Unlocks


“Earn XP to progress through 55 Level Unlocks and gain access to Weapons, Equipment, Scorestreaks, Operators, and more.”



Level Unlocks: System Overview


Here’s an overview of the main Progression System available for Multiplayer and Zombies at launch, and Call of Duty: Warzone at the start of Season 01.