Hu Tao Team Comp Guide

Hu Tao Team Comp Guide
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Hu Tao was a surprise release in Genshin Impact 1.3, where she wasn’t announced in the livestream and instead Xiao and Keqing was. However, since both Xiao’s and Keqing’s banners run for two weeks in a six-weeks cycle, the players are certain that there’s going to be a Hu Tao banner; and there was.

After Hu Tao was released and players understood her insane synergy with Xingqiu, she has maintained her spot as one of the best DPS characters in Genshin Impact. However, without Xingqiu or another proper Hydro-enabler, Hu Tao’s damage can be underwhelming, which makes it crucial to make the best Hu Tao team comp in Genshin Impact.

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Updated on November 2, 2024, by Nahda Nabiilah: When it comes to the best reactions for Hu Tao, Vaporize is the best reaction for her in Genshin Impact. Even if Melt is better on paper, Hu Tao can trigger Vaporize more constantly, which helps elevate her DPS. With many new Genshin Impact characters, you can create a lot of teams for Hu Tao in Genshin Impact. However, make sure to build her around characters she’s compatible with to get the most out of what Hu Tao can offer.

7 Hu Tao – Xingqiu – Diona – Bennett

hu tao-xingqiu-diona-bennett team composition in genshin impact

The idea of this Hu Tao team is to create a powerful circle where Hu Tao is strongly buffed to deal the absolute most DMG possible in a short period. Although Hu Tao will lose her 33% Pyro DMG bonus since her HP will remain above 50%, the team is still able to increase her DPS beyond what she’s sacrificing.

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After casting Xingqiu’s Elemental Burst in Genshin Impact, go for Diona’s Burst, and follow it with Bennett’s Ult on the same circle. This will establish an area where Hu Tao’s DPS is amplified by many elements, such as:

  1. Xingqiu and Diona will be able to freeze enemies inside the circles.
  2. Hu Tao and Xingqiu will keep triggering Vaporize
  3. Hu Tao will be able to Melt frozen enemies
  4. Diona will buff Hu Tao’s Elemental Mastery
  5. Bennett will grant Hu Tao a raw ATK buff that doesn’t scale with any of her stats.

Team Roles

  • Hu Tao: Main DPS, Pyro enabler
  • Xingqiu: Sub-DPS, Hydro enabler, minor healer
  • Diona: Support, healer, shielder, buffer
  • Bennett: Support, healer, buffer

6 Hu Tao – Xingqiu – Mona – Zhongli

hu tao-mona-xingqiu-zhongli team composition in genshin impact

A team with Hydro resonance is usually unheard of, especially if it’s helmed by a Pyro carry. However, this combination works well if players want Hu Tao to deal her highest damage numbers with her Burst. The Astrologist Mona allows for some astronomical (pun intended) damage numbers using her Burst.

5 Hu Tao – Xingqiu – Sucrose – Thoma

hu tao-xingqiu-sucrose-thoma team composition in genshin impact

Hu Tao and Xingqiu should always be together. The two can offer so much to each other, making them one of the best pairs in the game. As for Sucrose, her role is mostly to reduce enemies’ Elemental Resistance, making Kazuha a great replacement if available.

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Apart from that, this team plays out similarly to the most typical Hu Tao compositions. It’s just more geared for maximizing damage numbers. That means it’s great for flexing those million-high orange damage numbers. The Hydro resonance HP bonus is also perfect for Hu Tao.

Team Roles

  • Hu Tao: Main DPS, Pyro enabler
  • Mona: CC, Sub-DPS, Hydro enabler, buffer
  • Xingqiu: Sub-DPS, Hydro enabler, minor healer
  • Zhongli: Shielder, debuffer, buffer (with Tenacity of the Millelith)

Since Xingqiu is an amazing Hydro enabler, he has no problem helping Sucrose do her work. However, Hu Tao is kinda selfish since she can’t apply Pyro unless she enters the Paramita Papilio State (which she’ll lose if she’s switched out). Previously, every Pyro support had an issue with Hu Tao (for example, Xiangling would steal Hu Tao’s Vaporize). But with Thoma, there’s barely an issue. The Housekeeper can also take Zhongli’s role as the team’s shielder.

Team Roles

  • Hu Tao: Main DPS, Pyro enabler
  • Xingqiu: Sub-DPS, Hydro enabler, minor healer
  • Sucrose: CC, buffer, debuffer (with Viridescent Venerer)
  • Thoma: Shielder, Pyro enabler, buffer

4 Hu Tao – Yelan – Furina – Baizhu

hu tao-yelan-furina-baizhu team composition in genshin impact

Considering Hu Tao heavily relies on Vaporize to deal DMG, it’s not ideal to add Dendro to her team. However, Baizhu works well with her even if he’s a healer, which is also bad for Hu Tao’s DPS. The idea of this team is to create chaos among Vaporize, Burning, and Burgeon reactions in Genshin Impact.

Furina is set to keep taking away her allies’ HP with her Elemental Skill to further build up her Elemental Burst’s buff. Baizhu heals back the lost HP and balances Hu Tao’s HP to remain in the mid to low levels. He also greatly buffs the Burgeon reactions and slowly triggers the Burning reaction. Since enemies will often be affected by Pyro, it’s a good choice to bring a strong off-field hitter like Yelan who will take advantage of all those Vaporize opportunities. Hu Tao will be the main Burgeon trigger and will also enjoy causing Vaporize and Burning reactions along the way.

Team Roles

  • Hu Tao: Main DPS, Pyro enabler
  • Yelan: Sub-DPS, Hydro enabler, buffer
  • Furina: Support, Sub-DPS, Hydro enabler, strong buffer
  • Baizhu: Support, healer, shielder, Dendro enabler, buffer

3 Hu Tao – Xingqiu – Yelan – Kazuha

hu tao-xingqiu-yelan-kazuha team composition in genshin impact

Adding two Hydro units that are capable of raining Hydro on enemies and dealing so much off-field DMG, makes this Hu Tao team one of the best teams in Genshin Impact. With Xingqiu and Yelan, you’re unlocking the Hydro Resonance which will increase Hu Tao and Yelan’s HP by 25%. Not only that, but Kazuha will also collect opponents in one place and shred their Hydro and Pyro resistance while buffing the team’s Hydro and Pyro DMG by a lot. This creates a few seconds of the team delivering pure DMG.

Just note that while Kazuha can Swirl two Elements at once to activate his buff twice, players must do this strategically, as it’s hard to have Hu Tao’s Pyro outside of her turn. If this is the case, then replacing Kazuha with simpler Supports like Xilonen or Zhongli is highly recommended.

Team Roles

  • Hu Tao: Main DPS, Pyro enabler
  • Xingqiu: Sub-DPS, Hydro enabler, minor healer
  • Yelan: Sub-DPS, Hydro enabler, buffer
  • Kazuha: CC, buffer, debuffer (with Viridescent Venerer)

2 Hu Tao – Yelan – Furina – Xianyun

hu tao-yelan-furina-xianyun composition in genshin impact

This is the ultimate Hu Tao team in Genshin Impact. Furina works perfectly well with Hu Tao since she constantly consumes her HP and keeps her at 50%, Xianyun heals some back and allows Hu Tao to Plunge attack enemies, which creates insane Vaporize numbers when Yelan applies Hydro on enemies.


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Every DPS in this team relies on HP to deal DMG and with the Hydro Resonance of Yelan and Furina, the entire team will get an extra 25% HP. Xianyun can also reduce enemies’ resistance to Hydro and Pyro with the Viridescent Venerer set, adding even more DMG to Hu Tao, Yelan, and Furina. This entire team works really well together to create one of the best teams in Genshin Impact.

Team Roles

  • Hu Tao: Main DPS, Pyro enabler
  • Yelan: Sub-DPS, Hydro enabler, buffer
  • Furina: Support, Sub-DPS, Hydro enabler, strong buffer
  • Xianyun: Support, healer, buffer, debuffer (with Viridescent Venerer)

1 Hu Tao – Xingqiu – Albedo – Zhongli

hu tao-xingqiu-albedo-zhongli team composition in genshin impact

The classic two Geo with a DPS to create a hyper carry main DPS in Genshin Impact. Hu Tao and Xingqiu are more than enough to trigger Vaporize on every one of her Charged attacks, which leaves two free spaces in Hu Tao’s team. Having two Geo units will trigger the Geo Resonance that adds to Hu Tao’s DPS.

On the other hand, Zhongli will keep Hu Tao shielded since she will keep taking her HP down. He will also debuff enemies’ resistance, which will increase her and Xingqiu’s DMG. As for Albedo, he works as a Sub-DPS who will deal a decent amount of DMG every time Hu Tao or Xingqiu hits an enemy with their attacks. As an alternative, players can also use Chiori as a Sub-DPS or Xilonen for an extra Support.

Team Roles

  • Hu Tao: Main DPS, Pyro enabler
  • Xingqiu: Sub-DPS, Hydro enabler, minor healer
  • Albedo: Sub-DPS
  • Zhongli: Shielder, debuffer, buffer (with Tenacity of the Millelith)

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